Windows Vista/7 64-bit Loading autosave causes CTD

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by saturnine, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. saturnine

    saturnine Member

    At some point for no reason whatsoever the game crashed, resulting in a CTD. Every attempt to load the autosave has resulted in nothing but CTDs, with nary an error message. It just closes.

    Since I've linked the savegame folder to Dropbox for times like these, I've tried restoring everything in the autosave to no avail. Would really like to not have to use the non-auto save since it would mean losing a lot of progress.

    I have absolutely no clue what caused this, but I'd like to continue from where I left off. Attached is the autosave folder and all the .dmp files that seem like they might help.

    Attached Files:

  2. saturnine

    saturnine Member

    Update: Installing the 1.1.3 beta does nothing to help the CTD. I've lost a couple of hours of progress and the autosave seems like my only hope at this point. Again, help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    We'll take a look at them, thanks for the report.
    saturnine likes this.
  4. saturnine

    saturnine Member

    Any update on this?
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    We don't have an idea of the cause yet, but they did look at it. Will get back to you when we do.
  6. saturnine

    saturnine Member

    Alright, thanks a lot. :)
  7. Chris Whitman

    Chris Whitman Member

    Regrettably, your player data seems to be mysteriously missing from the file. Even if I could force the game to load, there's no data to populate the player with. Not entirely sure what happened to corrupt your save data.

    Any idea what you might have been doing when the game last autosaved?
    saturnine likes this.
  8. saturnine

    saturnine Member

    Thanks for the reply. I have no idea, was probably walking around somewhere. The CTDs before this (multiple, in fact) I think were due to Call the Sandstorm killing multiple enemies, but as far as this particular one is concerned, it just CTDed without any input on my end.

    I do have multiple versions of every file in the autosave folder thanks to Dropbox, though. Which files in particular should I try to recover?
  9. saturnine

    saturnine Member

    Update: Now it's just insanely random and screwy. Am on level 9, and opening a certain door (not entirely sure which one it is) causes a CTD. Not sure if it's a specific door causing it, because previously descending to level 9 itself also triggered it. Trying to descend to level 9 from another staircase stopped it, but I suspect there's a specific door that's causing it.

    Attached Files:

  10. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    How old IS your character? was it started on previous versions to 1.2.2?
  11. saturnine

    saturnine Member

    This version, lol. Dropbox just has versions spanning back to whenever you save, so.
  12. saturnine

    saturnine Member

    Update: Yeah, it's definitely that one door in level 9 that's causing it, although I've also had the game freeze on me at several points, which I *think* is due to the Sandstorm animation--every single time the game has frozen it's been due to a Sandstorm on-screen.

    Here's some .dmp files and more savegames--the one unexplored region in level 9 is due to the aforementioned door crash. The one time I got that door open without it CTD, the next (unopened) door caused a CTD.

    Attached Files: