If Winamp was not free to use, I would just use VLC for all audio. It works perfectly and has no annoying "Let us default to trying to connect to the Internet and report "Anonymous" statistics on everything you use it for." That said, once you configure Winamp to never attempt to connect to the Internet for anything, it is a very nice and lean audio player. The video player side sucks badly though. But it has the best visualizations you could ask for. (Milkdrop.) I have never used any commercial player of any sort. iTunes is blacklisted because they are strictly commercial. If you like it, good for you. But I cannot tolerate that thing on my system. For the few of you that do not know about VLC, here is the URL. It is also the same group that is responsible for libdvdcss and x264 codecs being available freely to everyone. In short, you could *NOT* play commercial DVDs and high quality videos without buying a license if these guys were not around paving the way for you. https://www.videolan.org/ *Edit* Also libaacs and a few other things required to playback commercial Blu-ray discs too. And so much more I could write an entire thread about it. VLC is like the media playback version of the EFF. They believe you should never have to pay to playback what you own. And they make no attempt to determine if you own something. That attempt would itself violate one or more of their goals. VLC is freeware, Open sourced, and available everywhere on all platforms. I'll shut up now.
I've discovered a Drum'n'Bass artist that I freaking love the other day. Awesomeness varies between songs but the good ones are amazing. (intro ends at 1:25 and good part starts then) (this one takes a while to start off)
Well, ON, I have an iPod Touch. I'm not blind to Apple's faults, etc., but iTunes works for me and has for years. Can't be fussed changing only to still need it for my portable music stuff.
I never mentioned Apple. And what devices and software you use is your choice. I just went on a rant about VLC and why I love them so much.
Someone sent me this on my birthday and told me to rock out. I think I did, especially as I rather like the bass line. But, then again, my YT Metal playlist has this in it:
I just want to say that I've gradually been watching the 12/12/12 concert (have it on TiVo) and for the most part, it's terrific. I just can't sit in front of a television for 6 hours or however long it is, which is why I'm only about halfway through it now. Some of the highlights are already on Youtube so I thought I'd post a couple of my favorite moments from the show so far (not going to post anything I haven't actually seen yet lol). BTW, ITunes is taking preorders on the album, with all proceeds going to Hurricane Sandy relieve so there's some extra incentive to buy it -- not that I needed any, since I love so much of it so far.
She sure has none either. Is it my imagination, or does she have a pink sticker on her rear? I notice the camera cuts out any part of the first 3/4 of the song that would show her rear, then it focuses on that like a billboard for the rest. Odd.
Just want to say that the album for the 12/12/12 concert was released, and I'm sitting here listening to it right now. The only complaint I have is that they cut too many good songs (worst decision ever was leaving Paul McCartney with only one track). And someone decided that it would be a good idea to leave in the Adam Sandler/Paul Shaeffer travesty (Someone ought to be assigned to keep Sandler FAR away from a microphone, the next time he shows up at a concert). The good news is that, at least, they did make him sound far, far better than he did live. Still, why leave in Sandler and cut so much Mccartney? One other plus -- they DID leave out all of Kanye West -- that was so awful that I had to fast-forward through it while watching the concert. I thought maybe, just maybe, I was too old to appreciate it, but it turns out that just about everyone reviewing the album on I-tunes said the same thing about his performance.
I am so very confused right now... There is room to interpret that in a hundred ways. None of them make any sense though.
There's only one correct one. The guy sang that song to try and get people to buy from his stall in a British market. No, really.
That is so absurd that... I actually like it! Did I say that? I'm almost ashamed to admit that now. I'm curious now if the guy actually owns a fish stall in a market. It is like an advertisement -- one of those old late night advertisements that you are never quite sure if they are jokes or if they are serious.
That music video came about 8-9 months after the original (AFAIK), where he's shown in front of a fish stall. And he'd obviously been doing it for some time before being recorded.
I sometimes listen to comedy while playing games (now that Pandora has comedy on it). Way back when, EVERYONE in my family (except maybe my brother who was too young to appreciate it at the time) loved the Smothers Brothers. Anyway, they recently came up and it made me feel nostalgic, so I figured I'd share some.