I'd like to suggest a literacy based skill tree which would allow crafting Tomes. There probably is one around, and Tomes are sort of balanced around not being craftable, but still, the concept might have enough gag potential ^^ Also, it would work as a nerf to crafting :gasp: Really, crafting kept getting better and better, and these days I'm mass producing artifacts for XP conversion way sooner than is sensible. The skill could also include "fletching" arrows to take a bit of an edge off tinkering which currently produces just about everything and is considered more important for archery than the default archery skill is. If crafting Tomes would be too powerfull with the allready powerfull dodgy unarmed double tome crossbow wielder, you could balance it by giving the class a weakness to "other" (monster type).
Crafting had the problem of being at the same time fiddly mechanic and inventory space wise, and not powerfull enough. It's still rather fiddly and increases game time (although a lot less so), but it's pretty damned powerfull. Anything that makes the interface/inventory management more user friendly is a "buff" to crafting, but in terms of power, now that you can craft artifacts, it got very far away from completely worthless.
Crafting artifacts for XP conversion sounds more like an issue with It Belongs in a Museum then with crafting.
Sure, I'm not saying crafting's overpowered or anything, just if the interactin with "belongs in a museum" is intended and remain, making recipies just a bit more random and scattered might be nice. On the other hand I never ever play without archeology (and I guess I've played quite a bit), and sort of consider "the museum" a feature of every char rather than a specific skill. So my viewpoint IS a bit skewed.
Exactly. Its actually worthwhile now. You've gotta remember that the main* crafting skills don't give you any significant abilities other than crafting, so crafting has to be powerful enough to justify those abilities *(the other crafting skills such as rogue scientist don't give you enough to make much worthwhile even maxed out)
'cept for Rouge Scientist's +2, which, coupled with the Hat of Bergstrom (+1), two Black Pearl Rings (+2 ), and the Diggle God of Secrets blessing (+2), you get 7 which is enough to craft every wand in the game without Wandlore, including The Bomb. It's either Rouge Scientist or Wandlore for that, and i'm not so sure that 6 justifies taking it on a rogue or a warrior. Yeah, it's pretty desperate just for , but still... Personally, I don't think crafting needs any nerfs. This skill, though, might be interesting to use if it had a "book worm" pet of sorts.
I wouldn't mind seeing a tome skill set, but I'd rather it be a wizard class weapon skill that required equiping tomes.
Rogue Scientist coupled with Tinkering gives enough tools on its own (Healing Mana Potions + Sonic Wands) to kill Dredmor with any build.