If you have a particular issue that requires confirmation or further discussion, please create a topic in the subforum. The goal of this post is to log all of the Dungeon's current cracks and leaks, big and small! Audience Participation is Encouraged. Bugs are listed by priority. Crash or stoppage bugs are denoted with a '!' Bug reports needing confirmation are denoted with a '?' Bugs whose fixes are unconfirmed are denoted with a '✔?' Bug Sources - Please Refer To This Google Doc Release 1.1.4 Core Multiplatform: Crafting ✔? Crafted items can occasionally stack, and must be pulled apart manually (alt-click). Gameplay ! Monsters stuck in a wall that are killed by an AOE attack will likely cause the game to crash. Wands can only target the player, or living/dead monsters -- but not, say, the floor or items. Spellmines can cause a glitch in turns, where the player can effectively take unlimited turns for each monster's turn (often by hammering the spacebar.) Teleportation into doors is possible, allowing for scanning of rooms not yet technically discovered. Crossbows are not receiving mundane damage from things other than bolts. Charmed monsters cannot cast spells. Items disappear when stolen with full inventory. Enemies can sometimes stack on top of one another. Monsters do not adhere to the "stacksize" flag. The Difficulty/Permadeath selection screen does not remember previous choices. Eelys can only swim properly in water, and not other liquids. Eating Corpses as a Vampire while having a negative regeneration rate causes HP to go negative. This can sometimes cause freezing. Stairs can spawn on secret walls. Graphics ! Reports of a crash occurring as a result of the voltaic enchantment from Krong are still prevalent. It is unknown if it is fixed in the latest version. The issue can be avoided if one plays at normal animation speed, as it only occurs on faster speeds. Returning from a Mysterious Portal, set of stairs, or the Pocket Dimension can sometimes cause dead enemies to glitch into a default animation cycle just once, then stop. Its tooltip will say it's dead, but also that it's trying to kill you. Buzzing with Magic buff uses the same artwork panel as the Fueled by Booze buff. Mods <effect type="suction" /> ends a spell, even if there are more lines of code after it. Skill mods using the skillName syntax and start with certain characters will cause the mod to not properly increase archetype levels. Changing the name can be a workaround. Setting <invisible amount="0" /> on a child monster whose parent has <invisible amount="1"> will CTD the game on spawn. ✔? Mods may not load if your Windows Username has a special character. Savegames ✔? There appears to be a crash issue with old saves that had the Burglary: Lucky Pick skill, as its function has now changed.
Skills Perception: Lucky Find will occasionally grant nothing. Level 0 Stat/Recipe Bonuses are not applying properly. Example. Shield-bearer: Defensive Bash still states it scales with Stubbornness, but actually scales with Block Chance. Necronomiconomics: Deathly Hex can be used more than once a turn through excessive casting. Blood Mage: Sanguinista grants mana even on Vegetable and Construct kills, contrary to the XML and skill description. Sounds ! If the Pocket Dimension is accessed from a shop, the Pocket Dimension music will function normally until a step is taken inside the dimension. The normal dungeon music or shop music will play. This can cause a crash when the music switches to a new track. "Veil", a musical sting, is included with the game files, yet is not used. Steam The Steam Cloud can eat saves. To turn it off, do the following: Go to Steam > Settings > Cloud, and disable the first checkbox. On the computer you want to play Dredmor on, change the enableSteamCloud = 1 line in config.xml to 0, and see if the game sees your saves. Many reports of achievement counters getting reset. "You Used All The Glue on Purpose" is especially problematic, and does not have an externally-facing counter. Mods and debug mode do not appear to be able to trigger this, either. A case exists where activating large numbers of non-Steam Workshop mods on a Steam-enabled build of the game will cause the game to not progress past the launcher. Details. ✔? Last.txt does not appear to be saved properly by the Steam Cloud. Typos/Wording Components of Lucky Find contain typos in certain options. UI On lower resolutions, enlarging the Pocket Dimension may push the 2x toggle button off the screen. As that element is not draggable, it cannot be returned to 1x size in-game. Crafting shows having all elements of a recipe if you have only one of multiple identical items needed (Example: An Emerald Encrusted Gold Ring will appear craftable with only one gold ingot and one emerald in the inventory. Crafting will still fail if attempted, despite the check marks under each item.) Z-order management of UI elements is spotty. (e.g. Character Panel cannot be closed with the mouse if the crafting pane is behind it.) The right side of the bag has ghost inventory slots in each row - they correspond to the first slot of the next row. Magic Reflect is missing from the Character Panel. Dragging the Character Panel to the left edge of the screen will cause graphical issues with the tacked on paper parts and resistance numbers. Example. Skills that are off-screen in the top window of the Skill Selection interface, if also present in the bottom, active row, will cause the rollover text for that skill not function when hovered over in the bottom, active row. Buff Icons can overlap on some resolutions. Rarely, the crafting interface will not respond to the Page Up, Page Down, Home, or End keyboard keys. Some individuals can't select difficulty and are skipped directly to skill choice. "The [Monster] is no longer afraid, and turns to fight" line ignores named="1", and can produce things like "The The Baron is no longer afraid..." in the message log. XML ✔? affectsCorpses="0" is not working on triggers. ✔? special="1" may be nonfunctional - certain rooms will appear twice on the same floor. ✔? ! Calling transformmonster in any shape or form from a targethiteffectbuff on a weapon crashes the game. ✔? Spells with a buff and trigger effect will not activate the trigger. Example here. ✔? None of the spells that previously triggered burn="1" use the "On Fire" spell that was created to replace this. OS X: ? The Vanishing Stats Bug Lives On ? Difficulties may be encountered when trying to access the desktop via Exposé when the game is running in Fullscreen Mode. Linux: Switching the window can cause the game to go back to the main menu. Realm of the Diggle Gods Multiplatform: Skills Werediggle: When using a wand, the Our Hero wand-use animation plays, not the Diggle Form one. You Have To Name The Expansion Pack Multiplatform: Skills ! Rogue Scientist: Alchemical Toxin Canister is causing certain people to experience crashes. It is thought this occurs from aiming the canisters at non-floor tiles or tiles occupied by items; however, more thorough research is needed to identify the root cause. Sounds Counter, Wooden Door, and other custom breakables do not have or play associated sounds.
Conquest of the Wizardlands Multiplatform: Achievements+ "Pick Up" text is displayed on some items in the Trophies screen. ? Reports of the Menagerie not logging Lord Dredmor kills. Graphics Sapphire Ring of the Deepest Skies' effect art is being displayed one tile south of where it is actually applying. Certain Magical Statue expected transformations (e.g. a gaslamp, maybe) cannot currently be selected in the customization screen. Wizardlands tilesets cannot be used in the Pocket Dimension. This is because allowing it would cause savegame breakage. Items Rearden Metal Ingots sort after Tinkering Reagents, not with Smithing Reagents (e.g. other ingots). Skills ✔? ! Various reports of Paranormal Investigator: Skepticism and Magical Law: Polymorphic Injunction crashing the game. Paranormal Investigator: Skepticism can be cast on closed doors and Brax, resulting in a chance to get items. Communism: The Public Option's regen buff will sometimes not fire. Bankster: Negative Zork Spells scale differently for different versions of Level 0 areas. Tourist: Sample The Local Cuisine allows for Vampires to eat. Sounds Reloading a game with a character in Diggle Hell makes the game play normal dungeon music on that floor. Typos/Wording "Monofiliment Sword" should probably be spelled "Monofilament Sword". But, as this is an item name, this change is unlikely to occur in order to preserve saves. XML The Evil Clone wizard level should only be spawning in equivalent DL12 or later, according to the XML. This is not happening. --- Not Bugs Special effects granted to crossbows put on a Krong altar will also sometimes apply when melee attacks are used. Lucky Pick is designed to only open locked doors 100% of the time -- chests still require regular lockpicks. You wouldn't want to lose your lucky pick to a toothy Mimic, now would you? The room in which a fountain blocks a 1x1 hallway between a regular area and a Diggle Nest is a designed room - there is a way around the blocker via the wooden door to the southeast of the fountain. Escaping into the Pocket Dimension during a Monster Zoo battle will forfeit your sanguine rewards. Arcane Addresses are one-use items - they cannot be used by multiple characters across a single "account", if you will. "Features" Ingot Press crusts claim to use Tinkering skill to determine if a crust can be produced, but the game actually checks against the Tinkering Skill or Smithing Skill level, whichever is higher. Custom Titles are broken - as such, characters will currently always be Our Hero the Adventurer in the death and highscore screens. UI elements and holding of directions movement keys can occasionally cause auto-walking to occur, and must be cancelled manually via the mouse or settings menu. Kills on resurrected monsters will still decrease Monster Zoo counters. Sometimes displacement glyphs will have no second to the pair - when that happens, the player will stay in the same position, even though the teleport noise is made. Double or Triple Monster Zoos may appear on certain floors. Achievement Counters on Steam occasionally reset (See 'Steam' section above). In many UI instances, text will overlap. Items can spawn inside shrines, generally being a nuisance. XP meter overflow is lost upon leveling up. Having a full XP meter (e.g. 125/125 XP, 2000/2000 XP, etc.) will NOT level up Our Hero. Bug Sources - Please Refer To This Google Doc
Mod skills do not cooldown upon creating a new game. The game must be saved and loaded before mod skills will cool down. None of the spells that previously triggered burn="1" use the "On Fire" spell that was created to replace this.
found a slight menu bug. i noticed that the ? button was left behind, albeit invisible. when you click the region where it used to be it reads "enabling this setting makes the user interface expand in size" despite not being there.
Whelp. I have no idea if I'm posting this in the right place, because I'm not really familiar with the forums, if it is the wrong place please redirect me. When I took my first journey into the wizardlands, it put me back to the starting level and took away almost all of my inventory. When I came back into the normal world, I was still short my items and levels.
That would probably be better suited to its own post - please start a topic in the subforum, and include your OS version as a Prefix in the thread title. Include as much detail as you have. ...Because that sounds really freakin' weird, bug-wise.
I just did some more testing, and I may have spoken too soon. 'Boil Water Advisory' unlocked for me when the act of drinking did enough damage to kill me, but did not unlock when I drank the acid, then took several steps before death. Also, thanks for creating this! Anything that fixes DoD and makes it even better gets a major thumbs-up in my book.
Through the magic of editing, we can pretend it never happened! (It didn't help that I forgot how that activated in the first place, too.)
1) Peasently Pitchforks stack in the inventory. Not sure if this is true with every types of polearms. 2) There still exists one quality in the game that annoys me; random loot on the ground might appear in the same spot as shrines, fountains, etc. making it impossible to get them. 3) Some corners on the walls or on the ground around liquids (water/acid holes) are missing proper graphics. This is basically just a small aesthetic issue.
Bug: spells with both a buff and a trigger effect will NOT activate the trigger. It used to work before CoTW, but not any more. This doesn't work, since Withdrawal is not triggered at the end of 30 rounds: Code: <spell name="Withdrawal" type="self" > <buff useTimer="1" time="50" allowstacking="1" stacksize="3" icon="skills/withdrawal64.png" smallicon="skills/withdrawal32.png" bad="1"> <primarybuff id="0" amount="-4"/> <!-- Burl --> <primarybuff id="1" amount="-4"/> <!-- Sag --> <primarybuff id="2" amount="-4"/> <!-- Nim --> <primarybuff id="3" amount="-4"/> <!-- Cad --> <primarybuff id="4" amount="-4"/> <!-- Stubb --> <primarybuff id="5" amount="-4"/> <!-- Savv --> </buff> <description text="Just...gotta have a little more of that skoom - I mean, stuff. I can stop any time I want. Really." /> </spell> <spell name="Hyper Hyped" type="self" > <buff useTimer="1" time="30" allowstacking="0" icon="skills/hyped64.png" smallicon="skills/hyped32.png" > <secondarybuff id="9" amount="10"/> <!-- edr --> <secondarybuff id="4" amount="10"/> <!-- crit --> <primarybuff id="4" amount="10"/> <!-- Stubb --> </buff> <effect type="trigger" spell="Withdrawal" amount="31" /> <effect type="removebuffbyname" name="Withdrawal" /> <description text="Brblblblblblblblbl. You feel more alert and can shrug off pain easier; you feel like you can take on whole hordes and come out on top!" /> </spell> But this does: Code: <spell name="Withdrawal" type="self" > <buff useTimer="1" time="50" allowstacking="1" stacksize="3" icon="skills/withdrawal64.png" smallicon="skills/withdrawal32.png" bad="1"> <primarybuff id="0" amount="-4"/> <!-- Burl --> <primarybuff id="1" amount="-4"/> <!-- Sag --> <primarybuff id="2" amount="-4"/> <!-- Nim --> <primarybuff id="3" amount="-4"/> <!-- Cad --> <primarybuff id="4" amount="-4"/> <!-- Stubb --> <primarybuff id="5" amount="-4"/> <!-- Savv --> </buff> <description text="Just...gotta have a little more of that skoom - I mean, stuff. I can stop any time I want. Really." /> </spell> <spell name="Hyper Hyped" type="self" > <effect type="removebuffbyname" name="Withdrawal" /> <buff useTimer="1" time="30" allowstacking="0" icon="skills/hyped64.png" smallicon="skills/hyped32.png" > <secondarybuff id="9" amount="10"/> <!-- edr --> <secondarybuff id="4" amount="10"/> <!-- crit --> <primarybuff id="4" amount="10"/> <!-- Stubb --> </buff> <description text="Brblblblblblblblbl. You feel more alert and can shrug off pain easier; you feel like you can take on whole hordes and come out on top!" /> </spell> <spell name="Hyper Hyped Trigger" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" spell="Withdrawal" amount="31" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Hyper Hyped" /> </spell>
- Unconfirmed reports (i.e. I have a save but I haven't looked at it) that some people are restoring and unable to ascend levels. - Unconfirmed reports (same cause as above) that having some mods loaded stops the game from saving. I'm wondering if our revision control (git) ate something last night during the build process, because I actually fixed bug #2. Oh well.
By the way, guys, I think I figured out why the "spellmines can sap monsters' turns if you hammer the spacebar" thing happens. What I think the game does is, it prevents monsters from moving (but not from performing melee attacks) whilst a spell that includes an animation is in the middle of cycling the animation on their square. This means that if you spamcast a spellmine or an on-target spell with an animation at least a quarter second long, or hammer the spacebar while a DoT spellmine is in effect, you can basically stunlock them. This doesn't work with projectiles, because of travel time, and it doesn't work if any monsters are in melee range of you because melee attacks override spell animations for the purposes of this glitch.
This exists so that, if you somehow gain enough EXP that while you're in the middle of level up (before the EXP meter drains but after the new requirement is set) you qualify for the next level up, you don't level twice. (This did in fact happen to me earlier today when I killed a miniboss on NTTG.) Disregard that, I misunderstood. Yeah, I really don't like that particular "feature".
Bug: Confirming that dagger and pitchfork weapons stack in inventory, any artifacts lose their enchantments.
Skepticism occasionally crashes the game. Not sure what causes it, it seems random. Must be one of the possible results being messed up. Well, it didn't crash my game so much as permanently freeze it until I killed the process. Edit: Happened again. Transformed a Batty into a Wight, attacked Wight next turn, game instantly exited out without an error message. Yeah, this happens even if you just pick up one from the ground, not just when crafting.
MAJOR Bug: Amber ring of unending time causes crashing when playing any speed above normal. <spell name="Amber Ring Hit" type="target" wand="0" > <effect type="damage" affectsCaster="1" voltaic="5" blasting="2" affectsCorpses="0" /> <effect type="paralyze" amount="3" affectsCaster="1" turns="1" self="0" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/lightningstrike/lightningstrike" frames="6" framerate="1" sfx="elec" /> <impact sprite="sprites/sfx/voltaic_hit/voltaic_hit" frames="8" framerate="80"/> <effect type="trigger" spell="Blast Effect A" /> </spell> Changing 1 to 80 solved the problem. I think the game was trying to divide 1 by 2 and get the result for use in double speed, but failed.
Overflow on the XP meter doesn't count toward the next level. This is especially noticeable with the introduction of minibosses and: