Wooden Bolts

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Verendus, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Verendus

    Verendus Member

    Need to do bonus damage against Vlad Diggula. Unless they do already, in which case, whoops.
    Bohandas likes this.
  2. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    This would be easy to do.

    If it's not, I could write the xml myself.
  3. Giygas

    Giygas Member

    They should also be able to be crafted from The Log for a ton of them.
    Bohandas and Aegho like this.
  4. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Now that you mention it, there's probably a lot of things that should probably be craftable from The Log. Hefty Sticks for one, should also be craftable from The Log.
  5. Kyrie

    Kyrie Member

    For a helfy stick is better to make a spear with 2 bronzes and then turn it to a stick.

    Who could have guessed that bronze could transform into wood?
  6. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    no, the protagonist simply didn't major in meltdown classes before entering the dungeon. :)