Worth pointing out, then, that this can happen to a 100+ health tank build on the easiest difficulty. That alone shows just how powerful these enemies can be.
Yeah, that is worth pointing out. Whatever, we now know that it is yet another thing caused by the fact that buffs which should not stack sometimes do. And it would've been easier or me to actually notice that had I ever been hit by that thing (I like to spam movement abilities and thrown items when I find a new enemy type, so they never got to attack me).
Maybe we should all challenge you to a melee build, Kazeto. Where you can't use ranged except against corrupting monsters, and thirsty/hungry diggles. And Kleptos.
Maybe. But I'll still abuse Move in Mysterious Ways, Ninja Vanish, Rocket Jump, Charge of the Steam Brigade, Lure, and traps. And I don't think Rutabagas can charge when you are near them. Generally speaking, it is more about being crafty and cautious than it is about the choice of ranged versus melee.
Well I'm glad that I brought this to the attention of the community now that we've figured it out. Nice to know that I'm not crazy.
I had just this happen to me last night. I'd fought some rutabagas before, and hadn't had much trouble. I DID notice that Food Poisoning took away ~8 health each stack, but it hadn't bothered me yet. However, I then run into a room of rutabagas (one of the platoons or whatever). While fighting them, I notice my hp going down. A LOT. After 6 of 8 rutabagas, I'd gone from my maximum health of 70-some health, down to 11. I couldn't figure out why, since I had 8 AA, and the other damage types weren't hurting me very much. This is when I discovered the OTHER aspect to Food Poisoning, one I haven't seen mentioned yet. First, some background. I should mention my character is a Vampire. He gains health through damage and corpses. Obviously, I don't heal off of vegetables, so I'd been draining corpses throughout the fight. However, I still had to run away from the last 2 rutabagas due to low health. I didn't know why at the time. I killed the last 2 rutabagas and drained their corpses. Somehow, with 2 stacks of Food Poisoning, even though I had JUST drained their corpses, I was at 0 health. Fortunately, the game sort of just froze at that point. I'm not sure why. I had to use Task Manager to close out the program AND Steam. When I got back into the game today I was relieved to find my characters auto-save had kicked in before the whole rutabaga fiasco. When I came back to the same room, there were no rutabagas this time. Ok, now fast-forward a bit, to the Monster Zoo. I was fighting them all and doing well, when I got Food Poisoning from a rutabaga. By now I'd figured these were bad news, worse than the debuff text let on. I was lower on health than I liked, so I went and drained some corpses. To my surprise, draining the corpse hurt me. That's right, instead of being healed for several points, I lost a point of health every time I drained a corpse. I also noticed that I wasn't gaining any health from hurting animals when I had Food Poisoning. I haven't checked with a non-Vampire character yet, but I think that Food Poisoning is causing health effects (or maybe just Food effects, if Drain Corpse counts as a Food effect) to lower health instead. Dredmorpedia doesn't even mention Food Poisoning, so I don't know if that's the case. And that's my experience, I thought this thread would like to know. And all of this was on Going Rogue.
Are those nerfed yet? Because I lost a caracter to them and i'd rather not go to level 5 if they're still evil.
I've had them one shot The Mortal Machine on DL2. After that I freaked and I proceed to wall them in every time I see one, just to be safe. The strange thing was The Mortal Machine didn't do a death animation it just disappeared... Could need some looking into as well, but it's hard to replicate as they don't always charge the summon.
Vampires loose health when foodpoisoned because it lowers their health regen, which is how their abilities scale now. If it becomes negative, Corpse Drain will actually function as a negative heal, thus making you loose HP.
Woah! I'd seen some talk about the abilities scale with health regen, but I had no idea that had been implemented. When did that happen? I didn't know that keeping health regen on was a good idea for me.
It happened in the last major patch. In some other thread, we came to the conclusion that the drain scaling with Magic Power is something that should not be happening, because it is an ability that works in melee and thus you shouldn't be forced to prioritize it when fighting in close combat. Then, we also came to realize that if it has to use any stat that is not Magic Power, the most appropriate one would be Health Regeneration because not only does it match the theme (I mean, seriously, "health regeneration") but it also makes bonuses to that stat relevant and it did not favour warrior builds like scaling it with maximum Health would.
Does that scaling include the damage from Vampiric Attack (assuming it still does extra damage)? edit: And if someone's willing to answer (if not, that's ok), why does Vampiric Attack sometimes temporarily increase maximum health instead of current health? It even does this with vegetables, constructs, etc.
Yeah, the drain damage scales to as well. I've never noticed my max health being effected by vampirism though,,,
Edit: Oops, my mistake. That's my Berserker Rage giving me Burliness, which is giving me more max health. I never connected the two before, because I couldn't see that I had more than one stack of Rage on me. So I couldn't see any other reason why I would be gaining max health. Sorry about that. Yeah, I've noticed this for a while. It used to be, it would only happen with non-drainable monsters: vegetables, constructs, undead... I used to think it was compensation for Vampirism not draining them anymore. Now I see this happen with all types, even animals. When I gain maximum health, I don't gain anything to my current health. And as I mentioned, it's temporary. I suppose it's a bug, but I've hardly seen it mentioned. Should I get some screenshots maybe?
Screenshots would be nice. I know I've not noticed this behavior, but that doesn't mean its not happening. Might want to start a bug report thread for it once you got a shot or two, maybe from different enemies.