Druid Mod (v1.4)

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by Syphonix, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Burliness could dictate capacity for bean storage.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Dude. It's Caddishness. Seriously, what's more caddish than ripping a juicy fart at the right moment?
    OmniNegro, Kazeto and Dray`Gon like this.
  3. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I promise you do not want a real answer to that... :)

    How 'bout them apples? Atomic Apples. It really just occurred to me what was meant by the item.
  4. I second the motion. Played around with the new version for a while now, I can't fault anything in it. It gives decent returns on investment irrespective of when you get it, but doesn't feel broken. My gut instinct was that the heal procs synergized too well with other trees that give similar effects (core rebalance MoA, Bushido, etc) as well, but after I sat down to think things through - if you've invested 3-4 skill points on trees that give something specific, then you expect to get a lot of that. Thinking in terms of a mage build, the equivalent would be picking up Radiant Wizard + 2-3 casting boosters (ley lines, blood mage, wild magic, etc) and NOT have a level 1 nuke that wrecks everything on the lower level.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  5. Syphonix

    Syphonix Member

    I'm very happy that I have gotten this mod to a balance. It actually took quite a bit less time than I thought, thanks to the help of yourself and others that visited during its "beta" state. It wouldn't have happened without the input, and I appreciate it.

    I enjoy messing around with the skill myself as well. I've been pairing it with Practical Geology and Wind Magic for a druid theme. They may not seem to mesh well, but it is a hell of a lot of fun.

    When the new stuff comes into play next month, I will begin working on a new rogue skill set named Nightshade Tactics. On paper, it looks a little overpowered, so I will surely call upon the forum's prowess once again :)
    Essence likes this.
  6. Shaxarok

    Shaxarok Member

    This skill I think has a bit too much synergy with /Blood Magic/. Use triple Pillar to block off the entrance, then just fire venomous rain into the crowd repeatedly, with only one level of blood magic needed. It seemed tricky, what with the cost of triple pillaring, but it was honestly none too difficult after my first time doing it.

    At least, so far in this run. I'm to floor six with Dwarven Moderation, and it's a half rogue half mage build, so it's not like I'm packing a ton of magic power.

    ANYWAY, What I actually came here to say is:
    Venomous Rain has a problematic animation. The droplets fall a tile below where they should, such that


    Otherwise highly enjoyable.

    Edit to add: Character just reached Nature's Wrath; with 6 mana regen I can have that buff on pretty much permanently, and blood magic can fill all my mana needs.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  7. mining

    mining Member

    That's like exactly the same as every other mage skill with an AoE ever. Try Astro and Blood Magic, its just as bad if you can get your capstone costs down low enough.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  8. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    The graphical problem is one with how mine spells work: they're intended to work with 8x8 sprites, while the rain drops are more like 16x48 or something,
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  9. Syphonix

    Syphonix Member

    ^ This. Blood Magic plus any AoE is basically a combo. With enough savvy bringing down your mana costs, you are probably actually gaining more mana than you spent. I'm reluctant to say that the problem is in Druid Magic on this one.

    Yeah, it sucks I know, but as Fax points out, there's nothing I can do about it without swapping the graphic or removing glints from the mines. It irks me as well :(

    As for Nature's Wrath, I plan to give it a slight nerf eventually. Going to drop the proc chance to 40% and lower the scaling to somewhere around 2.7
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  10. Shaxarok

    Shaxarok Member

    Yeah, I don't have a lot of experience with blood magic, but it looks like it would work about as well with any AoE, or hell even thaumites.

    Also, would it be possible to just move the location the animation plays in up a block? Or hell, removing the lowest level's animation would at least show directly the spots it is hitting, but this sounds like something that hasn't been explicitly coded.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  11. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I rather like it as it is. I have used it on dozens of characters already. I think the balance is already quite good.

    As for the animations, I simply do not care. I use it at distance and only rely upon the sides as they will not betray you. If hit by it, then I was not careful enough. And at worst I have to fight with slightly diminished stats for a while. Or I can spend the 25 mana to Cleanse myself.
  12. Syphonix

    Syphonix Member

    Unfortunately not. The only fix would be to remove glints, I believe. But then it would look really bad, and nothing line rain.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  13. mining

    mining Member

    Couldn't you make two mines, one which is a dummy mine with the animation and the other the effect?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  14. Syphonix

    Syphonix Member

    It may work. I could remove the graphic from the 3x3 mine and add another mine with the graphic and no damage. I think it would have to be a template of 2x3 shifted up 1 tile. Not sure how glints would react to being in the template though.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  15. Shaxarok

    Shaxarok Member

    Only one way to find out, my good man.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  16. Syphonix

    Syphonix Member

    Ok so after thinking on mining's idea, I messed around with Venomous Rain, and it totally works. This:

    <spell name="Venomous Rain" type="targetfloor" icon="skills/spells/stagnant_deluge32.png"
            minePermanent="1" >   
      <ai hint="mine"/>
        <requirements mp="16" savvyBonus="0.25" mincost="6"/>
        <effect type="damage" acidic="1" acidicF="0.15" affectsCaster="1"/>
        <effect type="damage" putrefying="1" putrefyingF="0.3" affectsCaster="1" secondaryScale="14"/>
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Wither"/>
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impact_acid/impact_acid" frames="5" framerate="80" sfx="magic" />
    Becomes this:

    <spell name="Venomous Rain Graphics" type="targetfloor"
            minePermanent="1" >
        <ai hint="mine"/>
    <spell name="Venomous Rain Offset" type="template" templateID="30">
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Venomous Rain Graphics"/>
    <spell name="Venomous Rain Mines" type="targetfloor" icon="skills/spells/stagnant_deluge32.png"
            minePermanent="1" >   
      <ai hint="mine"/>
        <effect type="damage" acidic="1" acidicF="0.15" affectsCaster="1"/>
        <effect type="damage" putrefying="1" putrefyingF="0.3" affectsCaster="1" secondaryScale="14"/>
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Wither"/>
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impact_acid/impact_acid" frames="5" framerate="80" sfx="magic" />
    <spell name="Venomous Rain" type="targetfloor" icon="skills/spells/stagnant_deluge32.png">
        <requirements mp="16" savvyBonus="0.18" mincost="9"/>
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Venomous Rain Mines"/>
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Venomous Rain Offset"/>
    It's worth noting that when I tried to remove the graphic from the mines that actually do the damage, the game immediately threw its juice box on the floor and pouted itself into a crash. So I found the null0000 and null0001 in sprites/sfx/ and totally tricked it with invisible candy. Great idea guys, I hadn't even thought of this. Basically, it calls 2 spells. One is the mines that do damage and have null graphics, the other calls a template (ID 30). The template is exactly one tile up from your targeted area. The template then calls a 3x3 set of mines with the actual graphic that do no damage. This offsets the problem with large glints in mines.

    Since I was here doing this little thing, I decided to attach the nerfs I had been planning for awhile and just update the post. If you don't want to take in this nerf with the graphics fix, the code is up there. Just replace it.

    Druid Magic Version 1.42
    Thursday, June 14th

    Venomous Rain (Tier 2) - Graphics fixed. Mana scaling on savvy decreased to .18 down from .25 . Min cost increased to 9 up from 6.

    Gift of the Mountain (Tier 4) - Health bonus removed. :dmg_blast: scaling down to .40 from .60 . :dmg_conflagratory: scaling down to 2.2 from 2.4 . :dmg_crushing: scaling down to 2.7 from 3.2 .

    Nature's Wrath (Tier 7) -Proc chance 40% down from 65%.
    Mana cost increased to 16 up from 15. Min cost increased to 8 up from 6.
    Wrath Fire scales at 2.6 :life_regen: down from 3.0 :life_regen:. Wrath Frost scales at 2.7 :mana_regen: down from 3.2 :mana_regen:. Wrath Lightning scales at 2.6 :mana_regen: down from 3.0 :mana_regen:. Wrath Boulder scales at 2.8 :life_regen: down from 3.6 :life_regen:.

    Updating original post very shortly with the new info and download.

    I'm not putting this up on Steam Workshop yet for fear of breaking things. I'll wait a bit for that.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  17. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Thanks for worrying about saves. I'm on the 8th floor with a viking/inquisitor/druid/astrologer/alchemist/archaeologist/delver that is kicking ass and taking names.
    OmniaNigrum and Syphonix like this.
  18. Syphonix

    Syphonix Member

    I'm not sure how to go about updating Steam Workshop. I could maybe put a 2 week warning on the page that saves will become broken, but I'm fairly sure that 80% of people don't read the pages after subscribing.

    By the way, that build sounds like a mage that will totally melee your face off.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  19. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Well, to be fair, since you didn't remove any spells, just added them, it shouldn't break any saves. "Shouldn't" being the operative term.

    Druid and inquisitor, by the way, go together awesomely.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  20. Syphonix

    Syphonix Member

    I've made some very minor changes while testing Druid Magic when I was developing that broke saves. I mean like REALLY minor. So I just never know. I'm going to play it safe. I have yet to mix Inquisitor with Druid, I should give that a shot.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.