So after I cleared the entirety of Floor 1, I ended up being level 6 and having three Dimension Passwords. The first one opened a green portal that took me to a dimension with Floor 1 monsters and some hefty uniques. Thinking that all passwords would be like this, I decided to use the second password. The second one opened a red portal. I went in. Diggle Hell. I'm scarred for life.
I actually just typed some random letters in at the password terminal and ended up in Diggle Hell. It didn't go too well T_T
There needs to be a feature where anyone trying to take a screenshot of Vlad gets struck by his Fulminaric Bolt
Does Vlad even show in a screencap? Isn't a readout of video RAM simply a modern conceit of a "mirror" image?
Cleared it! I'll have to retry on GRPD now... However, something corrupted my game (either the clear, the many saves/loads while inside, the even more numerous deaths or teh fact that I prayed the diggle devil... might laso be something else that I don't know of...). Oh well, had fun!
The very first code i entered brought me to diggle hell i never took a portal trip ever again after that. But i'm happy to hear that there are easier dimensions
I had to kill him in literally the cheapest way possible. I started on EE and did a similar Egyptian Magic-reliant build and saved every room until I found Vlad, loaded back, and spammed the door with Sandstorms and waited for him to die. This guy makes Dredmor look like nothing. EDIT: And yeah, I found a second Vlad in that same hell. Eep. EDIT2: And upon leaving this Hell, my inventory vanished and exiting my pocket dimension crashes the game. Curse you, Vlad.
I found Diggle hell within 5 minutes of starting the game for the first time in a long while. I typed hello at the console, and was vaporised on entry. I also found out that Veganisum passivity of animals doesn't work in hell.
I wonder if I can kill him on GRPD... If I die, make sure you give me an extravagant funeral and a way out of there. Wait a minute, GREEN portal? I've only seen black (wizardland) and red (the place that shall not be named).
I went through diggle hell twice on my second run of Gary Johnson. The code was "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"(16 B's), didn't find Vlad anywhere. I cleared it, got 2 achievements, and decided to try again. Weird thing was, the same exact code remained valid(unlike wizardlands), and I haven't found Vlad. I ended the run by getting killed by a demon diggle for the achievement.
The generation of Diggle Hell is random, so you won't always find Vlad, and there is also a small chance to find two of him. That is because it only remembers which codes were used to access a wizardland, and Diggle Hell is not one.
Oh this guy? Yeah actually he was really badass and nearly killed me. This was like my 5th diggle hell run in a row and I was breezing through them so he really suprised me. People are right about diggle hell code being random. You can type anything and as long as it's not a wizardland the portal leads to hell. I normally type 'Hell' just for neatness.