you should too. it fits perfectly!
If it would not earn me an "Extended Vacation" in the form of a ban from the forums, I could link in some Music Videos that would make you defecate. And if I wanted a "Permanent Vacation" I could link some other things that shall go unmentioned. The music is ... Meh... And the Diggle is just walking along.
I have come here to inform you Sir OmniNegro that you are wrong. That diggle is clearly not performing a pedestrian location changing technique but is trying to impress us with the way it moves to the sound made from musical instruments.
Don't be silly, only humans, 14 species of parrot, and some elephants are known to dance! Doesn't include diggles.
Maybe the committee of which animal can dance and which not had OmniNegro as a member and he persuaded them (wrongly) that that diggle walks instead of dancing. This scientific mistake must be corrected send more youtube videos of dancing diggles to scientists so they too can see the truth of diggles performing smooth moves!