Sell DoD underwear for those who are too excitable when Conquests arrives, tomorrow.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Borodin, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. Borodin

    Borodin Member

    Just that. It's amazing what will work in fan-wear.
  2. Warlock

    Warlock Member

  3. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Do I need to put the waffle on the rabbit before or after I've put the deer in the squid?
    Nikolai likes this.
  4. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Conquests arrives on Wednesday.

    (I hope?)
  5. Borodin

    Borodin Member

    Wednesday? Oh, well. Take all the time you need to do it right.

    ...if you listen carefully, you can hear the distant howls of frustration from across the globe at that remark.
  6. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    I throw 5$ at the screen but I'm not getting anything!
    (I wouldn't have asked for beta if I knew it would be out so soon.)
  7. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    I love it how Nick didn't specify if it's this Wednesday or one half a year from now.

    It leaves a lot of leeway in case something happened.
    mining likes this.
  8. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Well, in the blog they already said it's Aug 1st, so...
    He cannot weasel himself out of this!
    If Cotw is not here on wednesday, this week, we will storm your office and grab you and put you in programmer-hamster-weels.
    And you will get no food or drink until it is finished!
  9. Borodin

    Borodin Member

    He didn't specify a year.

    Or whether he meant the Julian calendar, or the Gregorian.
    banjo2E and Kazeto like this.
  10. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Damn you for making me think that it was coming out a few days early. :(
  11. Frelus

    Frelus Member

  12. Nikolai

    Nikolai Member

    Man, I'm just as excited as you guys for this. I've been annoying my friends with a daily ETA to this expansion.

    It's so exciting. I think it's exciting. I find it exciting, with my human emotions. Of course, none of them find it very exciting, and I have no one with which to speculate wildly on if the core re-works will make it, and what encrustables shall be encrusted with whatever crusts crust off the source of crusts with which we encrust encrustables.

    I'm looking forward to Daggers and monster sight cones, at any rate. Sneaky rogues will become quite competent, methinks.
  13. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    i really cannot contain my excitement for this expansion. i am going to spam the shit out of the 50 people who actually read what i post on tumblr, facebook, and twitter.
  14. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    I want to be able to encrust my pants with swords. And my armor with swords. And my swords with swords.
    Would look like this after some time:
    banjo2E, Frandarre, Lorrelian and 4 others like this.
  15. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    @Frelus: GENIUS <3
  16. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Great picture Frelus
    And lay off Nicholas. We all know he meant august first of this year which is a wednesday.
    If it takes another day or two so be it, I would rather him working on it than reading impatient and frustrated comments in the forums.

    Why not go try a creative build you have never done before? Unless you are playing 10 hours a day, that alone will more than fill the wait time.

    I built a mega experience gaining build right now on my tiny little Asus eeePC:

    Big Game Hunters (Experience for Killing Monsters)
    Vegan (Experience for Killing Vegetables)
    Archeaology (Experience from the Museum)
    Burglary (Experience from picking doors/chests with lockpicks)
    and then my combat
    Fungal Arts (Unlimited healing, invisibility, and throwing ammo)
  17. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Can't help it. I've owned dungeons of dredmore for barely a month and I want this expansion pack as a first day buy (unless it's buggy, then it'll be a second day buy.) :)
  18. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I take your sword encrusted pants and raise you...
  19. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    I see you your magnetronic rocket suit and raise you this:

  20. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Those are not rockets, they are lightsabers. yeah
    TheJadedMieu likes this.