Fed up with the crafting components/tools vs inventory space situation

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Aegho, May 19, 2012.

  1. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Seriously, there's too many reagents and not enough inventory space, then you need space for the consumables you make with them, and loot, and tools(I'm quite fond of crafter builds... I can have need of all the tools, which is almost a line of inventory just for the tools, almost 1/6th inventory), then there's almost another line taken by metals, and so on and so on.

    My inventory would still be cramped if it was doubled.

    I am seriously considering going through the game files and just paring down all the recepies and components to something more manageable. Like 2 metals, 2 sub-potions, 2 powders, 2 gems, etc. Just out of sheer frustration with the inventory situation.

    I enjoy crafting, but the inventory problems is such a big frustration that it's turning me off playing the game.
  2. Tycho

    Tycho Member

    The crafting/inventory quandary is something that I think will only really be solved by a specialized system for storing reagents. There ARE an awful lot of reagents though, and some of them are not flagged as "reagents" - gems, for example. Gems' only real use is as a reagent aside from just selling to Brax for Zorkmids, and I don't see why they shouldn't have a reagent tag especially if it makes them eligible for reagent storage status.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Nicholas has made grumblings that something mysterious-yet-helpful will probably be done for the inventory scenario 'soon', which probably means 2 releases from now, which probably means August or September. In the meantime, I'm sure people would love it if you posted a revised craftDB with alternate, simpler recipes and a revised itemDB with 2/3rd of the reagents taken out. I mean LOVE you.
  4. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Gems are a special kind of reagent. They do have the alchemical="1" attribute in their XML like the other reagents do. They just also have the addition of a <gem/> element. Gems are somewhat special because there are spells that transmute them. That's why they have this extra marking. There's no reason why a special container that held reagents couldn't also hold gems if it were programmed properly.
  5. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    i really really hope it's something radically good. last time i played Clockwork Knight and Tinkering together, I had...4 spaces max open for 10 floors of the game haha. it was kind of terrible. :( for now I've been playing strictly Vegan and little to no crafting to save space.
  6. magicbison

    magicbison Member

    Why couldn't we have varied bags that took up item bar spaces for extended inventory?

    People are crazy for loot, stashing is not fun unless you like running back and forth for, back to pelting helpless diggles with baseballs.
  7. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    It's something radical. Tell you more about it in a few weeks.
  8. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I've been collecting snippets of rumours here and there. It sounds like they're actually planning a significant overhaul of some pretty core game mechanics. I don't know what they could do, for example, to make :sneakiness: something you really would strive to maximize, but they say it will be. I'm starting to get pretty excited, all things considered. :)
  9. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    "Expansion Three: We finally looked at your backpack!" :)
    Kazeto likes this.
  10. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    OMG, the things I'm not supposed to tell you...They are Good. You will be well pleased.
    Kazeto and OmniNegro like this.
  11. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    So stop teasing people and get some sleep instead. You know, to have some in reserve for when you are tired...
    mining likes this.
  12. landiel

    landiel Member

    So, it's been 2 weeks and the expansion is out. Any update on a possible Bag of Holding?
    Or a possible extra hotkey bar?
  13. Giygas

    Giygas Member


    I'm sorry. I had to say that. Yes, I agree, I always need inventory space, I want more.
    Glazed, SkyMuffin, Aegho and 2 others like this.
  14. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    But the square root of my 0 inventory spaces is still 0 :(
  15. partof

    partof Member

    You will tell me that I'm insane, but I like the limited storage concept.. well no I really hAtE it.. but I can understand it and actually like it. :)
    Basically, I think that is done on purpose, because it's realistic and you have to choose what you will craft in game.
    It forces people to try different play-styles and skill sets.

    One suggestion though, it would be great if you can craft or find Magic Pocket Chest to expand backpack space a little.Also there can be special belt restricted to pots only, quiver for bolts, bag for gems. You can have only one of each type at a time.
    Make them very rare or require special recipe with rare components to craft them.
  16. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    You're compartmentalising, sort of like a lot of religious people. You hold two conflicting views on the same subject.
  17. partof

    partof Member

    I'm not very religious, and I can think about something from different points of view.
    I think I've explained myself with:
    Same way I liked limited storage space in Diablo II. It's all about balance and replayability of games.
    Edit: It's fun to see a greedy Scrooge in all of us. :D
  18. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Not only does it force you to choose what to craft, it forces you to choose wether to have materials for crafting or space for looting. It results in people needing to pick a spot to drop a bunch of stuff to make room in their inventory so that they can play, and then return there when they want to craft, and then when they switch floors, it forces them to do multiple trips up/down to grab everything from the pile to the new floor. This is not conductive to a fun play experience.
  19. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    There is some kind of solution coming. I can't give more details than that, but Dbaum said the same thing a while ago.
  20. doorhandle

    doorhandle Member

    While we are talking about space, I think that the ability bar near the bottom of the screen could also use some expanding, although it may be hard to integrate that and the expanded button size. Being able to see more of your abilities at once would be helpful, and wouldn't do much to change the difficulty