This should help balance things a bit better in several ways: Tinkers get stronger traps this way for their own use Warriors in armor don't nerf the scaling of environmental traps that hit them Mages don't get screwed over by the environment having more powerful traps
I'd rather scale them inversely to your : someone who is better at sensing traps should be better at negating their damage. EDIT: It would, of course, have to check the target's .
targetiscaster on every trap and add that then, or we could just make the spawned traps not use the player's stats so we can have player-placed ones scale on . And besides right now there's about three traps total that scale of magic power (Thaumites, Mage's Circle and something else)
Perhaps it could be hybrid scaling? I personally think it'd make more sense for it to be Trap Affinity, but that would make that stat exceedingly useful. I also believe he meant scaling the traps the player uses, so they become more powerful (and I'd like this, as someone who makes use of traps offensively now and then.) Or, we could make the player's traps do more damage based on and mitigation of environmental trap damage scale based on . Maybe tinkering could be involved in those, too. Or something. You know, if that's alright.
Player-made traps are the same traps that you find lying in the dungeon, so you can't have player-made ones scaling with one stat and the ones you find on the ground scaling with another one.
Oh, I see. And I suppose this is beyond changing? It'd be nice to see offensive traps being a little more useful, especially as someone pointed out, it takes a valuable turn to place one. I mean, we may not quite have a Trapper skill (and I'm not sure it'd be very feasible to have one) but I'd like to see traps being more than a gold source.
It would take the coding of a whole new set of traps and trap spells, plus considerable mucking in the craftDB. That said, it is doable. Might be worth someone modding, because I'd imagine the GLG folks are more interested in burning their time on Odin, and I frankly I don't blame them...
Well, it is possible to change it, by expanding the triggers for traps so that they would call different spells depending on whether it's the player that is standing on the mine, or a monster. That being said, it does require some work, and I reckon one of the "bigger" modders would have to do one, because most people there would have no idea how to do that. I understand. That being said, I see them as a feasible solution for monster zoos as support for ranged rogues, but I might simply be weird.
Traps are the main means tinkerers have for not dying. Especially tesla traps. So there is a trapper class.
I can now see a time where getting the massive required to disarm the new massively overpowered and game breaking traps added by one FaxCelestis could be very useful. Picking those up would effectively give you a means to kill anything you can bottle up and direct. And they are pretty much impossible to run out of once you have enough to keep them spawning more when tripped. (Dragon Breath Caltrop Eruptors...) You may have to carry a full set of equipment to manage the impressive feat of disarming and picking up those, but once you do, you can head up stairs to a safe area to farm as many of them as you like without risk. Perhaps "Some* traps should scale to and/or and/or and/or other stats. (On both you and the effected monsters.) But certainly not all of the traps. That would be even more broken than the currently massively game breaking eruptor traps. Oh and before I forget... Faaaaaax!!!!