Simply, could we start the game a little less, uh, naked? At least some basic boots, trousers and possibly gloves?
Going pants-less is the bast way to go when exploring a dungeon. But seriously, while I do agree it is weird, the problem is that giving the player "any" sort of gear for these slots would result in getting items that either gave you nothing or just 1 point of something, in which case it becomes nigh-pointless either way.
Not really, because some basic items (e.g. the forever-appetising belts) have places in crafting recipes.
Well, yes, but the point is that if they were to give all players all pieces of armour, they would have to be something weaker than the commonly-found gear, so not only would it not be used in any crafting recipes, its bonuses would have to be lower. And let's take a look at Flippy Floppies with their 1 point of dodge, shall we?
Not at all. You're given improved pieces based on the skills you take, so for example Master of Arms gives you an Iron Breastplate. Adding a base set of starter gear wouldn't unbalance anything, but it would make the first level or so a little smoother and just simply make a bit more sense.
Sure. Basically, you'd start out with this regardless of class choices: Chest - Leather Cuirass (1 3 1) Legs - Adventuring Pants (1) Feet - Leather Boots (1 1) - A new pair may need to be created Belt - Leather Belt (1) Gloves - Nothing Helm - Nothing Simply, it gives a little bit more protection for the first level, roughly matches you up with the representation of the player character and also makes low-level crafting a tiny bit easier.
Well, yeah, those. You know what, I think we should stop. I do see where this is going and I think this thread would benefit from anyone that is not us also giving their opinion, because we both have a point and if left to our own devices we'll waste time talking about how useless (or not) useless equipment is.
I'm not you! I think... Seeing a few more skilltrees that gave starting equipment could be fun; there's already things like the Golemancer's Hat and Coat of Tweed, so giving Promethean an Oven Mitt (glove, +1) or something is fine. Giving everyone Leather Boots obsoletes a lot of equipment and would require some monster rebalancing too, and would remove uniqueness from skills that give armor. Free belt and pants give very little benefit, but remove the "excitement" of finding your first one "in the wild". Giving Wizards the Rogue armor to start is an unnecessary buff (removes fun and Fun) [edit; actually maybe it's needed with Digging Diggles?], and gives Mathemagicians a non-fun choice sooner than usual. So, yeah. Giving everyone a bunch of free generic stuff is boring and disruptive. Giving a few more trees unique starting items could be fun without messing up the balance.
It's a no for me. "Leather Cuirass" is given if you have more rogue than other classes. Basically, I could quote entirely Turbo164, I have his ideas too.
In that case, replace the Leather Cuirass (a derp moment for myself, I'll admit) with that white shirt.
That seems a bit too powerful. Maybe if you were given a randomly selected ONE of them regardless of class, or if there were a CHANCE of each of them it would be ok though. These, in particular, are too powerful... If we're going to do this we're going to have to introduce new semi-non-silly items that are comparable to the crappiest existing items (at least in the case of shoes, where the crappiest existing items, flippy-floppies, are very silly, too much so to be plausible regardless of character theme). The new chest and feet items would be something like: Cheap Boots: 1 Shirt: 1 ------------------------------------ Personally, I find that its not the lack of clothing that makes the first level sketchy, its the lack of weapons. What we need is some kind of default starting weapon, again maybe something new, like: Pointy Stick: 1 -1
Considering this... anyone know if a core skill combo exists that starts with no damage, no melee power and no offensive spells or damage buffs?
Ley Lines, Blood Magic, Magic Training, Paranormal Investigator, Magical Law, Emomancy, Mathemagic, if I'm not mistaken.
I think there is too much for a started So it will be 3 4 2 for a starting gear? I think it's too much. I like the current system because you get several items depending on your choice of skills. Master of arms is about an armor that's why you get an armor, though I personaly think you should get a bit poorer one. Being naked encorages you to create things if you can and to search for things if you can't. So hurray for the nakedness I like Bohandas idea I'm for Adventuring Shirt 1 and Adventuring Boots.1 As for the Master of Arms skill he should receive Leather Armor(because hardcore is your friend ) Btw maybe starting gear should depend on difficulty like Elves - Adventuring Shirt 1 and Adventuring Boots.1 , Dwarfs - Adventuring Shirt 1 Going Rouge - Nothing
The character could be given a set of starting items that have no stats at all. Essentially placeholder items. That way the gear wouldn't upstage any items found, but also people wouldn't complain about starting "naked".