[List] In-Jokes, Third-Party References, etc.

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by LonePaladin, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    I'm afraid both of you are shooting a little too close to the present. Check out the King James Version and American Standard Version translations of 1 Corinthians 13:12.
    wRAR likes this.
  2. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    The Ballmer peak is a reference to
    Developers! Developers! Developers! is a reference to Steve Ballmer saying that (actually with one more Developers!)
    Obligatory song
  3. The Small Cricket Apprentice skill image really looks like Mike from Shortpacked! to me.

    I'm not sure if that's a reference or coincidence, but for me at least it's a Can Not Unsee thing now...
  4. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    There's a named Bumbleebeeperson called Bee Arthur, a somewhat obvious reference to the actress Bea Arthur.

    There's also a named Diggle by the name of Siegfried, and I think this might be some sort of strange Odin-esque reference that's convoluted - shall I explain? Oh, goody! Well, Siegfried is the hero of the Ring Cycle (also known as the Niebelungenlied) which is based on Viking mythology, and the Vikings worshipped Odin. I could be miles off the mark, though.

    I have a feeling that the icon for Paranormal Investigator is based upon Gillian Anderson, famous for her role as co-star of The X-Files (alongside David Duchovny).
  5. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Sort of strange that it hasn't been mentioned yet but...

    "The Power of Goa'uld" is an obvious Stargate reference.
  6. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Oh, I kind of registered it as obvious and did not mention it :oops:
  7. Fixed the link in my earlier post. No idea where the Wikipedia link fragment came from...

    Either that or there's another named Diggle somewhere that goes by Roy...
  8. Aresius

    Aresius Member

    wRAR likes this.
  9. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    And they love Rhapsody, Aresius. Or so it seems...
  10. saltmummy626

    saltmummy626 Member

    I dont know if this has been mentioned yet because I haven't finished going through the thread yet. I bring it up becuase I have been playing doom and DoD back to back a lot recently, and I just noticed today that the intro splash screen for doom (posted near the start of this thread) is VERY similar to DoDs original intro picture. you know, where the eyebrowed one is standing up on that rock with all the monsters trying to get at him while he rains down death with his wand and sword? other than the themes of the pictures, the only differences I see are that nothing his grabbing the heros arm in the DoD pic, and no demon is pointing at the marine in the doom one. again, sorry if this has been posted already, gonna finish reading. :D
  11. saltmummy626

    saltmummy626 Member

    just thought of a few more.
    the poncho with no name is a reference to the clint eastwood character, the man with no name from the fist full of dollars series of movies.
    chthon is a reference to the first boss in quake that guards the rune of earth, which in turn is a reference to HP lovecraft stuff. (quake was a huge lovecraft reference anyways, I mean srsly, the main boss was shub-niggurath the black goat of the wood with 1000 young.)
    the other intro screens for the expansions to DoD seem very familiar and may be references to other things as well but im not sure.
    you can get a red hat that is a reference to the helsing anime, its text also references the character who wears it and the fact that his name (alucard) spelled backwards is dracula.
    also, the new semedi enemy and the special version "the baron" are a voodoo spirit.
  12. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    I'm not sure about as a whole, but the description of the Cloud Gremlin contains a reference to the popular cartoon Adventure Time (which is totally awesome).

    The item The Window Of Elements is visually inspired by the Microsoft Windows logo, and I have a feeling its description is a reference to Windows Vista (looks pretty but is flawed).
  13. Konork

    Konork Member

    There's also a "Service Pack" encrustment for rings and amulets that uses the same gems, I believe
  14. Maxumym

    Maxumym Member

    Buckle Up encrustment is a reference to a running Final Fantasy joke - "Belts & Zippers"
    It's based on how the main character concept designer evidently loves these things, and draws an unholy lot of them on the characters.
  15. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Assistant Hammerer has a reference in its description that I really only just got today. I hadn't noticed it before.

    It's a reference to the song If I Had A Hammer, which we used to sing in primary school here, but it was originally(?) a folk-ish song.
  16. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Sonic Wand is fairly easy to dismiss or overlook. Visually, the wand has the appearance of a brass instrument (by itself fairly unremarkable), but its description reads that it can cause "enemies to drop their defences". I believe this is a reference to the Biblical story about the Walls of Jericho, in which the Israelites circle the city, blowing trumpets in order to bring the walls down.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  17. I'd been assuming the wand itself was a Dr. Who Sonic Screwdriver type reference.
  18. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    The Sonic Screwdriver can have that effect, certainly, but it's one of many and the icon for the wand looks nothing like any I've seen. The only specific occurrence of sound being used as an 'anti-defence', if you will, that I can think of is the Biblical story of Jericho. I'm sure someone in Gaslamp can clarify if I'm wrong or if we're both right.
  19. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Sonic scream (or something, but I am quite sure it had sonic in front) lowers the defense power of the enemy pokemon substantially.
    Just thought of it after reading your posts.