With this type of game it can never hurt to implement even more damage types, and I've managed to identify a handful of possible damage archetypes that actually haven't been covered already: "Progerian Damage- This damage is dealt by magical aging and similar meddling with the flow of time." "Placeboritic Damage- This sort of damage is the reason why dying in the matrix makes you die in real life" "Distortive Damage- This damage is dealt by warping and distortion of one's shape as by prolonged exposure to non-euclidian spaces, funhouse mirrors or taffy-stretching machines" "Emotional Damage- This kind of damage is dealt when somebody scares you half to death, the stress is killing you, or you are so embarrassed you could just die"
This sort of thing has been discussed. And rejected for a number of reasons. Do not take this as me saying it looks bad though. I love the descriptions, but there are a lot of current damage types and the single easy answer to why not add more is that it is a boatload of work and is time better used getting what is currently in the game working as it should. There are still many bugs to squash before we make more by changing the way the game engine works to allow more damage types. But One day... There will be more added. I hope this is among the additions.
Actually, transmutation is turning one thing into another thing. That can be changing a rectangle to a circle as much as turning lead to gold. In fact, on a fundamental level, changing shape is[/] changing substance.
I was thinking just that Null. But as I said earlier, there is a short explanation. You put far more thought into it that I will.
The problem with Existential damage as it is now is that it covers several largely unrelated archetypes, encompassing both existential dread and outright failure to exist; it needs to be parted out.
I think you're over complicating things Bohandas. Let's remember that this is a video game and while there are more ways to die than there are stars in the sky, they don't all have to be represented in DoD. Let's also not forget that existential is hard enough to resist as it is. Stupid Ravens.
Hmm... Not really, unless you have plans to make some enemies and skill trees that would have to deal the new damage types and/or have/give the new types of resistance that would have to somehow be different from the already existing types. Because even now, there aren't a lot of monsters/skill trees that use some of the more exotic damage types, and adding additional types will only make it more difficult to get good bonuses on random weapons/armour, because Dredmor would undoubtedly get appropriate resistances boosted while the player will have to scrap some of his equipment because it would give him just one point of the new damage type instead of something he already has (and thus something the bonus can synergise with). New damage types will be worth as much as the new enemies and skill trees that use them. If you have any ideas for those and can implement them when the new damage types would appear, then your idea is justified; otherwise, there is no use for it, really.
We can potentially save ourselves a lot of time hashing this out if anyone remembers the subject of the other thread where we hashed this idea out. I will search now. http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/exotic-damages-and-you.2998/page-4#post-39080 Read most of the way to the end to see why we all pretty-much think it cannot or should not be done.
Talk of new damage types starts at post #63... most of the stuff before that is outdated and/or irrelevant to this discussion. Still some pretty interesting stuff there.