Craftable Great Helm

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by bones6122, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. bones6122

    bones6122 Member

    I made a mod to fix an issue I had in the game a while ago and decided to add it to the Steam Workshop today and I was told I should "petition the Gaslamp Forums to have this added to the main game". I'm not sure if this is the right place to do that but here it is anyway.

    As far as I know all items needed to make the Clockwork Knight Armor and the Boilerplate Armor can be crafted or commonly found except for the Great Helm. Its stats are almost the same as the Knight's Helm (Knight's Helm has -2 Magic Power while the Great Helm has -4 magic power but the rest of the stats are the same). The Knight's Helm can be crafted using 3 iron ingots and a bucket.

    I think that the Great Helm should have a crafting recipe or the Imperial Boilerplate Helm and the Imperial Clockwork Helm should use the Knights Helm in their crafting recipes.

    I uploaded the mod here as well
    SkyMuffin likes this.
  2. bones6122

    bones6122 Member

    Maybe this would be better under suggestions but I don't know how to delete this one and I don't want to just post the same thing twice.....
  3. mutated

    mutated Member

    This fits better in the Suggestions forum rather than in Bugs, but you tried and this is a good thing to bring up.
  4. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    i like this idea. last time i played clockwork knight i basically had to cross my fingers and pray for a great helm. seems a bit silly.
  5. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Changed recipe to require Knight's Helm rather than Great Helm for next patch.
    bones6122 and SkyMuffin like this.
  6. SamuelMarston

    SamuelMarston Member

    Thanks! This is going to help the crafting game!