The last time I did a big Core Skills Rebalance, the GLG guys did in fact pay attention and assimilate a bunch of my changes. IDK if that'll happen again, but I have hopes. I'm glad you like the changes so far! As to the monster buff stack bug, I highly encourage you to post that to the Bugs forum.
Spoiler: Dear Mr President Please GLGuys give an eye upon werediggle, Diggle Plague needs a real core function. Oh Essence, if this problem is unsolvable for now, you can make the Symbiontic on time, maybe with a smaller cooldown, so one cannot build a 400hp pet with bilions of strength points with lot of patience. I've just tried the second version of the patch files, that should change something. But it gives me a xml error on the 4137 line, and some skills (like weapon ones) are not showing the linked spell (like the 1° axe and mace levels). On the noteblock on that line I find Code: <description text="The Bolt Council has elected to grace you with a vending machine. -- It appears broken, however -- I wonder what they intend to do with it?"/> But I don't think it's the problem here. There must be some kind of error with those < > symbols somewhere.
It's an error because he had -- in the text, and commented it out. -- is illegal within comments. I mentioned that a bit batch. Those need to be replaced with em-dashes or something.
I thought that, and then I deleted the second part of the text. But the problem didn't fix. Then I figured that -- is something even the original vanilla game has, in Offensive Maneuvering, Invisible Geometries and Council's Blessing too. I taked backups. Also, this is something that appened to me while I was working with the Symbiontic Toadstool: since I was writing another spell, I mispelled something, forgetting some > and /> at the end of the lines. That managed to do awful things to the entire code, and lot's of spell were missing. But now I've just downloaded a new file, so it's not my fault. I wanted to change DBs not just to try the new changes, but also to try not create any more corrupted save game: my character found 4-5 crashing-upon-opening doors, and I want to explore everything. Btw, any chance finding the source of crashes? I'm in 4DL with no mod aside from more phenomes and monster taunt text. :edit: this is my last working spelldb, I just tried and no xml error shows. It has 7 " -- " in the code.
I thought that, and then I deleted the second part of the text. Then the problem was fixed and I played the game without error. I'm not sure what your problem is.-- by itself isn't a problem unless it's inside of a comment.
I tried with changing every single " -- " with a ", ", but this seemed useless. Should I try changing things with your fixes on the second file? That is the only fix from that I've seen, aside from my toadstool change. :edit: I changed another time everything with commas, and I added your staff fix. Now no error shows. Cool. :re-edit: I've changed every icon Deadshot was using with the placeholder32/64 (no confusion, the buff names are pretty useful), and I've found that the first skill isn't working as intended. I cannot circle the buff (it stays on legshot) and somehow, fighting mobs, another legshot buff popped up. So it need a revision, but I have to go out for now, maybe I can look after it tomorrow, 24h from now.
Reality kicked in in the form of it being my 12th wedding anniversary yesterday! It was fun. We made American food. Here's the files. BTW, I made a bunch of flavor text changes, particularly in the names of things, as well as updating the mechanics with Null's awesomeness and filling in the blanks. I think I'm all caught up now, but I'm sure if I'm wrong someone will tell me. Because you've used the same icon for each of them. If you have a buff that uses a particular icon, no other buff that uses that icon can form. Uhhh...that shouldn't happen unless you used the capstone ability at some point.
Do you want congratulations or condolences? Because you have whichever you want from me, but I hope it is "congratulations" after being with one person for 12 years.
Definitely congratulations. I've only ever had 2 girlfriends -- married the second. I always have to make a revision or two, but I usually get it right pretty quick.
Gratz man Oh, right. I forgot that. Nope, I didn't get even one level from that tree, I've tried it with the first monsters I could find. So, no core rebalances this run?
Right. No core rebalances -- we want to test this without my other tinkering involved. [edit]Though, David did say he liked the changes to Dual Wield (-20 EDR @ first level, +5 each level thereafter), so if you want to re-implement those, they'll probably definitely be there when the weapon skills are updated.
I didn't played dod in days, so no news around here. But something else this project could cover. Let's talk what will sobstitute the Enraged Diggles in the Room of Levers. I would say zombys but there already is the zomby zoo, so... Spoiler: Levers, levers everywhere Code: <room width="18" height="11" name="Room of Levers"> <row text=" ################ "/> <row text="##################"/> <row text="##...#.####.#6..##"/> <row text="#5...#..##..#7...#"/> <row text="##...#..##..#8..##"/> <row text="##3###..##..###4##"/> <row text="#..###..##..###..#"/> <row text="d...1........2...d"/> <row text="#................#"/> <row text="##################"/> <row text="##################"/> <flags minLevel="0" maxLevel="1" special="1" nomonsters="1"/> <customblocker id="grate0" name="Dwarven Educational Grate" at="3" png="dungeon/bars_iron_ew.png" description="The Dwarven Educational System is well-known for two things: its efficiency, and having more teaching equipment made out of ferrous metal than any other civilization."/> <customblocker id="grate1" name="Dwarven Educational Grate" at="4" png="dungeon/bars_iron_ew.png" description="The Dwarven Educational System is well-known for two things: its efficiency, and having more teaching equipment made out of ferrous metal than any other civilization."/> <element at="1" type="lever" id="lever0"/> <element at="2" type="lever" id="lever1"/> <loot at="5" type="artifact"/> <monster at="6" name="Enraged Diggle"/> <monster at="7" name="Enraged Diggle"/> <monster at="8" name="Enraged Diggle"/> <script> <condition condition_type="activated" activated="1" id="lever0"/> <action on="success" action_type="remove" id="lever0"/> <action on="success" action_type="remove" id="lever1"/> <action on="success" action_type="remove" id="grate0"/> </script> <script> <condition condition_type="activated" activated="1" id="lever1"/> <action on="success" action_type="remove" id="lever0"/> <action on="success" action_type="remove" id="lever1"/> <action on="success" action_type="remove" id="grate1"/> </script> </room> And what this means? I think the room must have random levers, for the sake of being in a continue state of allarm. Alternatively, we should make the content of this room not visible for the players, so they never know what they have to choise. Like a block behind the lever, or something like that. And I think that in this second option we could leave the diggles where they are, since they will stay quiet if they don't see the pc. But I don't know which block could be useful here. :edit: we have news around here: Pimpernel's Stance doesn't appear in the skillbar, since in the spelldb it's named Pimpernel's Light-On-Your-Feet Stance. I've changed the skilldb name. I hope all those new names don't need a hide and seek dedicated afternoon, lol. :re-edit: musashi stance has stats overwhelming one another, but I think this is a core bug. The Stanley Burrell Stance of Hard Beats somehow just don' want to work. I think that The Lone Ninja Law needs a dummy spell like the one I created for the werediggle, so the code is cleaner and more understandable. Instead of <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="100" name=" "/> we can use <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="100" name=" dummyloneninja"/>. It's longer but is serves the same purpose, without being unreadable by new modders. I post the errata corrige of those problems and I also edited the polearm/dagger skill trees to work like other weapons: with the <requirements weapon="7/8"/> tag. The only problem I couldn't fix is the Stanley Stance of Hard Beats. No clue what's the problem here.
OK, so. I'm pretty sure the Hard Beats stance's problem was the the "of" in the skillDB version wasn't capitalized, and in the spellDB version, it was. I fixed that, and Pimpernel's. I'm not sure what you're saying about Musashi's Blocks-All Stance, can you try again? Also, I made horribly grotesque holdover icons for Deadshot, which I've uncommented. In theory, it will break horribly and fail on multiple counts, but there's a slim hope it'll work. Please to test it and see. To make it work, you have to copy into the folder skills/rogue/deadshot (which doesn't exist on your computer yet), and then use these spellDBs and skillDBs.
Have decided to tinker with synergies with dual wielding two different weapons with skills in each. Axe + Mace is a total failure. Have better hopes for Sword + Axe. The change from procs and stats to stances and attacks is a very interesting and very positive one. Gives more flavor, makes the skill offer different stuff at each level. The damage-reducing stance level on Maces appears to not even come with a skill. EDIT: Hurr, I can read. Here's the problem: With those latest files you posted, the game tells me it can't open the icons. I did absolutely everything I could think of with them--put them in the folder, didn't put them in the folder, put them in the other folder. I don't see any change with dual wield by the way.
Hrm. What icons aren't opening? It may be that I made some new ones and forgot to upload them. I'm not going to be near my computer tomorrow and it's hella late right now, so it'll have to wait until Wednesday, but if someone can figure out what files aren't showing up, I'll upload them all.
Welcome in the party Buuu-huuuu! In the flavor text of the buff I cannot read all those stat modifiers. So, you didn't picked up my changes to daggers and polearms? They were just the prerequisite of the corrispective weapon. Plus, what I wanted to say in my previous post was: instead of using a nameless spell like Code: <spell name=" " type="self"> We could name it Code: <spell name=" dummyloneninja" type="self"> because it's an unique name, and no other mod can give conflict with this kind of names (the "spacespacedummynamespell". Also, on the end of spellDB, you have entirely copied all your new weapon spells. Which is the correct version of the spells? The upper or the lower and compacted ones?
Night every single one, since the path inside spellDB was quiet a mess. ^^' Here it is the correct spellDB (I've changed the path of every single spell). I've also put the /deadshot/ folder inside /skills/warrior/, and NOT /rogue/, since this is a warrior spell. Btw, here's also a new small icon needed by the code but not really existing. This goes directly into the main dungeons of dredmor/skills/ folder. Btw, the skill doesn't seems to be willing to work: buff don't rotate (I can just see legshot), and omniscient strike seems to just proc one buff, Soulshot. I cannot go into the deep xml sea to see any error: soon I have to depart to Slovenia for some days.
Wow...somehow I managed to write "requiretriggeronbuff" for all of the cycle elements in Deadshot. I'm a moron. If you go through and replace them with the proper "requirebuffontrigger" the first cycling buff should work. I'll post updated files later today, hopefully. Also, Omniscient Strike is suffering from the fact that each one of the Xshot buffs removes one of the, that's gonna take some wrangling.
Well, I'm pretty sure these buffs did require triggers to work. But to spontaneously start using something that doesn't work? You're almost as bad as me...