So far it's fun. Though since your asking about over all gameplay with it, if you do decide to take it for a character who mains in melee moves and only go up to chaplain it tends to be a little bland at times. You can tank all day with it, but you end up with bad dodge reduc unless you seriously build to compensate (which I could see that getting frustrating if encounter the wrong enemy) and I never need the stealth so the only power at this point which really helps me is the captain power which lets me tank more, but it doesn't feel like it changes things up much. Also it feels like if you tried leveling this trait you would seriously inhibit the ability to be roguish. Some skills may even hurt another stat a little, but this feels like it gives a rough blow to all but critical rogues. Like I said it is great fun, you get very tanky very quickly and that can help let you focus on offense really quickly, or just build more tanky things and be a ball of steel. If you don't want to be a rogue this skill can be a quick and effective way to solidify a characters survival, at a price that is fair, but limiting. Just letting you know so that if you do plan on re-balancing this some more, what you should look at is how to not hit rogues quite so hard but keeping it balanced, and maybe finding a couple of added effects which change the game up some. TLDR: Great mod, but if you rebalance, go a little easier on rogues (and if so a decent amount harder on tanks) and maybe throw in another random, passive and/or cooldown effect or two early on.
Here is your mod fixed to work as a zip. All that needed to be done was changing "SkillDB.xml" to "skillDB.xml" and "SpellDB.xml" to SpellDB.xml and finally /skills/Rogue/.. to /skills/rogue/.. The game *Really* hates uppercase names. This is the newer version, but not the most recent you posted. I can fix that one the same way I bet. But armed with the knowledge of how picky and insane this game is, I bet you will not have any problems again. (It works when unzipped because of the way the filesystem handles upper/lower case on names. In a zip if you try to get "spellDB.xml" and there is only "SpellDB.xml" it cannot find what it is looking for.) I am glad I finally looked at it. *Edit* This is from post # 30.
And here is the fixed version from post #60.
Thankyou for the help, i have really just facepalmed myself over such a silly mistake. Typical that the problem would not be the code and it would infact be the presentation.
Your code is good. And it works just fine. You may not believe how common this problem is. Some of the most popular mods out there had this problem for ages. Most are fixed now. But really, do not worry about it.
Balance is one thing I am not too good at. But many others here are excellent at it. They will fall in line and help out. Even the occasional newbie to the game can help in this regard. And sometimes they are extremely helpful. These new posts are useful for changes you are unsure of, but your really should edit your first post to include the latest and greatest stable build you have at the time. New people tend to grab the first download they see. If it does not work, they may not bother to read ahead to see if there is a fixed version. And if you look at other popular mods here, you will see great examples of what it should look like to be really impressive. (Not that any of that matters. Make it how you like.)
Yup also finally started optimising. I have thought about what you suggested and come up with the ideas of stances. For example when you reach astartes instead of it just giving you the normal buffs I am thinking of making a debuff/buff that makes it so you "put on power armour" and then you are heavier (less nimbleness) but are stronger (better armour). Same for the wizard side, make a mode where you supposedly "open your mind to the emperor" however when you do so you are weaker and less able to defend yourself. This way allowing people to choose whether they want a Rogue,warrior or mage.
Okay after looking at what you said again and the conversation in the steam page, I will say this. Be careful about how you balance this if you are going to let you toggle from rogue to tank, keep things moderate. Having a tree be a jack of all trades, but if you go from being really strong in one to really strong in the other it would then be a skill that many people would put on every character no matter how they built. As long as it doesn't make it difficult to build another way, that's fine. Just make sure it that isn't a skill that can and will be used in any build. Also I agree with your decision to fine tune this then worry about other things like items. And if you make stuff like bolter cross bows, plasma cannon wands or new classes that sounds great, but don't forget you can do those as separate mods. And on that note, don't think that since you started bringing warhammer into DoD, that you have to finish the job, that is not what I am trying to imply either. Not saying that you should or shouldn't, I'm just saying that that's your choice. Just saying don't sweat it if you want to work on something other than warhammer.
I have decided that it will not be a ultimate rogue/wizard skill, it willl still be concentrated around the warrior path. Instead of making the rogue or wizrd skill overpowered i am just going to allow the person to remove the debuffs of the mod but also lose some of the buffs in the process. This goes back to the idea that you said i shouldn't be too hard on rogues and so this ability will allow me to make a rogue spacve marine okay but not overpowered. Same as the wizard skill, while there is no debuffs for being a wizard/librarian space marine i think that i will try to buff that side because there are not many skills that cater to an early game wizard. Every time i have started a full wizard build i have found that i am killed if there are 3+ monsters whereas if i took a skill in swords i would survive, however that would not benefit me as a wizard and so this skill would be usefull to a warrior, viable to a wizard but not very useful to a rogue. This way it is not a jack of all trades but it can be used in any position with diminishing returns.
New update Added two new skills, "don the power armour" and "open your mind to the emperor". Both skills are status effects and based of the rock fist from the geology spells. I have tried to balance it out so that it is not overpowered but any feedback you can give would be great. Probably gonna take a break for a day or two and then check back and see what people think
Whenever I try to use use the mod, I get a popup that says aetherweaver32.png not found and then the game crashes. I'm using windows 7. Any help would be great. Thanks
I have an issue, lol. I've installed the mod and the modloader recognizes it, but it doesn'r show up in the skills section when I create a character. I'm running windows 7, if that helps.
I can't think of a reason... have you tried obtaining it from the workshop? If not, try that If you are still getting the error, inform me and i will reupload the version here as it might be out of date
I got the Bundle from Gamefly. It includes DoD and ROTDG. I also have the patch with YHTNEP in it. Just seems weird is all.