Is it feasible to introduce a mode to DoD where you can have an increase in the dungeon size by 1/3 or 1/2, and have it be the exact opposite of NTTG? I'll accept it even if it has to be paid-for DLC. Yes, there are people like me who want bigger dungeons.
I like this idea a lot. A long-term adventurer is much more appealing now, with the possibility of exploring Wizardlands and such.
6-13 room size dungeons tend to get stale after a while. I wanted the wizardlands to be at least the size of a random dungeon floor on NTTG, but the devs saw fit to make them smaller. Still love the Wizardlands though.
I'd definitely appreciate it if they were larger and less linear. (Do they branch at all? They've been entirely linear for me.) And more room diversity but I think that's probably something that'll get fixed over time. (If not with patches, at least with mods )
I'd wager the linearity and comparatively small size of the Wizardlands is tied to their ability of being quanthaumically encoded in a word of great Puissance. And hey, it's fitting, they're supposed to be bachelor party flats right??
Honestly I'd assume the words are just random number seeds (plus a level code and a checksum). So from a game design perspective they could easily be quite big and nonlinear. Of course that would require entirely recoding the thing and yeah.
I suggest that the name parodies how the words "awesome" and "epic" have lost a lot of their punch through overuse. Perosnally, I wouldn't have much use for this. Inventories fill up WAY too freaking fast.
You don't even need CotW. The Pocket Dimension is still in Vanilla, you just don't get the portal and the ability to change the appearance of the walls and statues. I like this idea, but I would probably never use it.
My pocket dimension is full up with tottering piles of ingots, a small heap of gems, rows of bottles, a small arsenal of throwing weapons and bolts, and a somewhat larger pile of crafting materials and food. You're not alone.
But there is a problem with a bigger floor, if you have a Fast EXP gaining class like Burgaly, Acheologist, or other who gives more EXP per monster type you hit the level cap of the game too fast and the subsequent levels didn't give anything (since you cant apply the level to any achetipe) besides leaving the enemies more powerful. With Acheology I can hit the level cap on GR at DL 12 with ease. ALL the subsequent levels don't help me in nothing, except, logicaly, refilling my Hit Points. Before Expanding the levels we gotta see some tweaks on this and other things like better item randomization (see a brax shop with all itens being Bolt Erruptor is lol),
I've made some suggestions in regard to this
Well, they'd nerf exp gain, wouldn't they? So you'd still only hit max level at DL12, it would just take a lot longer and way more monster kills/museum trips. I'd enjoy this.