"Recettear"; not all that widely known, but it did make "Yayness" and "Yayifications" into into memes, or at least something of the kind. But whatever, it all depends on the person playing.
They haven't said so in as many words, but I expect "laudanum solves everything" might make an appearence too
I remember Dredmor being described as "f***ing meme bait" at some point on 4chan. "Yay, XYZ" is actually Chris Whitman! He says it at the office, all the time. "Yay! Moldy coffee maker!" "Yay! Exploding codebase!" "Yay! Death by spreadsheets!" etc.
Liar. The main meme of Recettear is "Capitalism, ho!", although Recette's Yay- verbal tics are quite often as well.
... here, I just figured I could say "yay" for the sake of itself. Not trying to inject memes into your skulls or anything, it just flowed better than the perhaps more genre-appropriate "huzzah". Actually "Huzzah, progress!" isn't so bad.
Yup, it isn't bad. Though I don't think you have control over what becomes a meme and what does not, since these usually just sort of happen when people take a random bit and ride wild with it.
There could well be some sort of noble or specialist worker whose job is "Her Majesty's Safety Inspector". The safety inspector wanders around certifying various factories and things "Perfectly Safe", a status which either: a) does absolutely nothing (except keep the noble busy) or b) results in a terrible disaster happening shortly after the inspector leaves the site they just certified. So if today's headline says something was just certified Perfectly Safe, tomorrow's headline will sure read that same facility has burnt to the ground, exploded in a hail of widgets, or at the very least production was backed up when some poor urchin got stuck in the gears, etc. It'd be a great little bit of painful foreshadowing to make the player squirm for a moment or two right before something broke.
Or if say, every month a *normal* factory has: 80% chance to work normally 18% chance to malfunction, shutting down for 3d12 days 2% chance to explode Whereas a Perfectly Safe factory has: 90% chance to work normally 4% chance to explode 4% chance to implode 2% chance to imxploderationize Yay, progress(?)!