Lets buff third eye sights

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Shwqa, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. Shwqa

    Shwqa Member

    Alright this is the worst skill in the perception skill tree. It really doesn't do much because most perception builds have amazing :trap_sense:. My suggestion is simple, add 1 :dmg_piercing: damage (or whatever the most common resisted damage is). This way the skill reveals all secret passages ways in a huge AOE.
  2. TheKirkUnited

    TheKirkUnited Member

    Or allow you to actually see through walls, because that would tons of fun in all sorts of game breaking ways. :D
    adelmagne, Bohandas and Ruigi like this.
  3. Turbo164

    Turbo164 Member

    It's 32 cooldown so I don't really see anyone killing a Zoo with this (though I'm sure some would try :p ); actually it would be funny to have it deal one damage then heal 1...

    As long as there are no secret Brax shops this would be pretty handy!
  4. Kel~

    Kel~ Member

    I like the idea of seeing through walls with it. The doing 1 damage thing doesn't seem awfully good, especially given Brax!
    Killer2 likes this.
  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Having it deal damage to a nonexistant Taxa would open secret doors without hurting anyone, Brax included.
  6. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    That's a good idea.
  7. Mashirafen

    Mashirafen Member

    I like the sound of this.
  8. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Just set it to taxa=walls ;)
    OmniNegro and Essence like this.
  9. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    /adds this idea to notes for Essential Core Skills Rebalance II: Electric Bungalow
  10. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Oh, I see someone played Kingdom of Loathing...
    OmniaNigrum and Essence like this.
  11. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Pretty sure it was Electric Boogalo. Although I'd really prefer Essential Core Skills Face Stab
    Exile and Kazeto like this.
  12. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    KoL was pretty fun for a while. I've often been tempted to go back and see if Jick ever got to NS 15. But I've never really had the time...
  13. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I stopped playing just before the Ascention mechanic was introduced, but for a while KoL was my favorite game.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  14. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    (If there's a way of doing this without screwing up other aspects of the game) what if it revealed the layout of the invisible mazes in the wizardlands?
  15. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    It would require changes to the game that modders can't make, I'm afraid. And I'm not sure if Perception really needs a buff of this kind, seeing as its general usability (for spawning items) is already pretty high on the scale.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  16. Shwqa

    Shwqa Member

    I despise the idea of a useless skill. third eye sight, you are the demon, and others aren't helpful or fun. Why in a video game, something that is meant as a form of entertainment, should I have something that isn't fun. I have never gotten the laser eyes, because I would rather spent my level up on something else. Either delete it or do something with it.
  17. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Generally speaking, the skill tree is useful enough as it is when it comes to quasi-unique mechanics. Because it gives you a lot of minor stuff over the course of the game, and has some stat bonuses of its own. Which is why I do not think adding another, unique to this skill tree in particular, thing that would not be achievable by characters without it is a good idea.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  18. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Currently working on perception for the ECSRII. Third Eye currently deals 1 blasting damage to Taxa=walls and gives you a 1-turn buff that gives you a 100% chance to Luckiest Find upon kill on your next turn only. So it opens up secret doors, reveals invisible creatures, and gives you phat lewt if you bother to take the time to activate it in mid-combat. Obviously pairs well with AoEs. :)

    Eye lasers I'm upping the damage scaling on significantly (specifically, 3xSight for the Blasting damage, 2xSight for the Conflag damage, and 1xSight for the Aethereal damage.)

    How does that sound to you?
  19. Shwqa

    Shwqa Member

    Like all my dreams come true
  20. Turbo164

    Turbo164 Member

    Sounds good to me as well!

    Something else to consider for laser scaling would be splitting it so that the :dmg_blast: scales on :sight:, :dmg_conflagratory: on :edr:, and :dmg_aethereal: on :trap_sense: etc. Still uses stuff from the tree, slightly nerfs the skill if you're one of those people who carries a dozen :sight: artifacts to swap in-and-out every 32 turns, but buffs it if you want balanced skills and equipment that do more than just reveal squares 4 screens away.