A refresh tag in triggers/dots/buffs or whenever that refresh or you could say reapply the effect. Would work something like Code: <effect type="trigger" spell="Whatever" refresh="10" /> This effect would refresh every 10th move without the need for additional unnecessary code. Could perhaps somehow be a fix to the effects not triggering when saving and reloading or going up/down stairs. Code: <effect type="dot" spell="Whatever" amount="10" refresh="10" /> This would reapply the dot every 10th turn so it would make it last pretty much forever, or until cleansed. Which brings me to another suggestion. For the love of god please add a removable="0" tag for dots so effects that rely on them being constantly applied dont get screwd over by uncurse effects. (Yes I know its suggested by me once already but I'll keep doing it till its in.)
I'm swamped for Odin, but I am going to try to find a day after the current 1.1.2 madness ships to deal with modder requests. So anything here may, or may not, be done, depending on whether or not I think it will actively break things and make trouble. requirebuffontarget will *probably* not make that list, because that will touch a *lot* of stuff.
Is it possible to make players able to use the dash mechanic? Like effect type="dash" or something. Its pretty cool and I can see it being used in many warrior oriented skills. Also triggeronmove pretty please. And because it would be spamy as hell, some command that would prevent messages such as "Vampirism attack" from being shown would be cool.
The former already exists, it uses playercharge which I think uses the same syntax as dash. Here's the only example of it being used. <effect type="playercharge" amount="3" dashHit="Weak Dash Attack Crush" dashMiss="Weak Dash Attack Fail" interruptable="1"/> Also, for consistency I'm posting a suggestion here: A targeting scheme that calculates a missile hit immediately (or a missile speed argument to missile that when 0 calculates the tile instantly without firing, that would also be nice) targetanytile - allows you to target anything, floors, walls, water, blockers. There are a few minor uses for this targetplayerormonster - this could easily be used in core (Plutonic Fist, Petrification, Insurance Fraud) targetwall - Mostly because there's no way to target walls outside of diggingbeam and adjacent bishop - Self-explanatory. targetonlyemptyfloor - the same as targetemptyfloor except when triggered over a non-empty tile will fail instead of picking a random nearby tile, this is more useful than it sounds.
Ooooh thanks a lot I had no idea since it wasnt in the spell effects page on dredmod wiki. Is there a way other than the wiki and going through the game xml's to find out what all the commands are? Now I do ^^ But there isnt any way to make them unremovable right? As in safe from uncursing. effect type="uncurse" would remove everything even if I used bufftag right?
No you can't make dots immune to uncurse. On the other hand uncurse effects were nerfed so most(all?) of them remove one random bad="1" buff or dot, not everything.
Well a lot of them aren't in the xml, I grabbed the names from the exe (which has no documentation as any comments would be strippd out of compiled code). The playercharge in particular was from an expansion 3 test build. It never got used though
Mhm mind telling me how to do it? Should I just open the exe in a a hex editor and then scroll through infinite amount of text or is there an easier way. Well if they only removed bad="1" ones that would be cool. Not sure how it is now but bad="0" never prevented my dots from being removed.
Control + F any effects that you know, you can find it. Seriously though every single working effect is documented on the wiki (with the explicit exception of playercharge because of having to test and then document every argument)
I would like to troll mouse users AND keyboard users, using the X (impassable but clear-looking tile), the mouse user would just click on the loot I have dropped in the middle of the room, making the hero just pass by my "Troll Tiles". I would like it if the Hero wouldn't move and a message appears: "Some evil magic is blocking this way."
onEquip and onUnequip triggers, or allow items to give buffs that only persist on the player while the item is equipped.
I do believe I remember seeing it somewhere, but I looked through this thread's list of items and didn't see it in there, so figured I'd mention it again to get it the proper exposure.
Something like sword="1" axe, mace, unarmed, shield etc. to primarybuff and secondarybuff so the buff would only be granted if weilding atleast one of said weapons, shields or none if unarmed. This could be used in Shield bearer skill. Also onehanded or twohanded tag would be nice. The current weapon skills could remain hardcoded into the game.
Not sure whether it isnt already in the game but adding the percentage tag to triggerfromlist would be nice to have. Code: <effect type="triggerfromlist"> <option name="Spell 1" percentage="50"/> <option name="Spell 2"/> <option name="Spell 3"/> </effect> Here you can see a sample. Spell 1 would have a 50% chance to activate while Spell 2 and Spell 3 would both have 25% chance to activate. Id like to see this because if I do this with normal spell trigger, and even if I used the same amounts, there would be a chance for all 3 to activate at once when I only want one of them to activate. Sure I could probably do something like add multiple Spell 1 options but if I have 10 triggers and want 6 of them to be a higher chance while the rest only a 1% chance it would require crapload of code and even then it wouldnt work as well as this one.
Jut list the effects you want to trigger more often multiple times, really. Yes, it works, and it's much less of a hassle to check on unless you make your spell trigger hundreds of effects.
I know it works but I'd like to work with precise numbers. And because this is a request thread I'm requesting it this way and not a workaround. If the devs find it to be a good idea perhaps they'll add it. If not then I'll just have to use the workaround.