Announcing Conquest of the Wizardlands Expansion!

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Daynab, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Right click the game, select properties, go to the updates tab, turn off the automatic updates, close, go back there and turn it on, and then go to downloads and press the "Resume all"button. Try this out.
  2. Frandarre

    Frandarre Member

    I forgot. Heh, sorry.
  3. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    That did not work for me -.-
  4. Hybelkanin

    Hybelkanin Member

    I feel for you man. Please dont turn this into a online distribution channels fanfight. (Personal note: Steam sucks too, read any gaming site and today's update on privacy settings which 7 years+ account holders will just have to accept or get locked out of Steam for)
  5. Frandarre

    Frandarre Member

    Reset steam?
  6. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Ah, I just started DoD, it checks for updates on start...
  7. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Well, I'm going to restart Steam. Hopefully the DLC will show up then.
    It did update at least.
    Damnit, no DLC! AGH!

    And Shardz, stop picking a fight, it has nothing to do with Gas Lamp Games here. IT's all on Desura.
    You claim to be nearly 50 years old. Act like it, please.
    I'm 29 years old. I'm fairly certain a 50 year old should be more mature than me. :)
    Kazeto likes this.
  8. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Nothing against anyone reading this, regarding of age, but age =/= maturity...
  9. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I just want to know why people above are all happy and stuff, and I can't get anything done at all. :( I see no DLC. All I see is that Dredmor updated. How much longer can it take to have the DLC avaliable after the update?

    I hate being impatient. I really do, but I am really confused here.
    I mean, someone above was talking about how he won't buy the DLC yet so I thought that meant it was out.

    How many more hours. :(
  10. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Steam updates a little slowly. It should be here at worst in a couple of hours. In the meantime there's always anime.
  11. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    The update includes the things that do not need CotW.
  12. Frandarre

    Frandarre Member

    Because the patch adds new skills and some fixes. We'll eventually get the dlc today, but we are happy to have a free update meanwhile
  13. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I think Continental Drift is faster than Steam updates. :p
    I thought the new skills are from the DLC only though.
    Or did Dagger and Polearm get added to the base game. THat will be nice. can't wait to play with Polearms and Communism. So I can keep the Capitalist dogs at bay. :)
    Oh, wait. I know A communist banker. :) Because that makes plenty of sense. Wait...
  14. Frandarre

    Frandarre Member

    We got Dagger and Polearm skills. The other skills are part of CotW
  15. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Communist backstabbing assasinating daggerwielding banker.
    Frandarre likes this.
  16. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    In Soviet Russia, Bank robs you!
  17. Frandarre

    Frandarre Member

    I'll try this.
  18. Jared Clark

    Jared Clark Member

    So is the updated version 1.1.1?
  19. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    In Communist America, Rob banks you!
  20. Lambastard

    Lambastard Member

    Polearms and Communism. This is my personal christmas, twice over.

    Except for that it is not. Yet. Grrrrrr. /proceeds to bite furniture