I'm surprised this hasn't come up anywhere -- if this is what it says it is, this is crazy. A law that keeps you from selling that T-shirt you purchased three years ago at your own garage sale?!? I don't know how legit this is, but if it's serious, this is something that every American needs to be crapping their pants about.
Technically its a supreme court case. If anybody is reading this, please sign a petition asking the government to side with the people rather than with copyright trolls and boycott all products made by John Wiley and Sons INC.
This thing is so stupid I'm starting to seriously consider the idea that the political folks drink bleach instead of water/tea/coffee/whatever. Not only in US or the country I am living in, but pretty much everywhere. Because something must've had melted their brains from the inside, there is no other explanation that would not cause us to lose faith in humanity (I mean, is there even anyone that still has faith in humanity? Or did we all just progress to the stage where we perceive the majority as crude while only perceiving people we personally [or from forums, as frequent forum users] know as "humanity"?) I won't sign that since I'm not in the US and thus my signature won't do a diddley but I wish you good luck guys.
I thought of making a thread for this one too, but I figured I had better leave it alone since every such topic I make gets closed in minutes. But I am with you on this one. If I bought it, I own it and can resell it whenever I want to. Laws be damned. This is a move to sidestep due process and make it a criminal act to do something that a product maker could sue someone for. In other words it is a way to avoid the lawsuit that would cost a boatload of money. And this BS will never pass. Even if it did, I would still buy and sell used items without a care in the world.
BTW, in case anyone missed it, read this link from the page.