Assassination suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Infiltrator, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Infiltrator

    Infiltrator Member

    Somewhere along the rogue/assassin trees should be an ability that grants increased attack power when coming out of stealth, as well as attacking sleeping monsters. I don't think it would be considered overpowered to flat-out double the damage output when attacking this way.. I think it would add more flavor and power to the rogue class and allow them to at least be the kings of 1 on 1 combat - as they would still retain their weakness to deal with large groups of monsters.
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    The problem with this idea is, right now there are no hooks for skills/spells to detect whether the player is invisible at all, let alone that he just stopped being invisible.

    But the idea is good.
  3. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Sort of. You can use a requirebuffontrigger that matches any or a single one of the invisibility spells. The problem is that if you call it with an attack="1" ability, it wipes the invis before it checks.
  4. klaymen_sk

    klaymen_sk Member

    And what about giving Assassination a buff, let's call it Stealth or something like that, which will wear off after your first attack, or give it a mana upkeep cost. It can increase your Sneakiness (bigger bonus for the 1 attack variant, smaller bonus for the maintainable buff) and giving you a bonus damage scaling with your Sneakiness, even with extra damage to stunned, sleeping or non-hostile enemies.
  5. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Detecting paralyze, sleep, or unaware on a monster is currently undetectable. It has, however, been requested.
  6. Cream Magneto

    Cream Magneto Member

    i would go for something like backstabbing for 2x damage,the game does seem to diferentiate between "hasnt noticed you" and "is trying to kill you" makes :sneakiness: a useful stat for once.

    maybe make it exclusive to burglary or assasination if it becomes too OP.
  7. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yes, it can differentiate, but you can't detect that differentiation within spellDB.
  8. Nikolai

    Nikolai Member

    I always thought it was a shame ambushing/backstabbing didn't exist in the game. I'm fairly certain Burglary is too useful right now to add it in there, and it makes more sense with Assassination anyways.

    We could just make it a guaranteed crit, or a guaranteed crit with some bonus damage/melee power/scaling on top. Provided the necessary code can be managed.
  9. mutated

    mutated Member

    The new DLC will have field-of-vision cones, which will presumably help this matter along.