I am disappointed

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Marcus, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Marcus

    Marcus Member

    I am really disappointed,I was goin to get all the achievment in the games,then I found that you guys have removed the Deadshot skill tree,leaving the achievment thoug,so now noone can take it…seriously,I am really disappointed on this,please fix it,otherwise I don't buy futures dlc :\
  2. Mr_Strange

    Mr_Strange Member

    If someone makes a good implementation of Deadshot - I'll bet we can get it into a future expansion and have that achievement re-enabled.
  3. Tycho

    Tycho Member

    There's a way to enable it to get the achievement, do a search on the forums.

    And not going to buy DLC because of a Steam achievement? Really?

    No, really, I am VERY serious here. Realm of the Diggle Gods did wonders for some existing skill trees and brought in new ones, some of which are really awesome (Emomancy is a really cool addition to the Wizardly arsenal and Demonology has one of the most outstanding defensive abilities in the game). And the next DLC, which will be FREE, promises to be stellar due in no small part to the active and talented modding community present here.
  4. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Just edit the skillDB.xml file and remove the <flags> element from this skill.

    The file is in \Steam\steamapps\common\dungeons of dredmor\game

    Open it in Notepad, or some other plain text editor (not Word or Wordpad). Do a search for "Deadshot" and you'll find this:

    <skill name="Deadshot" id="12" type="warrior" deprecated="1" achievement="ACHIEVEMENT_DEADSHOT_MASTERY" description="You are less likely to miss, and when you hit you have an increased opportunity to deal terrible wounds.">
      <art icon="skills/skill_deadshot.png"/>
      <loadout type="armour" subtype="Spectacles"/>
      <flags deprecated="1"/>
    Delete the <flags deprecated="1"/>. The deprecated="1" in the first line doesn't matter. Then start a new game, take the skill, level it up, then BUY ALL OF THE DLC!
  5. Marcus

    Marcus Member

    @Tycho: I don't question/argue about is quality (forgive my english btw),but I have played & died enough to see everything on the game & DLC,so now I am more concerned with the achievment hunt (for me achievment are like a sidequest of the game,unlocked when I finish the game) & If I can't have that done,probably I will be too much pissed off about to purchase any related element in the future :)

    @Glazed:seems too much trouble for me,I still expect that they fix it & make it working properply,cause I have pay for it :)
  6. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    They won't fix it because it's not a bug. To "deprecate" means "to express disapproval of". It's a really old skill that was not good, so it was removed from the game. The only reason it's still there in the XML is so that old save games which were created with that skill wouldn't crash when the skill was removed.

    There's another, easier way to enable the skill for use. You can edit your "last.txt" file in your save game folder and change one of the numbers to 12 (that's the ID of the Deadshot skill in the XML file.) Then start a new game and use the "Last" button to load the skills from this file. One fo them will be Deadshot.
  7. Marcus

    Marcus Member

    that sound easy,I will try,thanks :)
  8. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    <skill name="Deadshot" id="12" type="warrior" achievement="ACHIEVEMENT_DEADSHOT_MASTERY" description="You are less likely to miss, and when you hit you have an increased opportunity to deal terrible wounds. Also, you attract attention from the dead from time to time.">
    <art icon="skills/skill_deadshot.png"/>
    <loadout type="armour" subtype="Spectacles"/>

    <ability name="Deadshot" icon="skills/skill_deadshot.png" skill="12" startSkill="1">
    <description text="Aim deadly and true. You'd think it was common sense that hitting your target would enhance combat performance, right?"/>

    <ability name="Beginner's Luck" icon="skills/warrior/deadshot0_64.png" skill="12" level="0">
    <secondarybuff id="9" amount="3"/> <!-- edr -->
    <secondarybuff id="4" amount="2"/> <!-- crit -->
    <recoverybuff amount="20"/>
    <description text="With some basic training, you don't miss as much in combat as linear mathematics would suggest. Also, you're better at hitting enemies in ways that don't break your projectiles."/>

    <ability name="William Told" icon="skills/placeholder64.png" skill="12" level="1">
    <secondarybuff id="18" amount="1"/> <!-- sight -->
    <crossbowShotBuff percentage="100" name="Apple On My Head"/>
    <thrownBuff percentage="100" name="Apple On My Head"/>
    <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="100" name="Apple On My head"/>
    <description text="Once upon a time, a crazy archer shot an apple off of his son's head. The spirit of that archer is so impressed by your accuracy that he follows you around, putting apples on your enemy's heads. Often, when you miss, those apples fall off. The spirit also occasionally whispers advice in your ear and points out things you wouldn't otherwise have seen. "/>

    <ability name="True Aim" icon="skills/warrior/deadshot1_64.png" skill="12" level="2">
    <secondarybuff id="4" amount="3"/> <!-- crit -->
    <secondarybuff id="9" amount="2"/> <!-- edr -->
    <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="14" name="Shot Put" />
    <spell name="True Aim"/>
    <description text="You're getting good at hitting enemies where it hurts most -- some of your attacks leave their leg-equivalents momentarily disabled. Taking a moment to inhale and focus ensures your next shot will literally always hit its target."/>

    <ability name="Robbin' Hoodie" icon="skills/placeholder64.png" skill="12" level="3>
    <secondarybuff id="12" amount="2"/> <!-- Sneak -->
    <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="100" name="Arrow Splitting"/>
    <criticalBuff percentage="100" name="Arrow Critting"/>
    <description text="The spirit decided to give you a gift. It's a hoodie. Apparently he thinks it'll be helpful. Regardless, he's also taught you the art of arrow-splitting -- if you can hit an enemy once, it gets markedly easier to hit him again in the same spot. The actual arrow, fortunately, is unnecessary; it works with basically anything."/>

    <ability name="Masterful Marksman" icon="skills/skill_deadshot.png" skill="12" level="4">
    <secondarybuff id="9" amount="5"/> <!-- edr -->
    <secondarybuff id="4" amount="5"/> <!-- crit -->
    <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="16" name="Body Shots" />
    <description text="In addition to not missing and hitting critical weak-points, you have a chance to hit your enemies in one of a few vital places, with various debilitating effects ranging from blindness to a severe apple allergy. Quite annoying to people who keep getting appled by an annoying spirit."/>


    <spell name="Summon Apple" type="target">
    <effect type="Spawn" itemName="Apple"/>

    <spell name="Apple On My Head" type="target">
    <buff usetimer="1" time="2" icon="skills/placeholder64.png" smallicon="skills/placeholder32.png" bad="1">
    <dodgeBuff percentage="80" name="Summon Apple"/>
    <blockBuff percentage="100" name="Summon Apple"/>
    <counterBuff percentage="60" name="Summon Apple"/>

    <spell name="Shot Put" type="target">
    <buff usetimer="1" time="2" icon="skills/placeholder64.png" smallicon="skills/placeholder64.png" bad="1">
    <effect type="lockdown" amount="2">

    <spell name="Arrow Splitting" type="target">
    <buff usetimer="1" time="2" allowstacking="1" stacksize="3" icon="skills/placeholder64.png" smallicon="skills/placeholder64.png" bad="1">
    <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-10"/>

    <spell name="Arrow Critting" type="target">
    <buff usetimer="1" time="2" allowstacking="1" stacksize="3" icon="skills/placeholder64.png" smallicon="skills/placeholder64.png" bad="1">
    <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-10"/>
    <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-10"/>
    <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-10"/>

    <spell name="Body Shots" type="target">
    I don't have time to write this whole thing up right now, but if you check out this bit of goodness from Zarathustra, you'll get the idea:

    <spell name="Organ Hit" type="target">
    <effect type="damage" piercing="3" piercingF="0.15"/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/corpse_hit_mini/corpse_hit_mini" frames="4" framerate="100" sfx="impact" centerEffect="0"/>
    <effect type="triggerfromlist">
    <option name="Heartbroken"/>
    <option name="Liverbroken"/>
    <option name="Pancreasbroken"/>
    <spell name="Heartbroken" type="target">
    <description text="You've been hit right in the blood-pumping thing."/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/corpse_hit_mini/corpse_hit_mini" frames="4" framerate="100" sfx="impact" centerEffect="0"/>
    <buff useTimer="1" time="60" stacksize="1" self="0" stackable="0" icon="skills/skill003_64.png" smallicon="skills/skill003_32.png" bad="1">
    <primarybuff id="0" amount="-5"/>
    <primarybuff id="3" amount="-5"/>
    <secondarybuff id="13" amount="-10"/>
    <resistbuff piercing="-4"/>
    <spell name="Liverbroken" type="target">
    <description text="Your booze-to-mana organ has been hit. Hopefully it'll grow back."/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/corpse_hit_mini/corpse_hit_mini" frames="4" framerate="100" sfx="impact" centerEffect="0"/>
    <buff useTimer="1" time="60" stacksize="1" self="0" stackable="0" icon="skills/skill003a_64.png" smallicon="skills/skill003a_32.png" bad="1">
    <primarybuff id="1" amount="-5"/>
    <primarybuff id="5" amount="-5"/>
    <secondarybuff id="14" amount="-10"/>
    <resistbuff crushing="-4"/>
    <spell name="Pancreasbroken" type="target">
    <description text="Not your pancreas! Without it, you can't... do whatever you need a pancras to do."/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/corpse_hit_mini/corpse_hit_mini" frames="4" framerate="100" sfx="impact" centerEffect="0"/>
    <buff useTimer="1" time="60" stacksize="1" self="0" stackable="0" icon="skills/skill003b_64.png" smallicon="skills/skill003b_32.png" bad="1">
    <primarybuff id="2" amount="-5"/>
    <primarybuff id="4" amount="-5"/>
    <resistbuff slashing="-4"/>
    <spell name="Break A Leg" type="target">
    <description text="You're pretty sure those bones should be on the inside of the skin."/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/corpse_hit_mini/corpse_hit_mini" frames="4" framerate="100" sfx="impact" centerEffect="0"/>
    <buff useTimer="1" time="80" stacksize="2" self="0" stackable="1" icon="skills/skill012_64.png" smallicon="skills/skill012_32.png" bad="1">
    <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-3"/>
    <secondarybuff id="9" amount="-3"/>
    <secondarybuff id="12" amount="-3"/>
    <spell name="Arm On, Arm Off" type="target">
    <description text="This is not doing favors to your manicure."/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/corpse_hit_mini/corpse_hit_mini" frames="4" framerate="100" sfx="impact" centerEffect="0"/>
    <buff useTimer="1" time="80" stacksize="2" self="0" stackable="1" icon="skills/skill008_64.png" smallicon="skills/skill008_32.png" bad="1">
    <secondarybuff id="2" amount="-3"/>
    <secondarybuff id="7" amount="-3"/>
    <secondarybuff id="8" amount="-3"/>
    <secondarybuff id="4" amount="-3"/>
    <spell name="Eye Scream" type="target">
    <description text="You don't see about 50% of what the fuss is all about."/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/corpse_hit_mini/corpse_hit_mini" frames="4" framerate="100" sfx="impact" centerEffect="0"/>
    <buff useTimer="1" time="80" stacksize="2" self="0" stackable="1" icon="skills/skill002_64.png" smallicon="skills/skill002_32.png" bad="1">
    <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-5"/>
    <secondarybuff id="7" amount="-3"/>
    <secondarybuff id="8" amount="-5"/>
    <secondarybuff id="9" amount="-5"/>
    <secondarybuff id="16" amount="-3"/>
    <secondarybuff id="17" amount="-3"/>
    <secondarybuff id="18" amount="-2"/>
    <spell name="My Brain Hurts" type="target">
    <description text="Guess you have brain problems."/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/corpse_hit_mini/corpse_hit_mini" frames="4" framerate="100" sfx="impact" centerEffect="0"/>
    <buff useTimer="1" time="120" stacksize="1" self="0" stackable="0" icon="skills/skill004_64.png" smallicon="skills/skill004_32.png" bad="1">
    <secondarybuff id="1" amount="-99"/>
    <secondarybuff id="14" amount="-99"/>
    <primarybuff id="1" amount="-20"/>
    <primarybuff id="2" amount="-5"/>
    <primarybuff id="4" amount="-5"/>
    <primarybuff id="5" amount="-20"/>
    ...basically something like that goes there.
    OmniNegro and Doc Gelegentlich like this.