Travel: It Broadens the Mind

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Nicholas, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I'm in Seattle in two weeks for Casual Connect (giving a talk) and in Los Angeles in four weeks (for SIGGRAPH 2012, where I will be going to a lot of lectures and possibly the 20 Years of OpenGL party.)

    Anybody here from Los Angeles, who desperately wants to get a Sewer Brew achievement? I promise I'll fix it before I show up in LA.
    Ruigi likes this.
  2. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

    You guys and your most ridiculous achievement ever.

    (honestly, it's even worse than the "play with gary" and "play for a year" achievements in gmod)

    Have fun in the con.
  3. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    At least they hadn't made an achievement for snatching some of Nick's hair while they're at it.

    And the achievement itself is really amusing, in my opinion.
    Nikolai likes this.
  4. mining

    mining Member

    One of my friends is like half way there :|
  5. Createx

    Createx Member

    From Canada to the US isn't that much of a change, try Europe or South America :p
  6. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

    Hi, Notch.
  7. Createx

    Createx Member

    I'm not that overweight :p I also don't like hats and only speak Swedish when I'm drunk.
  8. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I have some relatives in the LA area that I planned on visiting this summer. I could potentially be within driving distance of this thing. Where would you like to meet up?
  9. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    That lecture you're doing looks interesting. I might brave dealing with Sound Transit or the horrible realities of seattle parking to go see it.