Given that the first expansion added pirates to the game I think that it only makes sense that a later expansion should add ninjas, either as a monster or a skill, or both. (Speaking of possible skill themes that could be used in future expansions, I have a couple of suggestions for additional possible skills as well: -Cleric (you've gotta have a Cleric skill/class because its one of the most iconic and stereotypical fantasy RPG classes) -Sheriff (a valid fantasy game archetype due to the fact that its a position in Dwarf Fortress, yet unlike DF we would go with the connotation rather than the denotation of the word and give it a wild-west theme) -Philosopher (another thing that was at one point a noble position in DF. It could have a lot of Existential damage related abilities) -Ninja (as I said in the main topic, if you have pirates it makes sense to add ninjas)
There are diggle commandos if you want something ninja-esque. Seeing as ninjas were ancient Japanese commandos with some spying involved.
If I hit it with a mace it hurts and maybe it dies. If I hit it with a sword it hurts and maybe it dies. If I hit it with a ax it hurts and maybe it dies. If I hit it with a spear it hurts and maybe it dies. If I poke it with a knife it hurts and maybe it dies. Staves have knobs on top.* Communists love nuclear weapons. Vegans don't eat cheese.* Pirates buckle swashes, or at least they used to. Black Smiths are burly and strong. There's more, but there are character limits on these forums. Suffice it to say that DoD holds together as a game and as a series of running jokes in part because so much of it does make sense in real life. Not that I'm objecting to video game logic, I just enjoy it so much that I point it out for the amusement of others when I see particularly good examples. *This is true in real life, but doesn't necessarily make sense.
I agree with the OP. Pirates without ninjas is like win without wang. Then again, I'm me, so that probably means I'm biased.
Cleric -- is currently being coded up (in the form of the Brown-Nosed Pantheist) by yours truly for the Vaults of Maslech. Sheriff -- don't really see the role as having meaning in an environment where there are no damsels to save or laws to uphold, but then, I don't know the source material you're referencing, so I'm probably not the right person to ask. Philosopher -- someone has done this already as a mod, but I don't remember much about it. Ninja -- see link in my sig.
There is the Atheist Monk mod. That could probably be classed as a philosophical mod more than most could. There was once a Sheriff in the world that houses DoD, but he tried to stop "Official Bolt Council Business" and disappeared in the night. No one has dared don the title since then.
I think the devs should have something else entirely as the counterpart to pirates. just to mess with the trope. ninjas are so passé. zombies and pirates are now arch rivals. or thrusties and pirates. or chefs and pirates. pirates and paladins. flappers and pirates.
Does this means VoM is being heavly sorting up? Also, with more content? Gosh, I have to take a seat.
Nope. They are Robotic-Pirate-Thrusty-Diggles. And they are squid too. Why not? So it's Robotic Thrusty-Diggle-Squid dressed as Pirates? Ouch. My brain hurts even more now.