I'd like to see a "Librarian" or "Bookworm" skill that focuses on tomes like other skills focus on maces, axes, etc. It would also be nice to have the flags inherent in such a skill be moved to the XML files so we could mod in things like that ourselves.
And what exactly is that skill supposed to be doing? Because right now there's nothing to this suggestion, really.
Yeah, I suppose I didn't think that part all the way through initially. I guess that it would be like the wizard equivalent of the weapon skills; instead of getting extra bonuses to melee stats while wielding a given type of weapon, they would gain extra bonuses to spellcasting stats while holding a tome (there could also be a similar skill for orbs). Also perhaps the special abilities of tomes would go off more often and they would also have a chance of finding a tome whenever they searched bookshelves, instead of just having a chance to find crafting recipes. Also, more generally, it would just be cool for all major classes of carryable/handheld items to have an associated skill; and for us to be able to associate custom skills with specific wieldable items, as per the second part of my initial request.
That is no reason to shoot down a Librarian skill suggestion. Give him the ability to detect that books are being wielded and he'll create a skill line and some badass books to go with it.
I'd like to see a tome skillset myself. Dunno what could fit in there though, they're already pretty powerful on their own.
Heres a mock-up idea I came up with: Code: Librarian: Tomes of Power - All tomes are x1.3 stronger. Gives 3 tomes. Library in the Sky - Allow you Sacrifce Tomes for Experiance. Knowledge is Power - Refills your mana at the expense of waiting 5 turns. Forbidden Tome - Gives you the new Tome the Necronomicon and gives you the Ability to Raise the Dead for 10 turns. Conjure Tome - Allows you to Conjure a Random Tome every 180 Turns. Alphabetical Blast - Does 1 of Every Damage Type every one excluding you in a 4x4 Radius. Items Given: 3 Random Tomes. Handy Wand Tome of Knowledge - This is Equipped. New Items: Necronomicon - +1 to All Things Related to Undead. +1 to Wand Lore and Alchemy. Tome of Knowledge - +1 to Tinkering, Wand Lore, Smithing, etc. Sorta has an Odd feeling to it.
Do a forum search for battle librarian. It was an idea someone else posted, and what my backburner skill will be based on, though I reserve the right to make changes and additions.
Yep, could be fun. A splash of crafting could be nice. A "Scribe" skill so you can craft scolls that give nice mid-game defensive buffs (Necro, for example. Make it random to be perverse. Or mana/health regen). A "Transmute" skill like Perceptive that has a low chance of killed monsters becoming useful alch/wand components. I could see passive bonuses (a la weapon wielding) as well if the base game makes Tomes their own type. I think GL mentioned that making tomes NOT shields was on the to-do list, but not where on the to-do list.
Since they are trying to change Shield Bearer so that it would require wielding actual shields when we get the third expansion, I reckon that's where it is on the list.
I believe the battle librarian was my idea... or not. I came up with a warrior skill set a while ago (a long while ago) called "By the Book" that I may or may not get around to making in my modding career.
Nah I was speaking of this: http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/battle-librarian-skill-set-in-progress.3078/
The problem is tomes are just shields with a name override so it looks like "Tome". There are also "Cookbooks" in Dire Gourmand which are also just shields. Tomes would need to be turned into a category of their own for any skill to work with them in a special way.
The second skill should let you throw a weak book projectile. I guess it would scale with Sagacity or Burliness...? Although, that might not be too bad if tomes are lumped with shields. If you can throw books, you can throw shields, too