Dragonsbreath Caltrop Eruptorception

Discussion in 'You Have To Name The Expansion Pack' started by Insanius, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. Insanius

    Insanius Member

    When I first saw the caltrop eruptor it sounded dangerous, so I avoided it on instinct and only disarmed it when my chance was at least 50. After a while I did step on it accidentally and saw what it's supposed to do, which is to spawn 9 more caltrops in a 3x3 area. I thought to myself "this is a neat way to get extra EXP, pick up the trap, then drop it and activate it on purpose to get 10x experience out of it."

    This continued until I found the Dragonsbreath Caltrop Eruptor.
    My god.
    It spawns itself. I'll be stuck here for days. How do I overcome my urge to farm infinite EXP?
    OmniNegro likes this.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    It'll be fixed by the next patch.
  3. Darkmere

    Darkmere Member

    Try dropping one in a zoo. I had one spawn in the level 14 zoo; it cleared about 100 of the 160 monsters by itself. I leveled. Then I ground another level disarming all the caltrops that I could pick up in the zoo. Then I maxed tinkering and disarmed the rest of the room. 2/3 of a level.

    Note: A stack of 1100 quantum caltrops still won't kill Dredmor.
    banjo2E likes this.
  4. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Time to nerf his resistances again. :)

    Seriously though, how much damage does a quantum caltrop do damage wise?
    Because I'm fairly certain 1100 of them should do more than the 800 health he has. :)
  5. Darkmere

    Darkmere Member

    His resistances are high enough to completely resist 1. So he resists 1 caltrop 1100 times in a row. Sadly, the effect of all those caltrops isn't cumulative.
    SkyMuffin and banjo2E like this.
  6. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Btw I've noticed that shift dropping traps reduces the stack size to 1. You have to actually spend turns dropping them to stack them up...
  7. Kyrie

    Kyrie Member

    A screenie just for fun:

    BDSb, Psiweapon, Glazed and 2 others like this.
  8. Giygas

    Giygas Member

    I'm more surprised that there are still two monsters that didn't die in a firey spiky explosion of caltropy death.
    Doc Gelegentlich likes this.
  9. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    They are probably flying or outside the zoo.

    Also, I love these traps. But I'm just a crazy sleep-deprived person.
  10. Psiweapon

    Psiweapon Member

    The exploits and brokenness are just as funny as the game itself. Go team Gaslamp.
    Doc Gelegentlich and Kazeto like this.
  11. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Fortunately, this has been unfaxed fixed.