I just can't fathom the problem here. What went wrong with my mod? I have tried integrating the mod within the Expansion2 folder and it works. I have tried integrating the mod within the Dungeons of Dredmor\games folder and I get the exact same error. The error reports that eggle_idle.xml can't be found, when the zip file actually contains it. Any ideas anybody?
Did you try Glazed's mod validator? Perhaps you need a <requires= ... in the mod.xml Also it'd probably be good to post the zip for your mod up here ot link to the thread containing it.
It passed the mod validator checks. I did not require a "requires" tag, so I forced it by making the eggle cast an expansion 2 spell. I later also added in a spellsdb.xml to replicate the Thauxxx Damper spell within. Even by elevating it to become an expansion2 mod, resulted in the same crash. Please see the attached dump file for debugging the crash in your IDE. Thanks. You can find further details of the mod in the Steam Workshop over here. And as requested, here's the entire mod. Please feel free to do anything with the attached mod.zip file. The images and sound clips of the eggle was done by yours truly. And trust me, it works when integrated into the Expansion2 folder. Make sure you backup your mondb.xml file first though. Thanks and enjoy. Gavin Koh, Editor @ Daily PC Game Reviews
Oh dear. This is probably the problem. I don't think soundfx.xml stuff is supported for mods yet. ...Does the mod work if you remove soundfx.xml? Dire Gourmand also had strange issues while it had a soundfx.xml
"I won't be surprised that you'll be able to create a total conversion mod in no time." I'd drop this line from the review, because totalconversion="1" doesn't work yet
Good try... I removed the sound fx (again)... and confirmed that the mod doesn't work. The error message is still the same. Here it is in it's entirety - File named sprites/monster/eggle/eggle_idle.xml not found. The game will probably crash! Any other suggestions? I'll try anything...
Ha ha... good point, but the total conversion didn't really have anything to do with totalconversion="1" not working. That's because if you have a good artist, you can theoretically change all 15 tilesets yourself. Nevertheless, I changed the wording slightly so that nobody mistakes the meaning of total conversion with the actual lack of the totalconversion tag here. Nevertheless, it's heartening to know that such a feature is in place.
Your files are Eggle_x.xml, while your monDB is looking for eggle_x.xml. Try matching case and see if that fixes it.
I don't know what exactly the code does, but I recomend two things: 1. use consistent lower case for the pngs and xml in the sprites/monster/eggle/ folder contents 2. use two digit numbering for the frames, so instead of: sprites/monster/eggle/eggle_hitl0.png sprites/monster/eggle/eggle_hitl1.png do: sprites/monster/eggle/eggle_hitl00.png sprites/monster/eggle/eggle_hitl01.png Likewise check the animation sequence xml files to make sure they're consistent with what we use everywhere else. (Also, btw, we have indeed hired Mr. Whitman to sort out the total conversion code work. This will be coming in ... down the line. More details as we get closer to such things.)
FaxCelestis, I hope this ain't so too. It would have been really simple for the developers to have coded in a non-case sensitive check. I'll do the change a few hours later and let you know. Duty calls. Thanks.
For those who are interested, I'm also adding in this monster of a room to the mod. If you spot any errors in the room script, please let me know. Till later then. Code: <room width="20" height="20" name="Eggle nest"> <!-- 01234567890123456789--> <row text="###D##########D#####"/> <row text="#...##....##...@.###"/> <row text="#...##@#..##...#...#"/> <row text="#......#..##...#...d"/> <row text="#.###..#.....###...#"/> <row text="#...#....L.L.......#"/> <row text="###...3LLL.LLL.....#"/> <row text="#....LLL.....LLL...#"/> <row text="d....L.........L...#"/> <row text="#...LL.........LL..d"/> <row text="#...@.....1.....@..#"/> <row text="#...LL.........LL.##"/> <row text="##.##L.........L2..#"/> <row text="#..##LLL.....LLL...#"/> <row text="#.....#LLL.LLL##...#"/> <row text="###...#..L@L..##...#"/> <row text="#.#...#............#"/> <row text="d.....@....#...##..#"/> <row text="#....##....#.......#"/> <row text="########D####D######"/> <flags minLevel="0" maxLevel="2" noblockers="1" special="1"/> <element type="dredmorstatue" at="1" /> <loot type="weapon" at="2"/> <loot type="armour" at="3"/> <customblocker name="Nest" x="9" y="9" png="dungeon/nest.png" description="This nest is empty."/> <customblocker name="Nest" x="11" y="9" png="dungeon/nest.png" description="It's warm enough here to produce eggles."/> <customblocker name="Nest" x="9" y="11" png="dungeon/nest.png" description="Another empty eggle nest."/> <customblocker name="Nest" x="9" y="11" png="dungeon/nest.png" description="The eggles are breeding like wildfire."/> <loot type="potion" x="10" y="9" percent="75" /> <loot type="potion" x="10" y="11" percent="75" /> <horde x="10" y="8" min="4" additional="4" /> </room>
Alright, the Eggle mod works now! I did several things - renamed all my files to use lower case, changed the case in the XML files to lower case, renumbered all files according to the structure used in the game, ie. eggle_idle_001.png or eggle_idle_002.png.
I also added in the new room (shown above) and a new graphic image for the eggle's nest. I still couldn't get the sound effects to work, but at least it didn't crash the game for me. I have attached the file for those who want to dissect it and write their own monster and room mod. Enjoy! Gavin