This is a pretty comprehensive piece of guesswork. David, I think we should unlock another picture. ... Crimble is definitely not something you would serve at Christmas, unless you're Ebenezer Scrooge. No, it's fairly specifically for doing graph embeddings - i.e. when you have a complex tree of connected things that you wish to display. Odin is not a Viking Longboat Simulator. That was a rejected game idea, except that we didn't really know what to do with it. Bad things happen to urchins. It is, essentially, a way of life. Oh, and I will note: it probably has Diggles.
THE SCIENTIFIC REMEDY., DECIPHERED (ALMOST) DR. SANIN STANDS BY HIS PRODUCT. HE'S NOT JUST A SCIENTIST, HE'S A CUSTOMER.THE SCIENTIFIC REMEDY.NOW FORTIFIED WITH HEALTHFUL <RADIUM/BARIUM>! (If you have an inkling as to that last word, please help for accuracy's sake.) Also, there is a small chance that Dr. Sanin may be a Costumer, from the information provided. I list this only as a possibility, and not a likelihood. ...And to be honest I was hoping this would lead me in some kind of direction for this game, but it might be enough to give us a rough era or scientific mindset of the populace?
That Dr. Sanin is a quack. His medicinal opium will never replace the good-old fashioned Laudanum Treatment. Er, I mean, carry on.
August 23rd, 2012, Lansing, Michigan - The Michigan state branch of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals released a statement today, in which they condemn Canadian independent game publisher Gaslamp Games for the thematic material of their upcoming game, "Steampowered Slaughterhouses". The game is a puzzle game in which players take over the management of a large, run down butcher's shop left to them by their uncle on his death. The player fills the role of a small time inventor who attempts to improve the running of the factory by inventing and implementing various steam powered gadgetry to make the shop run smoothly. According to Gaslamp's official announcement, in which the name and general game play was revealed, the game progresses through various stages that challenge the player to deal first with preparing more and more smaller animals, like chickens, for sale. Then they must build packing infrastructure, miles of trestles to manage stock as it comes through and eventually larger machines that will handle animals such as cows or deer. The game includes several multiplayer options such as competitive play, in which players can hire "diggles" to sabotage opponents, and cooperative play, in which players have a limited time to prepare for the annual Elephant Stampede. PETA says that the theme of the new Gaslamp game disappoints them in its portrayal of violence and cruelty to animals as not only acceptable, but fun. They consider it a very real step back from their last game, Dungeons of Dredmor, which included the Veganism ability, which emphasized harmony between player and animals. Spokesperson Paul Inurleg said that the only real heroes in the game are the diggles, "who bravely step forward to put an end to the oppression." When the Gaslamp offices were contacted we spoke with an employee who identified himself only as "a citizen of Canada" and informed us that, "Those PETA people are crazy. Have they even met a diggle before?" When asked if PETA intended to take their case north to protest directly to the Gaslamp Games developers, Mr. Inurleg said, "Wait, they're in Canada? [expletive]. I don't think any of us have passports." Citizen Gaslamp assured us that they could get in easy. "All they have to do is sing the song" *whacks time rift with a stick* Well, I'm still not sure this thing is acting right, but I think we're getting closer... maybe. Or not. But seriously, watch out for those PETA people. Some of them can be downright scary.
Further *correct* speculation will result in more ambiguous artwork appearing. That said, I do like the image of Diggles working in a meat packing plant. (Ask Citizen Daniel at some point about his experiences in the Fish Processing Industry.)
The reference to the opium/laudanum timeframe makes me think this is set late 19th century, maybe near the turn of the next? Probably just more evidence for something that's already pretty well established, but, might as well throw that in there.
Confirm/Deny: Project Odin is actually the name of any current project that Gaslampgames is working on.
Actually, once they allow the blood to give off it's oxygen and dry, Urchin Blood is a perfectly free source for printing that lovely shade of dirt-brown. Can the Urchins use the Widowmaker?
Did somebody say...Widowmaker? I'll just leave this here... It's not a wood saw, but it still rips you to pieces when you watch it, and it's probably just as deadly. Oh Harrison Ford...stick to Indy, please.