Windows Vista/7 64-bit Game crashes after new patch

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by flagoon, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. flagoon

    flagoon Member

    Hi, I had a great run. First time on level 8, but suddenly something happened. Game crashes from time to time when I'm hit by (or when I hit) demons in melee. There is characteristic sound as when I or monster use electric attack and that's the last thing I can hear. I tried this few times, and it's always in melee, I used electric wand Naar-something and game didn't crash.

    Attached Files:

  2. flagoon

    flagoon Member

    Can anyone help me? I'm rather heart broken right now and didn't play DoD for few days now, because of this bug. It was the furthest I get with my char and I don't want to start new if it's not necessary. Is this the only option?
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Let me get a dev to look at this.
  4. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    edit: I'm told this is fixed, for the next patch.
  5. Chris Whitman

    Chris Whitman Member

    Yeah, I think I've found it. Are you playing on double speed, by any chance? This should be fixed by the next patch, but for now if you set your speed to normal you shouldn't experience any more crashes.

    (Assuming we're looking at the same problem.)
  6. flagoon

    flagoon Member

    Well, I'm playing on double speed. Normal speed is sooooooooo slooooooow. After this happend I didn't play Dredmor at all. Maybe I will be back after patch :) I have to kill this piece of Lich.
  7. flagoon

    flagoon Member

    Any information about when next patch hit us?
  8. Ghira

    Ghira Member

    Where is this speed setting everyone seems to be using? I've never noticed one. (32 bit linux version here)
  9. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    The Plus (+/=) key.
  10. Ghira

    Ghira Member

    Thanks. I have never knowing used this. Hmm.
  11. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    It makes a great game into an absolutely amazing game. It really takes a long time to play the game and i wouldn't have gotten to experience nearly as much as I have in my 180+ hours of play without the ability to speed the game up!