
Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by CaptainCactus, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. CaptainCactus

    CaptainCactus Member

    Hello. I'm CaptainCactus. And I love the Fleshsmithing skill tree. So much so, that I thought I would make a little thread for it. ( I am completely awful at the Forum Game. :T) just for people to talk about it. Tell other people what cool things they have discovered using the SKill Tree, "How it works" in the world of Dredmor, (for example, I think the knit tissue spell literally means you whip out knitting needles and knit yourself back together). And just the skill in general. I don't know how popular it is. But regardless. Have fun.
    SkyMuffin likes this.
  2. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    fleshsmithing has something for everyone. summonable meat shields. a very strong heal. a damage over time that you can stack on boss monsters. and also, it gives you some nice resists and hp.

    with fleshbore, I imagine 10000000 little bees stinging your enemy until they die
  3. Urthdigger

    Urthdigger Member

    I love making a horde of zombie minions to distract my opponents. Rise my monster, RISE!
  4. Incompetent

    Incompetent Member

  5. I don't see why it can't be both. In fact, I happen to imagine Liechtenauer's Overhau as the hero sliding a beehive onto their sword and then smacking it as hard onto the enemy as they can, letting the bees cause bleeding damage by stinging their way out of the enemy's wound over several turns!