Apparently it really doesn't matter what you type. I used the same code twice, and got two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Diggle Hell worlds.
Is this occurring as a regular password of those in the game as well? It seems to me just as if they did diggle hell in a way you land there when you mistype one of the other passwords - which is easily gonna happen with words like "Binchuunfuumgorkull" Btw try it if you didnt have it yet and tell me if it works for everyone or is generated individually. The passwords seem to bee usable exactly once, I wrote one down and died before being able to use it, could use it with the new char instantly but was not able to use them twice, even if obtained from an older game i already had died in after using it.
Do you mean that unused passwords from another game could have only been used for that game? If so, that means if you find a password, might as well use it on the character you find it as.
Nay good sir, they can be used by any character. It is just that the game keeps a list of already used keys in a separate file, and thus you won't be able to use any code more than once ever unless you delete that file. That being said, if you have enough patience for that, there's nothing stopping you from making 10 runs with no wizardlands visited (then again, you can visit Diggle Hell just fine, and you can get your batch of experience [and items, if you have Fungal Arts, Perception, Big Game Hunter, or Clockwork Knight] there) only to use all those codes with your 11th character.
That's pretty cool. I know a few floor 1-5 runs that i didn't even touch the codes.(Nor did i write them down).
I typed in Removedigula as a code for Diggle Hell. Of course, this caused me to REMOVE DIGULA I had a lot of crazy encrusts (a +30/ shield and a +50 shield) but they didn't come in handy because my Barometic Pulse things from Rogue Scientist kept him Dazed all the time. He did fire off a spell, but it was only an Arctic Swirly and I had 29 without encrusts anyways.
Is it possible to use your pocket dimension in Diggle Hell? Vlad Diggula is in the second room of Diggle Hell for me, and I can't get past him.
You can only leave Wizardlands and Diggle Hell through the portal at the end. sorry Maybe you could teleport or invis to get around him and back out?
Kazeto that worked very well, thanks. Except there is a second Vlad Diggula and I'm out of lock picks. >_<
You don't need lockpicks to close doors; it will just take more time to get to the last non-kicked doors if you ran out of them unless you got the second Vlad immediately.
Personally, I wouldn't even try to enter diggle hell without clearing DL 9 first. Last 2 times I entered diggle hell(i think with code BBBBBBBBBBBB), I couldn't find Vlad anywhere in both runs. I did purposefully get killed by a demon diggle for the achievement, though.
This is the very first I've heard of a green portal as well. Has this been confirmed, and if so, is there a known code for it? Is it something like a Diggle Heaven counterpart for Diggle Hell? Or was someone just trying to start rumors?
Nicholas mentioned that there is a secret easter egg portal, it's entirely possible that's it. I don't know anything about it though.
I remember you or Nicholas mentioning the Easter Egg portal before, which is why i didn't immediately call bull-diggles. If Xtasy is the only one so far who's found a green portal (or at least, the only person who's posted about it), then it must be incredibly rare. He did say that he found the code normally (although, to be fair, he also claimed that he correctly typed in the code that led to Diggle Hell).
I'm actually in the process of wading through Diggle Hell for the first time. It takes longer than I expected, and crowd controlling a horde of Diggles is kinda getting old. The very first time I entered Diggle Hell was by mistake very early in one of my attempts - I only had time to appreciate the music for about 5 seconds before I died. Come to think of it, seeing the red portal appear instead of the usual black ones should have given me the idea to back off from it, considering how red teleport gates were used for selecting Nightmare difficulty in Quake.