Okay, two things. Are bankster skills possible without the pack? I mean like skills that spawn money and debuffs that spend money each turn? And is a skill like Handle Strange Foreign Currencies possible? Something that increases all money. Would it be possible with the pack, or is it hardcoded?
Anything that any of the skills in any of the expansions can be done with a mod regardless of what expansions you have. It's just that sometimes, you get a ridiculously narrow thing that's possible, like "send off an artifact to get an experience bonus" or "transmute a gem into another gem", instead of things like "send off an item to get something" or "transmute an x into another x"
How would one go about creating a skill with a passive money buff or debuff that involves money? Is there a place I could get the xml files from the expansion? I'm pretty sure I saw nothing about these skills in the wiki.
Are you just wanting money for your characters? Easy fix is to modify any common item to have insane value. Then just sell it. Or if you are on Windows, Download Artmoney and modify the 4 Byte Integers used for money in the game.
I assume the point is to actually make a mod that uses money. I mean, the obvious approach would be to buy the expansion (or have someone buy it for you if that's impossible for reasons of eg not having a credit card or being completely broke--which was my problem when this came out >.< ...I'd offer but still in that 'completely broke' zone >.<) ' Money can just be spawned like an item with the name "zorkmids", and putting zorkmidupkeep="[number]" on buffs can make buffs that cost money to maintain, and zorkmids can be used in requirements tags.
I wonder if "zorkmidupkeep=-99999" would work? Negatives work with other buffs too. (I think the syntax there is bugged, but the general idea holds.)
I'm pretty sure negative numbers don't work with zorkmidupkeep, although I haven't tested it. I just know they changed a few spells to spawn zorkmids instead of use negative upkeep with the patch...
FTFY. (For the record, what happens with negative zorkmidUpkeep is that the game treats it like it doesn't have a zorkmidUpkeep entry at all.)