Okay, I've got a couple things, confusions / possible bugs, (i'm no wizard with Dredmor's inner workings; i have a vague understanding of what most of it is though): If I'm A Player And I Crush A Lot misses, the target still receives Crushed Bones and Dazed. Intentional? Unavoidable? What does <requirements weapon=2> mean? The skill works with 1, 2 or no weapons equipped. This does less damage than a straight-up attack with Dual Wielding when I have two weapons equipped. This doesn't seem right; why would I ever want to use this?
Okay the damage boosts at least for maces are way too high. I mean on a dual wielding macer I'm doing 30-40 damage a hit on the first floor. I guess I have no edr and can't crit or counter but still. Also Priming Blow on two ends should get dropped another one point so that it's 15 extra damage on hit rather than 18 (which is still a lot considering it's permanent). Maybe drop the base one down to -2 instead so it's 6 and 12 "skills/warrior/staff_secrets_2_64.png" not found On unrelated news my axeman just found an overclockedwork powerlimb in a fountain. Fun shall be had. Norwegian Axenado is misspelled in the skilldb D: And i just broke said axe character by fixing it locally Barbarian Swipe and Strike are still weird. The hit triggers both, but the multi-target Barbarian Strike triggers the main-target Barbarian Swipe on each tile, so that it locks down and bleeds the targets in this area, regardless of your facing. Like Code: <template width="3" height="2" name="90" affectsPl ayer="0"> <row text="@.@"/> <row text="@.@"/> <row text=".#."/> </template> You know what, just use this: Code: <spell name="Barbarian Swipe" type="template" templateID="90" anchored="1" attack="1" > <effect type="damage" slashing="0"/> </spell> <spell name="Barbarian Swing" type="adjacent"> <effect type="lockdown" amount="2" resistable="0"/> <effect type="bleed"/> <effect type="damage" slashing="0" slashingF=".2" secondaryScale="4"/> <effect type="trigger" spell="Barbarian Swipe"/> </spell>
It's an icon issue, but in order to avoid a massive series of "this icon doesn't exist" crashed, I commented out the whole spellDB part of the skill. If you're interested in behold it, go to the bottom of spellDB and scroll up past the weapon skills. I'll get there. ESCRII is still on the way. (Speaking of which, because there was some confusion, the files I uploaded above have the current ESCRII changes in them. That's where the Dual Wield penalty came from, etc. Yeah, there's a lot of this. Crushalot, Sundered, and a bunch of the other 'proc a debuff on melee' effects all do that. It's not intentional, but I don't know how to avoid it, either. I'll talk to David. That's the new 1.13 element. The number after 'weapon' refers to the weapon number in the itemDB. (Swords are 0, Axes are 1, Maces are 2, Staves are 3.) Because once you take a few more levels of Dual Wield, the penalty goes back away and the ass-kicking commences in true style. It means that dual wielding is still badass in the lower floors, but it's the magical key to floors 1-2. OK. Anyone else having that experience? I'll playtest it. They're attached on the same post that the DB files were. On it. Oh, that was simple. I just forgot to erase the trigger inside Barbarian Swing. They're both triggered from a third spell now, so there's no confusion. I did miss the anchored="1", thanks. Fix'd.
Yep, I've found those. I'll try changing the icons with the "need art icon" placeholder. I'm also playtesting the maces, and as far as I got (just the first level, really) the stace isn't broken. Ok, some little more damage, but for a -40 crit chance. This is like the stone fist buff from geology. This is true, but as I could see, not everything respect that. The first level stave stance, for istance, need a stave to perform, but polearm and dagger skills still don't require a corrispective weapon. And this seems silly. He does that because he loves us.
That will be a bit confusing visually, but if you're desperate to playtest it, that should work. True, I didn't touch those skills at all, but they'll get touched before this goes public. Truth. That, and I'm a meglomanaical crazy person who gets an inordinate amount of pleasure knowing that hundreds of thousands of people around the world are playing with mechanics I designed. Bwaahahahahahaaa!!! Must mostly I just love you.
Maybe I'll wait for it to become officially working with the next unofficial patch. Did you considered my other werediggle posts with that "I'll get there."? Because for now the werediggle is working better. :edit: Uhm. I've become a diggleplague bringer. In human form, too. That's a problem. This means that procs don't respect the polymorphedOnly="1". Maybe this skill could work with a real mana cost, and an attack="1"?
You can make this one work by giving triggers to the polymorph buff instead of the skill tree itself. These triggers do work from within buffs, after all.
Hmm... That is a good question. In that case, make it trigger from within the skill tree but require the buff to be present in order to trigger the effect it is supposed to (you'd have to make another effect for that to serve as the "in-skill trigger" instead of the actual effect which would be triggered by said dummy effect, but it's not much work)
I don't think just changing that will work, the spell that triggers them needs to be target or adjacent or whatever not self or else it won't have a direction and will just fire east or something. Seriously I literally just gave you code that works correctly.
So, uhm. In the skilldb: Code: <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="10" name=" dummydiggleplague" /> <playerHitEffectBuff percentage="5" name=" dummydiggleplague" /> And in the spelldb: Code: <spell name=" dummydiggleplague" <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Werediggle Form" spell="Diggle Plague" percentage="100"/> </spell> This could work. I wonder if the Diggle Plague name can still popup. :edit: no, it doesn't work. Neither by changing requirebuffontrigger into requiretriggeronbuff.
Ok, it's working as intended now, and it's quite elegant too. Skilldb: Code: <ability name="Diggle Plague" icon="skills/diggle_plague64.png" skill="36" level="1" polymorphedOnly="1" polymorphTag="Diggle"> <description text="While in your Werediggle form, you may give enemies the dreaded Diggle Plague."/> <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="10" name=" dummydiggleplague" /> <playerHitEffectBuff percentage="5" name=" dummydiggleplague" /> <resistbuff putrefying="2" toxic="1" /> <damagebuff putrefying="1" toxic="1" /> <!-- <spell name="Diggle Plague"/> --> </ability> And for spelldb: Code: <spell name="Diggle Plague" type="target" icon="skills/diggle_plague32.png" > <!-- prima era type="target" /// poi type="adjacent" --> <buff useTimer="1" time="24" allowstacking="0" stacksize="1" self="0" icon="skills/diggle_plague64.png" smallicon="skills/diggle_plague32.png" bad="1" > <primarybuff id="0" amount="-3"/> <!-- Burliness --> <primarybuff id="1" amount="-3"/> <!-- Sagacity --> <primarybuff id="2" amount="-3"/> <!-- Nimbleness --> <secondarybuff id="0" amount="-5"/> <!-- hp --> <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-5"/> <!-- dodge --> <resistbuff crushing="-1" hyperborean="-1" toxic="-1" /> <!-- oh yes, it'll get nasty --> <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="10" name="Diggle Plague" /> <playerHitEffectBuff percentage="5" name="Diggle Plague" /> <!-- --> <effect type="dot" spell="Diggle Plague Hit" affectsCorpses="0" affectsCaster="1" amount="44" self="1"/> <!-- --> </buff> <description text="It's the dreaded Diggle Plague! Run away and blast it with fireballs: it's the only way to be sure." /> </spell> <spell name="Diggle Plague Hit" type="target" icon="skills/diggle_plague32.png" > <effect type="damage" putrefying="1" percent="30" affectsCaster="1" /> <effect type="damage" putrefying="2" percent="20" affectsCaster="1" /> <effect type="damage" putrefying="3" percent="10" affectsCaster="1" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Small Weak Poison Cloud" percent="5" affectsCaster="1" /> </spell> <!-- diggle plague dummy skill --> <spell name=" dummydiggleplague" type="target"> <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Werediggle Form" spell="Diggle Plague" /> <!-- percentage="100" --> </spell> I've insered Code: <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="2" framerate="100" /> <description text="Fear the ill diggle." /> but I don't know if those are needed.
You know, are you interested in people testing player experience? I'm decidedly less savvy than most people who are going to see or reply to this thread, which means I'll be experiencing your changes from the perspective of a scrub who dies at DL 1-3 on a majority of runs. That's potentially useless feedback, but it's also a kind of feedback you might not be getting much of.
Viking Slash doesn't do anything because it doesn't trigger unless you get a crit after everything else. That is that crit block dodge etc are rolled before it triggers and it can't affect them. Stone Secret works because damage is calculated after you block. Maybe you'd be better off giving - (which would thus also affect other procs) for the turn. Or - since it can't be negative and thus won't do anything more than penetrate. Also philosopher needs a real cooldown. Also it needs better art
Have you actually seen Viking Slash get countered/blocked/dodged? I've been testing it for a few hours and I've never seen anything defend against it. Not that I disbelieve you, I just want it to be very clear that it actually fails in practice, regardless of theory. I like the -AA idea. I'll use that if need be. Philosopher -- what cooldown would you suggest? And when you say art, do you mean the icon or the impact sprite? (Both of which are GLG original.)
Yes that's why I tested it here. I've been watching the ticker for counter but whatever and saw it once, then verified by not having any aoe things that could crit and it was blocked single target. The reason you haven't seen any may be because at higher floors at least, counter is low and defensive stats are low on enemies. The impact sprite is really old-looking; it doesn't look like modern GLG graphics and the effect just on every tile is weird. I figure that because it was removed they never got the art up to what it is on other skills.