1. A way to draw on the map, so you can mark stuff down. Every adventurer needs it. 2. A way to put an item in the Lutefish Box without dragging, like instead you ctrl+click them. (you open it up and ctrl+click) 3. A way to choose how you sort your inventory, like by alphabetical order or by how much you have of a item. I hope you like my them.
#1 - Seconded. Even just dropping a colored pin on the map to say "come back here later!" would be awesome. #2 - I give this a -1. I'd hate to automatically 'cube something, and I fear that would be the result of a change like this. #3 - There is already a "sort inventory" button - but I don't use it, because it doesn't sort things the way I like them sorted. So how about this - put the sort priority into an XML file, and let me edit it? That way I can personalize the sorting, and I'd use that button all the time!
This can actually be done currently, in 1.0.10, without requiring any changes in code, no modding, etc. On one of the first few levels, when you get a quest of the "take this artifact to the monolith" style, just don't do it. You're out one very minor artifact, but gain a map marker. If you set the quest item down anywhere, a yellow crosshairs appears on the mini-map until you pick it up. Even works on floors other than where the quest is. My wife pointed out this functionality to me a couple days ago, and I've been using it since to mark where I've got my pile of crafting reagents, or anything I need to come back to explore. Three minor downsides: One less minor artifact to sell, send to the museum, or maybe even use. Typically you're out about 50 zorkmids on GR, and maybe as much as 240 xp for an Archaeology character on NTTG. Not a big deal. Takes up an inventory slot when you don't yet have anything worth marking. If you keep more than one marker, there's no way to tell them apart if you put them both on the same floor. Not that I'm in any way arguing against the devs adding custom map-markers to the game. I'd love to see that implemented, especially if it was moddable. I'd also love to see vending machines and grills added to the map. In the meantime, the yellow crosshairs trick solves most of that. I'd also love it if bookshelves would remove themselves from the map once you use them so they stop hiding the walls and doors... oh, I just realized I can actually mod that part of it in. I just have to change a couple graphics files. I should have a new mini-map-only mod posted later today. EDIT: They have been removed from the 1.0.11 (the YHTNTEP build).
This already happens on my version of the game. I'm using the new expansion DLC Beta. Bookcases don't even show up anymore.
Funny thing is, I've had some opportunity to play the DLC Beta, and didn't even notice that change. Oh well, still probably worth my making a little mod that'll remove dead quest monsters, opened uberchests, etc, from the map. Won't take more than a couple minutes. The longest part will be checking the DLC to see if any of that's already been done for me.
So as to not derail this thread any further, here's a link to the thread of the mod that it inspired.