So, here's my first mod that's publicly consumable. Its a series of skills which grant usable spells - each one stacks, and each one offers a cancellable buff with a flat mana debuff. Edit: Spoiler: Now released under the MIT license. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this mod and associated documentation files (the “Mod”), to deal in the Mod without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Mod, and to permit persons to whom the Mod is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Mod. Permission to sell this mod is obtained from Gaslamp Games prior to any attempts to sell this mod. THE MOD IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE MOD OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE MOD Overall this tree has three main uses (by my guess): A) on a mage, it can offer Ultimate Cosmic Power and a little bit of bulkiness/melee capacity. B) on a gish, it can offer more magic power, and overall synergises great. C) on a melee, it offers a little more bulk and a little more damage, but issues with having enough buffs up. I would like feedback etc. so I can balance it and such. Version number: 1.20 is the most recent.
I've played an early build, and I can say with safety, this is a great skill. By the way, the mod release subforum is thattaway.
I suspect mining put it here by choice. He says it is not complete and he requested feedback for balancing. I think he knows he can get it moved after it is completed.
Skinweaver instantly crashes the game for me. Does it work stable for you mining? (Or anyone else for that matter?)
Like I said, it uses (requirebuffontrigger) so don't use it unless you like Fun Code: <spell name="skinweavetick" type="self"> <effect type="heal" amount="1" amountF="0.1" /> <effect type="spellpoints" amount="-3"/> <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Skin Weave" spell="skinweavetick" /> </spell> <spell name="Skin Weave" type="self" icon="skills/warweaver6.png"> <requirements mp="15" savvyBonus="0.2" mincost="10" /> <buff useTimer="0" removable="1" self="1" bad="0" stacksize="1" allowStacking="0" icon="skills/warweaver6l.png" smallicon="skills/warweaver6.png"> <secondarybuff id="14" amount="1"/> <secondarybuff id="13" amount="-1"/> </buff> <effect type="trigger" spell="skinweavetick"/> <description text="The mana tingles as it weaves your skin together. Ouch."/> </spell> ^^ thats the code for it, if you like you can remove the line <effect type="trigger" spell="skinweavetick"/> and it will be a +1 health regen -1 mana regen skill.
Ok, just figured out a major issue to start with, had no delay on the trigger so it would've gone all infinite loop on me even if requirebuffontrigger was working. Here's an updated version with that fix, and the call for skinweavetick commented out so you can use it in the meantime. Edit to add: DL in the original post has this fixed too.
Ok, so with the expansion + requirebuffontrigger coming in, this'll be getting a few decent changes. Skin Weave will be getting a complete rework so its a heal that ticks each turn provided you have the buff up Unfortunately, I can't make it stop healing you if you run oom, which is a real shame - if anyone has a suggestion for how to do this, please share.
D'oh - yeah, I was going to make it hungry to start with, and lower the mana cost / turn done in the dot by one, then afterwards I looked at it and was like "Thats stupid, why would I do that in two different spots - why not put them in the same dot!"
Because someone's using it, I'm going to fix the only remaining issue with it (skin weaver needs to be better, and with RCX I should be able to do it)
Version 1.10 uploaded, Skinweave now works as intended. I'm looking for balance feedback at this stage.
It's kind of a tough one to get a grip on to be honest. Empowered mana weave is ok, it's not OP, it might be a little UP. Best use I can think of for it is boosting gish melee procs that scale from magic power. Emperor's new clothes is risky to use, but as long as nothing hits you with existential it's pretty good. Overly complex weave is well, strange. Not sure how it works in practice, but the buffed stats aren't that awesome, and the procs are easily resisted(you haven't given an amount), but paralyze is always good for procs. Woven Sheath looks to be quite powerful for the right gish... Rainbow weave is probably on the weak side for how late it comes. Skinweaver looks useful(heals always are), but perhaps a bit costly, particularly due to the nature of this skill tree, if you're running around with abysmally low max mana because you're using the other buffs, then you can't afford to use this. In short it clashes heavily with the rest of the skill. (Btw I find it interesting that you used a different solution than I used for Mutant's Unhealthy Glow). Blazing weave looks pretty good, risky but not nearly as much as emperor's new clothes. Not sure I'd rather run it than woven sheath for melee... Doily may be straight up OP in its enabling effect. (Or not, I mean, if the things you use that scale with magic power use the common 0.2 it means +10 damage/heal/whatever).
Since this is halfway down the page: (also spoilers if you don't want to know exactly how this stuff works) Every stack of the Mandelbrot Weave gives you a 10% chance to trigger Mage's Circle effect - 5 turn paralyze and 1 +0.4 aethereal damage. Woven Sheath is a 3+0.2 damage drain effect - aethereal of course, with a 15% chance per stack. Rainbow weave was my biggest concern, tbh - some of the mana cost is mitigated, so you're only paying something like 30 mana for 10 to each stat. Blazing weave gives you a 5% chance of burning anyone and anything near you per stack when you're attacked - it literally drops a template of Gog's Infernal Pyres on the ground.
Full stack of Woven Sheath has a 55,62946875% chance to go off at least once on any given attack. Full stack of Mandelbrot Weave has a 40,951% chance to go off at least once on any given attack. Full stack of Blazing Weave has a 22,62190625% chance to go off at least once on any given attack.
Yep, thats what's intended, basically. Its a decent enough idea to get surrounded if you have enough magpower to fuel your drain and stuns.
Mandelbrot Weave and Empowered Weave are my go-tos for war weaver gishes. Stun proc is amazing, and the free damage is terrific.
Your zip has two copies of the mod with different content and a zip inside as well. (The zip inside was not examined for what version it is.) You may want to clean it up a bit. I am unsure which version is intended. *Edit* I checked each and none seem correct. I did not examine everything, but the version number in mod.xml is 1.00 and 1.10 between all three (Or two?) versions.