If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go try and get Derek to rustle up the Ominous Timer. Man, worst ARG ever.
Waitwaitwait. You gave us potatoes, then an ARG, and now a giant timer? Clearly, we will need to feed this timer somehow. Probably with lutefisk.
Odin is actually a series of 13 unrelated games, with achievements that we must discover and complete to get a Golden Lutefisk for our gaslamp profiles! ...as you were.
"You have to put the gears into the brain." -- Lord Mandrake, Lord Mandrake Puts The Things Into The Other Things: A Child's Treasury of Unfortunate Putting
So the game is going to be the unholy union between Dwarf Fortress and SpaceChem with a goofy & insane steampunk theme. Where's my prize?
Nine days? NINE DAYS? Well, fine. *Dramatically throws herself down on a convenient sofa and sighs* IF I HAVE TO WAIT I WILL GODS THIS IS SO UNFAIR. Nicholas smells.
If you make 2 days suddenly dissapear on the counter you can strategically release a day before (as opposed to after) the guild wars 2 prepurchase launch and maybe get more initial sales.