ahhh i couldn't resist the temptation, so i tried. Brax was indeed still stunned the entire time I threw flasks and arrows at him. But I still got dred collectors, of course, and they beat my ass.
Oh, anothr Brax note: but I thought it was intended behavior that after killing all Braxes (usually not more than one in NTtG) Dread Collectors will stop spawning. They always kept spawning for me long after killing him through the last hotfix. Is that intended?
I figured this out. It's because Lifesteal is now based off of the Necro damage you do, and ravens have Necro resistance.
Um, is the first level of Clockwork Knight still supposed to give the Tinkerer's Goggles recipe? Because I don't have that recipe.
Well, the Dredmor wiki (the better one) says it's Clockwork Knight: http://www.dredmorwiki.com/wiki/Clockwork_Knight But either way, my character has Clockwork Knight AND Rogue Scientist, so he should still have it. He doesn't.
I just had twice in a row (level 4 and 5) that I did not get any reward for clearing a monster zoo. I didn't see a counter either. I never retreated further than about 10 steps from the door at bare maximum. I play with a savegame from before the latest patch. I play with dual polearms (can recommend it btw... I have: Dual Wielding Polearms with Berserker, Artful Dodger, Perception, Assassination and Pirate).
Yes, this is a confirmed bug, it was on the bug list for the last patch (though not the "fixed" list). The problem is that levle 0 skills don't give you recipes, regardless of the skill or recipe (as best I can tell). For my CK builds I manually add it to someother skill at level one in the skillsDB file, then delete once I've gotten it (not cheating, just workign around a bug). If you want to do this edit the file "skillDB" in the "game" folder. (either for one of the expansions or dredmor in general, depending on the skill). Second character to the end of the first line of a skill level description append ***learnrecipe="Tinkerer's Goggles"*** (minus the asterixes) e.g. find this line: <ability name="Ingoteer" icon="skills/rogue/smithing1_64.png" skill="32" level="1" > and turn it into this line: <ability name="Ingoteer" icon="skills/rogue/smithing1_64.png" skill="32" level="1" learnrecipe="Tinkerer's Goggles"> You'll get the recipe on level up and will keep the recipe even if you remove the edit afterward. @Omni: No, it is CK. It's actually pretty important, especially on NTtG, becaue Tinkerer's Goggles are a component for the helmet recipe you get later in the skill tree.
Here occurs a problem with a phantom savegame of an old character which recreates itself when starting DoD (character: Elemalg). There is a strange bug savegame in addition (Character: Morschi): When hitting the next monster the application gets stuck after a haywire. Does Dungeons of Dredmor needs the MS .net Framework? When starting Dod Mod Validator there is an error message. I can feel that there are some latent troubles with my Dod + all expansions installation but can't find the cause.
Did you check your inventory? I've had something similar happen before, where the Monster Zoo's "Bloody Reward" window showcasing the item doesn't show up, but the reward still appears in my inventory, complete with a statement in the log. Thanks, I'll try this.
small typo... My most recent death, I got "She crushed like an Trousers." It should be... something different. "a trousers" sounds weird though. Maybe just "She crushed like Trousers"? ... I don't know.
is it possible to learn more than one recipe per skill level? if so, I'd add in one to the first level of CK. otherwise, I'd just replace the grappling hook recipe.
Since those are generated by random word permutations (something like "%she %s like a %s"), coding proper English grammar enforcement for it would be a can of worms. (Edit: aaaaand ninja'd)
I seem to remember not being able to add two recipes (or at least finding the correct grammar if you can). You definitely could just switch out one of the bolts for Tinkerer's Goggles, for a one stop-solution if you're willing to give up the bolts. Most people would probably prefer that solution now that you mention it. (For the interested the CK skills are in the "game" folder inside the "expansion 2" folder.)
I'm still having some crashes with Polymorphic Injunction; first it crashed when I picked the skill initially, so I loaded, releveled up, grabbed it and didn't have problems for a little while. Then I went down to dungeon level 3 and used it on a monster, game crashed. Loaded it, went back down, used it a few minutes later and now my save won't even load : (. Love the skill, hopefully this gets fixed sometime. Attached is a zip with all the files in that character's save dir.