Less accidental Lutefisk Paradox

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by tentacled-godqueen, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. Okay so alt+shift is pretty much the best thing for mass lutefisking, but it makes it much easier to accidentally click the Lutefisk cube and kill yourself (and worse, lose all your cubed Lutefisk D: ) because your mouse was a few pixels off of where you thought it was.

    I mean, okay misclicks confiscating your precious, precious supply of gross fish product is keeping in the spirit of roguelikes (hence, the Lutefisk Paradox in the first place), but it's generally a less then exciting way to die after the third time it happens.

    IE could maybe alt+shift clicking on a Horadric Lutefisk Cube not send it to the lutefisk cube?
  2. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    If my memory is correct, picking up a third Lutefisk Cube restores the Lutefisk you 'lost'.
  3. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I'm a bit surprised you died to it. It does maybe around 30 damage from it's explosion, and that's mostly fire and blasting I believe.
    Blasting would be resisted by AA, and the fire can be resisted by fire resistance.
    It's been awhile since I've made a Paradox, but dying to it shouldn't happen at anything above 40 health maximum.

    Regardless, I agree with you, it would be nice to prevent the paradox by accident.
  4. Floor two. Wizard. 40 health is all of it.

    (And yeah I know you can probably get back the lutefisk from finding a second cube--you only need one cube to trigger the paradox actually. I was mostly playing up the loss of lutefisk being terrible as a joke >.<)
  5. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Ah. Okay. Yeah, that would kill you.
    This is why I don't like Wizards. :p

    And yeah, I kind of figured you were joking about the loss of lutefisk.
  6. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Oh, right.
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Having a confirmation screen pop-up and ask you if you want to 'fisk the cube would be perfect. But it may also be far more work than this petty little issue deserves.
  8. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    I'm pretty sure the accidental lutefisk cube paradox is very much intentional. It's like drinking aqua regia, a mistake you'll only make once. You don't want all games to make TotalBiscuit die of boredom.
  9. Yeah no I agree. The problem is the alt+shift thing has accidentally resulted in me making the mistake significantly more than once; so I think there should be an excption on that of the cube.

    But just for shortcut-key lutefisking.
  10. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I'm pretty sure Total Biscuit wouldn't want to explode repeatedly because of a shift-alt click issue. :)
    I hope he's still continuing his Terraria vids with Jesse...
    I haven't checked in awhile.
  11. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    It would be nice if you could assign the autolutefisk in the Hotkeys menu. There's no option for it there. Would solve your problem :p

    If you have a mouse like mine that has extra buttons, you could bind alt+shift to it. there's also a couple of free programs out there that could let you bind middle click, since Dredmor doesn't use it.
  12. The problem isn't so much that the hotkey is wrong as that I accidentally click the Lutefisk Cube because I'm not paying enough attention/my mouse slips/etc. Which sucks regardless because fisking an artifact you wanted to save is pretty shitty. But. It doesn't KILL YOU. >.< (although tbf the lutefisk paradox doesn't kill you except on early levels but still.)

    I'd also like more keyboard shortcuts in general though, since that would greatly help improve the accessibility of the game. (Discovering that there's a shortcut key to open the Lutefisk cube and a shortcut key to junk items which can be done while they're still on the floor was like the best thing ever. Well other then the time my fighter character was able to steal a monofiliment blade from a floor one shop, that was pretty sweet too.)