If you are one of those guys that store every item you found, even the ones you know you will never use or need again, around mid game your pocket dimension will be like a laberinth of corridors created by the items placed on the floor... also, you need to place each item manually and it take a lot of time. A way to improve this could be to create built-in chests for the pocket dimension, similar to the chest in Terraria. If you do not know how the chest in Terraria works, you can Loot All (quickly grabbing everything inside your chest until your inventory is full), Deposite All (deposites each item on the chest until it is full) or Quick Stack (it identifies with items you placed in the chest before and compare them with the ones in your inventory, then it stacks the stackable items inside the chest). The Quick Stack is very useful for creating themed chests, like one for Ingots, other for potions... I do not know if it is possible to implement it, but I will really love to have a Quick Stack option to store my items in the pocket dimension easily. Of course, this setup needs the implementation of stationary chests first.
Even just a DUMP ALL ON FLOOR button would improve life for me significantly. I tend to keep six separate craft piles (ingots/liquids/powders/widgets/gems/etc), and I simply dump out my current inventory then walk onto the six piles to get everything with auto-loot. It would at least shorten all of the shift + clicks.
I've already given my opinions on PD storage elsewhere (posting from non-linky device). Basic summary: Drop items on PD icon (with mouse shortcut, similar to the cube's alt-shift-click, available as well) sends them there without visiting, stacking them appropriately if another of the type is already there. Brax quick sell state persists into PD if entered while in a shop (and selling back picked-up/stolen items has the same behaviour as if attempted from outside PD). Easier storage, easier cleanout sales, retrieval still uses the cooldown mechanic it was designed with.