FAXPAX: A Thing What Fax Made

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by FaxCelestis, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. mining

    mining Member

    Pardon me, Daynab:

    JadestoneX: Thats fricking ridiculous.

    Should people need to have years of experience as an artist to be able to mod? I frigging hope not, because I'm modding, and I don't know how to do art whatsoever. Does that mean I should go off to art school if you don't like my mod? No, it means you shouldn't use my mod.

    If you dislike a mod, you can probably learn to change it.

    Finally, its absolutely ridiculous that you're spouting off on all sorts of issues you have as though its an excuse for, frankly, being a douche online.

    "Oh, I have (condition X), so let me piss all over you". Doesn't work quite like that in the real world, so it shouldn't work like that online.


    @Aegho's point below: Or deleted. They serve no purpose, really.
  2. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    This is awkward. But yeah, I think it's best if we don't get off track and continue discussing the mod.
    Jade, please take this simple word of advice, just be nice from now on. No matter how angry you get.
    It will keep you from dying from a heart attack from stress/anger. Trust me, that is actually how people do die.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  3. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    A moderator request: Can we have JadestoneX temper tantrums and responses to them split from the thread please?
  4. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Feel free to do so. I never cared about people hating me, and I doubt I ever will. The same about insults from people who don't have the minimal amount of courtesy required for me to acknowledge their presence, and the same about death wishes too.
    Just that. I could launch into a diatribe about your attitude there, but there is no need - people there have already seen what you can do, and I'm pretty certain they will not be on your side.

    In other words, you are expressing your desire to have me dead/maimed. I don't think anyone will bother with you now that it's proven that you do not respect other people and just lash at them for no apparent reason. And you are using internet as your cover, because you know nothing about us just like we know nothing about you, but some of us you would not dare make angry if you met us personally. Only, it would be difficult to make us angry because we try to control it, knowing that controlled it should be.

    Just for your information, you aren't the first one to wish for my death. And no, you won't learn who was, because you appear not to be mature enough to handle this knowledge with appropriate respect.

    Not everyone is like that. And there is a difference between doing something because you want people to enjoy it, and doing something because someone demands it be changed so that he can enjoy it. There's no joy in making things if what you are doing is taking commands and listening to people who are needlessly irate.
    Also, if you actually bothered to get through the whole thread, you would be able to see why is it that people disagreed with you. Most of them weren't unhappy with Dragon Aspirant skill set, and thus "the community was happy with it", meaning that leaving it at this level was equivalent to what you supposedly desire.

    "I dislike the concept" is just that, a phrase that indicates that someone "dislikes the concept".
    If you don't like it because of your OCD or because of anything else, then explain that when asked to elaborate instead of throwing some kind of tantrum. Just like you did now, when you explained why exactly is it that you don't like Dragon Aspirant. Was it really that difficult, or did you merely think that people will instinctually know what you meant because it was you who wrote it?

    Also, if you think that people will immediately understand your "I dislike the concept" as "I dislike the concept of having many similar skills because of this and that reason and thus I want it removed or at least to get a tutorial that would help me remove it by myself", then you are being irrational.

    If you weren't so dead set on trying to interpret my words as personal insults, you would've noticed that not once had I directed any words towards you. I called your actions "annoying and obnoxious" when I was trying to make you aware of how other people see them.

    Even if you have anger issues, that does not make you incapable of stopping for a moment and reviewing your post before you send it. And you aren't the only one to have anger issues, you know. DavidB1111 has them too, but it's barely noticeable because he tries to be nice to others (and succeeds, to say the least).

    I know how screwed I am. And that is precisely why I'm able to try. And it's precisely because I'm trying that I appear nice to others.

    I had anger issues in the past, for a reason which I will not disclose to you. And I tried to stay in control of it, which is why I can now work as a cashier and not explode when one of them starts behaving like an ass. You, on the other hand, appear to be someone who thinks he can explode on the others when he thinks he is right just because he thinks he is right, even though in his self-righteousness he isn't trying to consider what other people are saying.

    Which is my point, really. When it gets proven that the cashier is not the one responsible, you stop yelling at the cashier and either take your anger somewhere else of apologize for your behaviour. If you just continue yelling at the cashier, then you are merely an irate prat who ought to be thrown out. And I reckon many people here want you thrown out of there (or "banned", as it is called on internet forums), because you begun it, and you spouted acid, and now you openly admitted that you wish for one of forum users to die.

    You might want to read about something called "waiter rule". Seeing as you just admitted to being on the low spectrum of customers, that might be an interesting lecture for you.

    Then why bother asking at all? People usually ask because they want to have something done, and thus they expect to get some sort of result. If you really haven't expected to achieve anything there, then your persistence on the beginning is even more annoying because the only possible explanation for why you did that is "to pester us".

    You were replied to with a post in which you got a negative answer. If you want to argue about whether you were denied then or not, find a different place to do that.

    In case you haven't noticed, there is no way on any internet forums to distinguish between "monotone" or normal speech. We can't see that you are (supposedly) speaking in monotone, ergo we can't see that you are (supposedly) trying to be nice.

    If you know about modding, then you should know how to split the mod and just do it by yourself instead of being an annoying ass.
    And if you don't know about modding, then stop saying that you know about it. Decide on one. Knowing how to mod in general is not the same as knowing how to mod this or that particular game, and as someone who (supposedly) created mods for more than one game, you should be aware of that.

    Also, your sarcasm was duly noted. As was your rude demand.

    You weren't polite, you were annoying; an annoyance, just like you put it. And you weren't polite because when told to expand on your words, you just ignored that. OmniNegro answered you twice, and Fax answered the very same question you asked multiple times in the past, in this very thread, and you just ignored that. Regardless of what your intentions were, that is a rude thing to do.

    And just final words, from now on the only way I'll interact with any of your posts if via reporting system. They'll either be ignored or reported, based on whether they break the forum rules or not. Have a nice day.
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Offending poster has been sent on a time-out period. Now, let's get back to the subject of the thread.
    Which is not a discussion on other people's posting manners.
    mining, Kazeto and OmniNegro like this.
  6. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Right. Did Faxpax add the Objection! suit of Phoenix Wright? I got that as a reward for a monster zoo on the first floor. Really nice suit for the first floor and the second.
  7. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Nope, that's Roguish Renovation.
  8. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Ah. Okay. I wasn't sure if it was this mod, or that one.
  9. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    FAXPAX should really be split back up now with the launch of steam workshop. I'd recommend splitting up dragon aspirants as well.
  10. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I want to let the workshop work all its kinks out before making that kind of decision.
  11. Myrkabah

    Myrkabah Member

    I tried using a Wildfire Vial and it was both INCREDIBLY AWESOME and also the cause of an immediate game crash.

    Installed mods:

    Compleat Essential
  12. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Wildfire Vials are going to get toned down just a tad in my next patch. In the meantime I don't recommend using them unless you are both (a) near the center of a level; and (b) possessing high :resist_conflagratory:.
  13. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    So, maxed smithing and two rings of ash, or a inferno potion then? I'll keep that in mind if I ever find one.
    I do like using the infusions of acid and some others on the stupid ghost jerks who keep teleporting around when I run out of arrow and try to hit them in melee. *grumble*
  14. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member


    Never mind, I don't even want to know
  15. mining

    mining Member

    I want to know :)
  16. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    <spell name="Wildfire Spread" type="template" templateID="13" >
        <effect type="triggerfromlist" >
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Spread" />
        <description text="Like a flash in the pan." />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="2" framerate="80" />
    <spell name="Wildfire Burn" type="targetfloor" mine="1" mineradius="1" mineSpriteDrawOrder="1" mineSpritePNGSeries="sprites/sfx/thermite_loop/thermite_loop" mineSpritePNGFirst="0" mineSpritePNGNum="4" mineSpritePNGRate="90" mineTimer="10" minePermanent="1" >
        <effect burn="1" type="damage" conflagratory="3" conflagratoryF="3" secondaryScale="21" affectscaster="1" />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/thermite_hit/thermite_hit" frames="8" framerate="80" sfx="flame_weak" centerEffect="1"/>
    <spell name="Wildfire Hit" type="target" >
        <effect type="damage" conflagratory="5" conflagratoryF="3" secondaryScale="21" burn="1" affectsCaster="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Wildfire Spread" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Wildfire Spread" amount="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Wildfire Spread" amount="2" />
        <description text="Like a flash in the pan." />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/combust_hit/combust_hit" frames="9" framerate="80" sfx="fire" centerEffect="0" />
    OmniNegro likes this.
  17. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Here is what will probably be the new spell:

    <spell name="Wildfire Spread" type="template" templateID="12" >
        <effect type="triggerfromlist" >
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Shell" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Burn" />
            <option name="Wildfire Spread" />
        <description text="Like a flash in the pan." />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="2" framerate="80" />
    <spell name="Wildfire Shell" type="targetfloor" >
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="2" framerate="100" />
        <description text="Whoops!" />
    <spell name="Wildfire Burn" type="targetfloor" mine="1" mineradius="1" mineSpriteDrawOrder="1" mineSpritePNGSeries="sprites/sfx/thermite_loop/thermite_loop" mineSpritePNGFirst="0" mineSpritePNGNum="4" mineSpritePNGRate="90" mineTimer="10" minePermanent="1" >
        <effect burn="1" type="damage" conflagratory="3" conflagratoryF="3" secondaryScale="21" affectscaster="1" />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/thermite_hit/thermite_hit" frames="8" framerate="80" sfx="flame_weak" centerEffect="1"/>
    <spell name="Wildfire Hit" type="target" >
        <effect type="damage" conflagratory="5" conflagratoryF="3" secondaryScale="21" burn="1" affectsCaster="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Wildfire Spread" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Wildfire Spread" amount="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Wildfire Spread" amount="2" />
        <description text="Like a flash in the pan." />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/combust_hit/combust_hit" frames="9" framerate="80" sfx="fire" centerEffect="0" />
  18. Myrkabah

    Myrkabah Member

    It looks something like this when you throw one:

    Fortunately I have 11 fire resist thanks to Dragonfire Aspirant and a couple awesome items. :)
  19. Kyle

    Kyle Member

    Game is crashing for me before it loads into the main menu. I have both expansions. My crash log:

    kyle@kyle-desktop:~/Desktop/dungeons of dredmor$ ./Dredmor
    Dredmor: Installed in '.'.
    Dredmor: Using amd64 version.
    dungeons of dredmor: version 1.0.11
    argv[i]: ./Dredmor-amd64
    SDL version 1.2.15
    /home/kyle/.local/share/Dredmor/mods/Interior Dredmorating
    /home/kyle/.local/share/Dredmor/mods/Compleat Essential Skills
    AL_VENDOR: OpenAL Community
    AL_RENDERER: OpenAL Soft
    AL_VERSION: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.11.753
    Could not load resource '' with filename ''
    Could not load resource '' with filename ''
    Could not load resource '' with filename ''
    line:55, column:1
    don't give png and pngAnimate
    Dredmor-amd64: /home/nvining/gaslamp/dredmor/roomTemplate.cpp:2470: void roomParseError(const char*, ...): Assertion `false' failed.
    Aborted (core dumped)
    Is this a known bug? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit, if it makes a difference.
  20. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I didn't know about that, but I've fixed it for next version. In the meantime, you can fix it yourself: open rooms.xml in Faxpax and change the png= on lines 55 and 56 to pngSprite=.