
Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Catbread, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    Hey, there's a board for suggestions here!
    It might be a bit late to suggest things, as the next expansion is right around the corner, but there are a number of little things I'd like to see.

    - What are my spells even doing?
    Unlike with melee attacks, spell damage is frequently a mystery. Could this be added to the scrolling text?
    Speaking of which,

    - Scrolling text could use a cleanup
    but I won't go into this one because it's already been discussed at length in a different thread.

    - Character panel is locked in place (Edit: Change due next update)
    I'd like to be able to rearrange all the windows. Moving the character panel would make it easier to fit everything.

    - Scroll wheel cycling through belt items as well as spells
    I use the scroll wheel to quickly pick spells, but it doesn't allow me to do the same for items. Could this be a toggleable feature?

    - The more customizable the controls are, the better
    Expanding the map! Toggling click to move! Belt items! I'd love to be able to set these up to be easily accessable from the keyboard.

    - Piles of traps
    Shift clicking to drop a trap without using a turn- that's intentional, right?
    If so, I'd rather not have to alt click my stacks whenever I want to trap something, or risk dropping all of them at once.
    Making them usable from the belt in the same way would be cool as well.

    - Crafting confusion
    It can be awfully hard to remember what items can be used to make other items!
    The Dredmorpedia is a great solution, but that requires me to have a browser open the whole time. Can any parts of this be implemented in-game? Clicking on, or highlighting items tells you what they're good for, that sort of thing.

    - Heads Up Display gettin' in the way
    Sometimes, monsters hide behind my action bars. Jerks.
    Anything you could do about that? A button to temporarily hide the HUD, perhaps?

    - Deja vu all over again
    When I turn the game off, most of my settings reset. That's probably just a glitch, though.
    It also puts the covers back on all the traps, which is a mild annoyance. Can this be improved upon?

    - Looted Uberchests don't display on the minimap (Edit: Change due in 1-2 updates)
    This would help.

    - A single button for opening the craft window (Edit: Change due next update)
    so I can use it no matter which crafting mechanisms I have with me.

    -When craft window is open, scroll wheel scrolls through recipes (Edit: Change due in 1-2 updates)
    Oh, yes please.

    -What's the point of the red pool rooms? (Edit: Change due in 1-2 updates...?)

    That's as much as I can remember. I hope those suggestions help, one way or another.
  2. Kel~

    Kel~ Member

    This all sounds good. Except the red pool rooms, I'm not sure what you're talking about with that...

    Also, add scrolling to the mod window, instead of needing to press the buttons lots.
    Catbread likes this.
  3. Selecting items from your belt is shift + number - you'll equip wands and ammo, and eat/drink food/booze/potions.
  4. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I really wish the pop-up info box for items had a little thing where it says "May be used to craft:" with small icons for discovered items' recipes.
  5. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    These are fixed for the next version already.

    These are slated to be fixed for the next patch (the CotW release) or the patch after -- I think.

    Some of these issues are much, much more difficult to fix than others. We're going to do the best we can to make Dredmor play more smoothly while prioritizing the easy fixes so that we can actually deliver them in any kind of timely manner.
    TheJadedMieu, Catbread and OmniNegro like this.
  6. Catbread

    Catbread Member

    Well! That's great to hear! I'm looking forward to it. (Them?)
    I know that, but the shift key is far away from half of the number keys! What am I, a contortionist?
    (I don't get along very well with keyboards)
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Most of us have gotten accustomed to being hand contortionists. Games of the distant past were even worse for this. Shift for this should be perhaps made a toggle instead for those who are not so flexible or who have missing digits on the hand. Perhaps a menu checkbox can make this a toggle until an action is made like pressing a number to select/use the item or clicking an item on the floor to pick it up and such.

    *Edit* Windows has what they call Stickeykeys" for just this function.
  8. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    I would suggest using the F1 through the F10 keys instead of pressing Shift+1 key through Shift+0 key for the belt.
    mining likes this.
  9. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    I believe this has been mentioned elsewhere, but...

    * Make the text scroll messages for "your %s has been corrupted!" show which stat(s) the effect just horked (and by how much) - also perhaps colour them red so they stand out.
  10. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Can I include stuff I would like? I been putting tons of hours in lately.

    Gem Transmutation
    A long cooldown just means more time wasted trying to get the gem you want. If a player wants to craft a piece of gear and has another gem, it just means more time wasted. Gem transmutation should make some generic gem that could then be crafted (via alchemy of course) into any of the existing gems.

    Combat Log Improvements
    Might not be easy to implement a comprehensive log, but maybe a simpler solution would be to at least dump the data somewhere where a modder could grab it and then let them do all the nitty gritty in formatting it and presenting it another window. That way I could look at how much damage a Gold Golem took the previous round with 3 stacks of Thaumites and a Fleshbore, and what types of damage they were.

    Regeneration Reporting
    While we all know how regeneration works because there are places to go that explain the differences. Why not just simplify the character sheet to show what it is. Instead of that big block of text, just show [Show difficulty level] - :life_regen: = [Number of turns between regen]
    ..... While we are at it... why not increase it so that you can regen more than 1 life a turn if you have excessive :life_regen:?
  11. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Don't we already have it?

    Because the regeneration doesn't work that way. The next step beyond "1 turn per health point" is "0 turns per health point", which would probably kill the game.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  12. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    We do, but it takes forever.
    mining and Kazeto like this.
  13. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Which is a fair point, I guess.
  14. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    No because when the number of :life_regen: is equal to the diffiiculty value, you give 1 per turn. The Modulus[%] of the value becomes the new difference for the regen.

    Right now in a Game I am playing I curently have Vegan [4 :life_regen: ] + Were Diggle [ 4 :life_regen: ] + Alchemy [1 :life_regen:] + from gear [3 :life_regen: ] = 12 :life_regen:.

    For the sake of an example, Lets say I find additional pieces of gear that gives another 3:life_regen: for a total of 15:life_regen:.
    Under the current scheme, that regen returns 1 :life: per turn on any difficulty level because I greatly exceed the value, meaning the bonus regen is wasted.

    Under my proposed scheme it would regen health according to the equation
    [:life_regen:/Difficulty Factor ] Per Turn + 1:life: every Difficulty Factor-[:life_regen:%Difficulty Factor] Turns

    Where :life_regen: = 15
    Elvishly Easy
    [:life_regen:/5 ] Per Turn + 1:life: every 5-[:life_regen:%5]
    =3:life: Per Turn + 0 :life: Every 5 Turns

    Dwarven Moderation
    [:life_regen:/7 ] Per Turn + 1:life: every 7-[:life_regen:%7]
    =2:life: Per Turn + 1 :life: Every 6 Turns

    Going Rogue
    [:life_regen:/13 ] Per Turn + 1:life: every 13-[:life_regen:%13]
    =1:life: Per Turn + 1 :life: Every 11 Turns

    I think I have heard someone from Gaslamp saying that letting regen get to high is overpowered, but I would argue that we already do that kind of stacking with the right skills anyway to get broken builds with block or dodge, so why would regen be any different and why would be giving skills to players that hand out so much?
  15. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I love the Druid mod. It uses :life_regen: as a scale for the skills. But it still seems sad that there is no way to regenerate more than one :life: per turn besides using items like food or skills to heal.

    I would like decimals to count. (That is a poor way to say this, so I will elaborate.)

    Say you have enough to regenerate 1.5 health every turn by :life_regen:. Every turn the 1 :life: should regenerate. But in my proposed change, the .5 would mean you have a 50% chance to regenerate 2 instead of just the 1.

    We play a game of massive attrition. Why not expand the possibilities? It will perhaps make it easier, but certainly that can be fixed if it gets too easy.
  16. mining

    mining Member

    Idea iteration on Wootah's strategy: Let HP regen build up a pool each turn. Each time the pool fills up, you get the HP.
    Kazeto and OmniNegro like this.
  17. Kel~

    Kel~ Member

    Don't forget, that whilst from a programming perspective all sorts of ideas are possible, it would also ideally be something that isn't too hard for the end user to understand.

    What's probably easier is simply a variation on the currently thing - just have it 'wrap around'. For example, if you had a health regen of 9 when playing easy, you regen 2 health per turn, plus another 1 every 4 turns:
    Easy has a difficulty factor of 5:
    5 - (largest part of 9 less than 5, i.e. 4) = 1 (gain 1 health every turn)
    5 - (largest part of 5 less than 5, i.e. 4) = 1 (gain 1 health every turn)
    5 - (largest part of 1 less than 5, i.e. 1) = 4 (gain 1 health every 4 turns)

    What's happening is that you keep taking the most you can from the difficulty, and then repeating the process with the remainder.

    I don't know if I made that clear or not.
  18. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    You did.
  19. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    You don't have to communicate to the end user what the math behind it is (like the game currently tries to do in the block of text when you float over the numbers) but doesn't even succeed in communicating what the variance is based on difficulty level. It could simply tell you something like 2 life per turn and 1 additional life ever 3 turns.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  20. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    That part makes sense. Say you normally need 13 turns to regenerate 1 :life:. So if you have any amount of :life_regen: left over after you make those 13, it counts towards the next point you regenerate.

    What needs to happen is that if ever the amount you have on a given turn adds up to twice the amount needed to regenerate 1 :life:, you regenerate 2. And so on.

    *Edit* I waited too long to post. So Granny Ninja'ed me. :)