As per title. This will let people have some fun looking for recipes instead of savescumming at every set of bookcases hoping to find the recipes they'll need. It's also a boon for crafters - they'll enjoy it.
It also seems like it would fit, 'cause you know, wizards and books. Although maybe all their books are incomprehensible since they wrote them while drunk.
not really. you need mana for spellcasting, not transcription. Unless they were hopelessly addicted to alcohol to the point that they spent their days with open mouths under a flowing keg.
Much of the wizardland decor seems to suggest this ...more to the topic though, findable bookcases in wizardlands is something I support
I'm pretty sure wizards at LEAST used Wand Lore. Gotta have absurd drunken competitions about who's wand is bigger, after all. Alchemy would also make sense, I mean, where do you think they got all their booze.
Fair Enough. Still. Needs more Grimoires. Honestly, I think it would be really cool if bookcases had a chance of dropping tomes. It would have to be a really low chance, and scaled to be DL level appropriate, but it would pretty cool. Could even make it more memorable/cool by making them drop with some enchants. Like a quest item type stuff. Again with a very low chance, especially since there are so many bookcases on some floors. Higher chance of tomes in wizardlands maybe? I don't know this idea just hit me fully formed. Take it or leave it as always.
I would support this idea, though we'd need more tomes available. (If you don't have RotDG there is exactly one tome. And only like thirteen with all the expansion packs.)
This is a good idea. I will bring this to the attention of the developers. There is currently a discussion on expanding the number of unique rooms in the wizardlands. Making sure that some of them have bookshelves sounds like a good idea to me.
I meant wieldable offhand tomes. A powerful artifact tome followed by consequences similar to an evil chest is kind of what I was thinking. There are enough bookcases in the dungeon that three recipes out of one doesn't even begin to tempt me towards suicide. And as the Tentacled Godqueen mentioned, we could really stand to have more varieties of tome anyhow.
A unique tome only available in wizardlands would be interesting. However, there currently aren't enough wizardland rooms to make any one room in which such an item spawns rare enough to be balanced.
Can we also add mini-bosses to the wizlands just like the mysterious portals? I love fighting mini-boss. Great xp and gives some random loot, and make things more interesting.