
Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Warlock, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Have any of you guys got any special talents, like an affinity for music? I'm curious to know. Just because, really.

    I ended up with a few along the way - I can play the piano good, cook good, and I'm good at DIY too. Unrelated note: I really don't like unpaid labor in the internship stage. I've been working 14 hours straight now in the labour room. 5 labours and a surgery later, I just feel like getting to sleep, but I have to remain awake and monitor the cases in the ward once every hour until 4 AM. FML.

  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Well, it depends on what you call a "special talent". Is it something that you consider yourself to be a genuine genius in, or is it merely something you had no problems with doing, or learning how to do?

    In my case, it's like that:
    If the first one is correct, there is nothing I'd consider myself to be talented at.
    If the latter one is correct, then the list becomes slightly longer and includes mathematics (other than calculus, which I'm merely decent at), programming in general (though it does vary from language to language, but there were a few I had no problems with from the get-go), foreign languages (my native ones I'm kind of worse with), sketching (it comes naturally to me, but since I hadn't spent time on improving it in the past few years, it's nothing special now), deception (or lying and manipulating, to put it simply), and surprisingly sword-fighting (a shame I only had so much time to spend on it). It is likely caused by the fact that I was pushed to achieving perfection in everything when I was a kid, and while that did make some things much easier for me (though some of those "talents" wouldn't really be talents as much as just something I had no problems with learning how to do well because of my perfectionism back then), I had some weird mental problems because of that (even now, I am a perfectionist when I am not relaxing).
  3. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    I'm pretty good at
    • singing, learning music very quickly by ear, identifying pitch (not perfect but good)
    • writing in general, proofreading and reviewing writing, writing poetry, sometimes teaching writing but i dont have that much experience
    • learning bits and pieces of languages but never really getting good at them. does that count?
    • beating dredmor on going rogue
    • reading people and knowing when something is up
    • spatial recognition and organizing shapes and objects
    i guess those are talents?
  4. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    I wasted part of my life learning about a dozen foreign languages to greater or lesser degrees of mastery. To Diggle Hell with chinese though. Too many symbols to just consider yourself barely literate. Hiragana, Kanji, and Katakana are easier to memorize.
  5. TheJadedMieu

    TheJadedMieu Member

    While I'm not really amazing at anything in particular (Self-confidence? What's that?), I do pride myself on my perceptiveness. I'm good at noticing small details and reading people's expressions and tones of voice. I'm not half-bad with music either (matching pitches, replicating a rhythm after hearing it, etc).

    EDIT: Also, if this counts, I'm pretty good at unintentionally saying strange things that make people laugh.
  6. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    do you find any loot off of anyone you beat up (Perception LOL :p)
  7. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Yeah, I reckon he finds some armour pieces there. Though I don't know if they are better than his current equips.
  8. TheJadedMieu

    TheJadedMieu Member

    Yeah, but I don't beat them up so much as I drop hints until they give it to me :p
  9. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Let's see...
    A lot of my talents have gone away as I've gotten older, either from disuse or because of various health issues. My brain doesn't function as well as when I was younger. But I'll name some:

    Apparently, I'm good at dealing with difficult people -- there are (of course) exceptions. In any case, I think it comes from dealing with my family members who can/could be exceptionally difficult. That said, I don't enjoy it.

    I also used to have a real talent for mathematics and arithmetic-- I could do large calculations in my head. I used to practice by doing prime factorization of large numbers in my head, or by multiplying multi-digit numbers together.

    I've almost always had bad memory and a bit of A.D.D., BUT I compensated for that in other ways -- for example, in college, I had difficulty memorizing equations, but I often could derive them when necessary. The A.D.D. helped me develop a really intense focus at times because that was the only way I could cope. BUT that focus tended to be at the expense of everything else. Half the time I couldn't tell that someone was talking to me unless I heard my name. I'm not sure if you'd call that a talent though lol. Today, my focus is horrible, though.
  10. jadkni

    jadkni Member

    I'm told I'm very level-headed and reasonable. Which is patently insane when I'm fairly certain I insult literally every possible viewpoint including my own equally often just because I find conflict and argument get people thinking and those are the discussions I enjoy. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as IRL trolling. :)

    I would like to think that I'm generally a nice guy though, which qualifies as a talent I guess.

    I'm also a treasure trove of useless facts and answers to questions nobody asked to begin with.
  11. Loswaith

    Loswaith Member

    I'm ok, at some stuff, better at others, and completly crap at even more. No real talent for anything that I have discovered as yet though.
    Unless one can consider procrastination as a talent. ;)
  12. Createx

    Createx Member

    I'm king at procrastination :p
    I'm pretty decent at cooking, I've good a good feeling of what tastes go together well and when stuff is cooked through etc, combined with decent knowledge of spices, ingredients and basic recipes.
    I'm pretty decent with languages, I speak 3 (English, German, Spanish) fluently, also some remnants of French, and I'm able to communicate with Italians and Portuguese.
    I'm good at maths, though too lazy to really use it.
    I'm usually level-headed and can deal with most persons, in RL and online.
    My real "talent" is fast reading though. I read equally fast in English and German nowadays, I can easily read 150 pages/hour with small fonts in big books. Not really useful mostly, but people do look at you strangely when you say, yes, I did read that form carefully.

    I suck a lot at DIY, my ex GF installed my bulbs for me. Also... procrastination. Way too much. I also dislike responsibilty.
    There are also some topics that give me the rage, and then I loose all semblance of self-control and rage like a charging bulldog.
  13. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    We could be long-lost siblings. I do the exact same things. Not so much on the responsibility side since you have to get used to delegated work anyway during the medicine internship anyway. Try to get me to do more unpaid work than I'm willing to do in one day, and what you get instead is this:
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  14. Createx

    Createx Member

    But I recently learned how to repair my bike :D After destroying about three of them...
  15. Mr_Strange

    Mr_Strange Member

    I'm one of the finest paper folders in the world. Joined Origami USA when I was just 6 and created my first kangaroo model.

    I have an excellent memory.
    Daynab likes this.
  16. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I'm strong in math (particularly calculus and algebra as opposed to trig which I'm much worse at), programming, human languages, I have an impeccable memory.
    I wonder if people good at programming are usually good at math and language?
  17. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    it tends to be a common thread among that lot. But on the obverse, those with good memories/math skills/language skills are not necessarily good programmers. :p I'm a dabbler in programming at best, myself, thus I fall under that category.
  18. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Once upon a time I could solve Rubik's Cube in about 3 to 5 minutes from any solvable configuration (yes, you could disassemble and reassemble it in a way such that it was impossible to solve). It was a huge fad when I was in college -- there were other people I knew in my school who could do it in under a minute from any position. The trick to doing it is to come up with a small handful of algorithms for switching and or rotating just two or three sides/corners at a time and visualizing how to sequentially combine those algorithms to solve each side.
  19. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

    I memorized the Quadratic Formula in 15 seconds, and there was one time I did two semesters of calculus in a week.

    Unfortunately, this ended up being a very bad thing for my worth ethic.
    SkyMuffin likes this.
  20. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    I once wrote a term paper in ten hours. Procrastinators for life!
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