What gender do Dredmor players identify as?

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by SkyMuffin, Jul 3, 2012.


What gender do you identify as?

  1. Male

    63 vote(s)
  2. Female

    2 vote(s)
  3. Nonbinary/Genderqueer

    1 vote(s)
  4. Agender

    0 vote(s)
  5. Bigender, Two Spirit, or similar

    0 vote(s)
  6. Undecided

    1 vote(s)
  7. Trans man

    0 vote(s)
  8. Trans woman

    3 vote(s)
  9. Something else!

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Shaxarok

    Shaxarok Member

    jhffmm: In order:

    Draws attention to itself, hence the feeling of discrimination.
    To a certain minimum, beyond which lies "undiscovered country"
    It's not so much the discovery thereof but aggregation of types. People like their labels, it seems.
    Pretty much yeah, not that you can expect distinct treatment from other genderqueer individuals.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Firstly, this is a sensitive subject for many people because it affects their daily lives, and the forum aims to be inclusive, so tread lightly in this thread (not you in particular, anybody who wants to question people's identities.)

    Assuming you are honestly confused or looking for knowledge (this is not a subject which everybody know about, of course), the poll options are not jokes and though I don't know any particularly good reading material about them I suggest you take a look at this page: and the entries on the top right.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  3. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    That's only true if the 'Politically correct' word has a different connotative and/or denotative meaning. In other words, being PC can often just be another way of not saying what you actually mean. Then again, there are times and places for being tactful.

    In any case, people are always going to exist that will define themselves in new ways. I think that part of the problem is that by identifying as "A" people will assume that you are just like others they know that also self-identify as "A", which may either be incorrect, or misleading, or simply undesired. Thus, typically, someone will invent a new category because they don't want to be associated with 'those other people'. I'm unique, just like everyone else doesn't quite say it right. The truth is that there are nuances and gradations to sexuality and gender. I think there always has been, just that you have to feel free to think in that way before you realize that, even about yourself.
  4. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Society is certainly becoming more and more open to the notion of non-traditional gender roles and sexualities other than "straight", and as such people are feeling more free to express themselves and to live how they want. A natural evolution of that is a breakdown of the strongly-imposed genders we're so used to - i.e. male and female. Yes, they're still the majority, but those of us who aren't in the majority are gradually getting more acceptance.

    Using phrases like "politically correct" points to the defence of the wilfully ignorant. It only ever gets thrown around when someone feels like their strictly black-and-white world is challenged by, well, reality. All of these gender-variant terms and groups will continue to exist until the gender binary (i.e. Male & Female) falls out of use, but even in cultures with multiple genders (there have been many in history with third genders at the least - I believe the Thai people do now, and I think some Native American cultures did too) there's still groups of people who don't fit the 'traditional' view.

    So no, it's not "political correctness gone mad", it's the OP being polite and allowing for freedom of expression, something MANY places don't do. Heck, even numerous LGBT-themed surveys have only had "Male" or "Female" choices for gender.
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks for cutting out the more... "bait-like" parts. ;)
    I do want to point out something however because it is interesting and people can potentially learn something about this.
    I am also far from being an expert on these things so if I make a mistake, anybody with more knowledge than me, please feel free to correct me.

    One of the most important parts of modern gender theory (is this the right term for the field? I don't remember the exact term) is the distinction between gender and sex or sexual orientation. They are completely different. A MtF transperson can still be attracted to women just like someone who has always identified as male can be attracted to men. Where it can get confusing is where the names are the same.

    However, a big part of society hasn't evolved to recognize this point yet. As your example with the form, I doubt whoever wants your information wants to know who you fancy, but still calls it gender. Some call it sex. Another big part of it is gender is not binary, as Haldurson eloquently said earlier, there are nuances.

    I think I got that right, from my understanding.

    In short:

    edit: I'm also moving this to offtopic as this isn't related to Dredmor itself and we are by default Dredmor players anyways if we registered here.
    Nikolai, Kazeto, Tycho and 1 other person like this.
  6. jhffmn

    jhffmn Member

    This is serious business isn't it?

    Anywho, I am a Genderwocky with the danglies that poke and the fingers that snatch. But it seems awfully narcissistic to pontificate for long on how I define myself beyond how I was biologically created.
  7. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    People in all parts of the world get routinely harassed, assaulted or even killed over this, not to mention personal conflicts that can go with it, so yep, it can be!

    That you use a common mocking internet catchphrase isn't exactly painting you in an open minded light or as interested in learning about the subject, here. If so, I suggest you steer clear of this thread.
  8. mining

    mining Member

    Well, sometimes it might, especially if it's medicinally related :rolleyes: . There's some obvious cases of "we're profiling" - sure. But FOR SCIENCE! and especially for psychology knowing birth gender can be pretty handy - you tend to get a lack of born males with cervical cancer, or born females with testicular cancer, for example - similarly color blindness and co.
  9. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    As far as I can tell, Daynab, you've got it spot on.
  10. Tycho

    Tycho Member

    Male. I am in a loving relationship with someone who identifies as transgendered. From them I learned a lot about what the terms used in the poll mean, and how the gender binary is obsolete and effectively rubbish. I approve strongly of the choice OP made when they created the poll with these choices.
  11. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Sex and gender are different concepts, but modern western society only really offers two genders (three, if you count children and animals being neutral, but often children are put into gender roles too).
  12. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Often? Go to a toy store, watch kids TV - it's EVERYWHERE. Boys get cars and war toys and things that bring out a scientific curiosity. Girls get babies, household replicas and fashion.

    Blergh :p
  13. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    This is less difficult than you might think. In both gender and sex ways. I guess it comes with the territory of places like livejournal and deviantart.
    Kazeto likes this.
  14. Nikolai

    Nikolai Member

    This picture is adorable. Like, Scandinavia and the World-grade adorable.

    To be relevant, I'm a cisman (gendertypical, as opposed to transman). Slightly irrelevant but related, I'm pansexual, which is like bisexual except you're also attracted to genderqueer folks.

    I've spoken with quite a few trans people (or at least I'd like to think so, considering they compose something like 1% or less of the population), and I can tell you they're just as various as normal people. Some are quite mellow about it, a lot really appreciate it when you treat them like their target gender. This can be difficult, especially when you're not someone familiar with the topic. Which is why I encourage people to become familiar, though on the same token no one can be expected to be so accomodating. But it's nice when they are.

    I remember discussing my sexuality with someone, once. They told me, "Remember, we all feel the same on the inside." It was quite enlightening.

    p.s. that last quote is far dirtier than you might first think :3
    Kazeto likes this.
  15. jadkni

    jadkni Member

    I don't really feel the need to interact with someone differently based on either their physical gender or their gender identity. Whether this is offensive or refreshing is a good identifier of whether or not I could get along with them in casual conversation anyway.
    Nikolai and banjo2E like this.
  16. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    This thread almost makes me feel boring. I'm a gendertypical male heterosexual. I'm disgusted by the idea of male on male sex. I can't even watch something like brokeback mountain.

    I've known several gays, bisexuals, transgendered, etc. I can get along with them no problem, and I have no problem with what they do in private, and I'm all for equal rights for them. It just nauseates me if I have to see it. They can kiss in public all they want, I acknowledge that they have that right(in fact I'll publically champion it), I'll just look away. I can even tolerate being hit on, but it does feel creepy.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  17. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

    I honestly feel similar to omni about homosexual men, but for me it's marginally more complicated than that. I've given this a bit of thought, and I've come to the conclusion that I find the idea of men having sex with men to be weird primarily because they can't really go about it very effectively. Oversimplifying things a bit, sex is basically shoving sticks into holes. The thing is, holes are much more modular than sticks; lesbians can just use some sort of sex toy to temporarily swap one of the holes involved for a stick. Yaoi fans, on the other hand, are basically restricted to buttsecks (which I find disgusting), oral sex (which I find a bit less disgusting, but am still unwilling to participate in at all), and...basically masturbating with each other. Which, what's the point?

    Given I was not born female and don't intend to become so (not caring what gender I am means exactly that, I don't have any incentive to change and therefore won't) I can't really say much about what my opinions would be if I was, but if my current mindset remained much the same I'd most likely be more or less bisexual.

    And bear in mind: romance between men, I'm totally cool with. It's the intercourse that gives my brain runtime errors.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  18. Nikolai

    Nikolai Member

    This is how I tend to operate as well. It's called gender blindness, and is generally a component of pansexuality. But regardless of sexuality this is a good mindset.

    I believe Omni mentioned earlier about how little gender affects who a person is. This is correct; while one's development is generally influenced by their gender due to hormones and things, it's merely a superficial detail that dictates what someone is, rather than who. It's for this reason I don't always disclose my gender to people online, because frankly it leads to assumptions which don't get us anymore. (You're a guy, you like sports, right? You're a girl, you like clothes, right?)

    I remember as a teenager when I used to think I was heterosexual, gay sex disgusted me much like it did for the people here, and it wasn't for the suspected "You're just in the closet" reasons, believe it or not. Eventually I mellowed out, though, even before realizing my own sexuality. I think with a concentrated effort people can become comfortable with any sort of thing, including this, though this is another case where I would not expect, but admire if it happened.

    Oh, and one thing about pansexuality (forgive me if this is tangential) a lot of people seem not to get; simply because one has the potential to be attracted to any gender doesn't mean one cannot have preferences and tastes.
  19. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I'm totally male and heterosexual, but I had an atypical upbringing -- my mom was into a variety of the performing arts -- she did everything from opera to acting to ballroom dancing, and even folk guitar, either or both as a teacher and/or performer. As seems to be common among artistic people, a lot of her friends were gay men, so a lot of our family friends were gay as well. It was something I was used to from a very young age. We even still have a photo of my dad posing with a very flamboyant transvestite on a vacation to Cape Cod. It's sitting in our living room right now lol.

    What's odd though is that a friend of mine really did not know that about me, and as it turned out, he didn't come out of the closet until he was in college. In fact, he never explicitly told me he was gay -- I'm not sure if he assumed I knew or if he was just afraid about how I would react. I found out because after college, he invited me and a few other people over to his new apartment, and there were all sorts of gay-themed magazines just lying around. I didn't feel any different about him as a friend, but I did feel like he didn't trust me, which doesn't feel good. But I can understand it.

    Personally, I don't like seeing gay sex either. But I suspect that some gays wouldn't particularly care to see hetero sex. So there's that.
  20. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    The only thing I have to say to that is "I wish I knew how to quit you." :p

    This is actually how I feel myself. I don't want to watch gay sex, but that's all, I don't hate gays, I have nothing against gays. Or Transgendered people, or anyone of any other identity.

    I boil it down to one simple thing.
    If someone tries to kill me, that's the only time you'll ever hear me say something bad about someone. Mostly, because why respect someone who's attempting to kill you. :)
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