... hm a Dredmorless game, huh? Why not a scenario where a reincarnation of Dredmor is the good guy? Sort of like the backstory to Duckula. This non-evil, likely misunderstood Dredmor even takes a new name (your choice) or gender (not that it matters!). This would be a great way to have all-new skill trees, too.
Non-Dredmor bosses: no. It's the Dungeon of Dredmor, dammit. Non-Dredmor powerful minibosses on the last floor: yes. Add more attrition right before the final boss and make the fight with Dredmor potentially a lot more complex as various minibosses wander in. That's a good thing.
I'm ok with this. Nothing difficult to add as a mod, but being in the core game could bring really cool-and-unique-sprited monsters, to add more flavour into the game.
Especially if you gave a few of the several minibosses the potential to really screw up your fight with Dredmor if they happened in at the wrong time. A monster that spammed Remove Invisibility in a large radius, a monster that occasionally paralyzed you, a monster that cast healing spells on injured allies, etc, a monster that used a Suction effect on it's allies so that they ended up right in your face...that could be F.U.N.
I think in this case it would be better to leave paralysis out of it. It's something you do not want more than one tough monster in the group you are facing at a time to have, or the chance of getting stun-locked increases (and we all know how fun being stun-locked and scratched to death is).
I'd like the game to have level 15 boss monsters for every family of monster in the game. I've even got some concept ideas for some of them, like the Living Statue final miniboss the "Cruelly Barbed Bronze Colossus" (which deals piercing and slashing damage in addition to the normal bludgeoning damage and has major buffs to block and HP and debuffs you with conditions like Crushed Bones and Crippling Wound when it hits you) , and the slick final miniboss "Deepwater Horizon" which summons Slicks, Acidic Slicks and Eldritch Slicks in absurdly large quantities.