As soon as my pay comes in I'll hit Amazon for copies of those I haven't read. I have played most of the Impression builders (Pharaoh was the best!) and some Sim City, and I'm starting on Dwarf Fortress. I've watched nearly all of Miyazaki's work. I feel prepared for anything to come. Come at me, Gaslamp Games, I dare you!
You guys made me read boatmurdered. I'm at Year 1058, right after the magma flood. Ascii graphics are harder to see if there's so many different types of terrain and objects.(Especially the different walls and floorings) Edit: Perhaps an Ascii version of Dredmor with the same rooms would be good? I'd love to play Ascii Dredmor.
I read Boatmurdered after reading the PCGamer interview. It made me really want to try Dwarf Fortress. Then I installed DF, and was totally lost. But I will figure it out goshdarnit!
For everyone who wants to try, a tutorial (bit outdated, but works for the basics): Sorry for offtopic-post, but there is no offtopic forum for CE yet or I would post it there.
I think, since DF is an inspiration for CE and that is the thread topic, this doesn't really count as OT unless it devolves into a DF Help thread. That said, I think that the off topic forum is meant to be off the topic of all GLG games. And I wouldn't mind seeing a DF tips thread going there...
I think you probably actually meant "Gnarly Hotep". Nyarlathotep was the human-seeming one that did the demonstrations of magical technology that made people go mad. Nyarlathotep was the shape-shifting Egyptian Tesla. Azathoth was the "amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity". Space amoeba, black hole, nuclear eruption, blind idiot god, force of nature. Azathoth would always look awkward in a tophat... assuming you could even spot the tophat before both it and you were dissolved utterly within the cacophonous cyclopean energies of the volumnous titanic monstrosity. Or something equally archaic and verbose. But yeah, I'll agree, Gnarly Hotep coming to town would be awesome way to lose a colony. I hope it's a possibility.
Love the inspiration list of books. On the gameplay front, I hope the devs take a look at the venerable city builder Tropico - which is a fascinating game because all of the Tropicans have political affiliations, hunger, happiness and a bunch of other Sims like desires that turn into dynamic gameplay. As a result you can't just order them around, but only steer them in the right direction in many cases through indirect means...